> Elenarussia
QR код в образовательном процессе. QR Codes in Education. 666Share0 9 Title: “QR Codes in Education”Author: David HopkinsWord count: 14,600 approx. (105 pages)Price eBook: $1.50 / £0.99Price Paperback: $7.99 / £4.99Publish date: May 28, 2013Edition: 2nd: publ.
October 28, 2013Available: Paper and eBook editions available from the following online stores: Amazon.com (print & eBook)Amazon.co.uk (print & eBook)Createspace (print) Book description:These black and white squares have appeared everywhere from billboards at the side of the road, roof tops, cola cans, buses, magazines, etc. So why not in your library, textbook, assignment, project, or classroom display? Using computers and technology in educational environments can be exciting and challenging. David Hopkins has developed a respected reputation among educational technology networks for his use and research into the uses of QR Codes.
Using QR codes to create educational posters. I have been pondering how to use QR codes in the classroom.
My favorite use being to tape QR codes into old textbooks to make them relevant. The code pictured below goes to a YouTube video with directions on how to do those math problems. Note: I used a super sticky post it label so I wouldn’t damage my book and then taped the QR code on top of that. While brainstorming ways QR codes can be used in the classroom I started making posters. I was thinking I can make some sort of visual that would make a nice info poster for any subject… which is when I thought it would be fun to make samples. Here is one for an English class, keep in mind these are just samples made by a math teacher. Code.org's video with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Will.i.am. Image by opensource.com Coding is the language of the future, with the power to create and modify the computer programs and websites that increasingly shape our day-to-day lives.
While millions of people in the United States spend hours each day engaged with interactive technologies, relatively few truly understand how they work; and fewer take an active role in developing software and websites. Still, some organizations are advocating more be done to teach young people about computer programing and coding. It is no secret that younger generations, born into an age of smartphone apps and near-ubiquitous Internet access, tend to be more enthusiastic and adept at using new technologies than their parents and grandparents.
The key word here is "using" technology, as opposed to creating new programs and reimagining existing processes. Today's children tend to be passive consumers of software and web pages created for a profit by private companies.
QRHacker.com - Pimp & measure your code!
QR Codes for practicing the teens: Farm style!
We’ve still got a few kids working to learn the teen numbers. I came up with one more activity to help them master this skill. We’re also knee deep in our farm unit, so I added some cute pigs to the activity to make it a little more fun.
QR Codes for Sight Words: Attaching audio files. One of the first obstacles I encountered as I was thinking about ways to use QR codes with preschoolers was using information that didn’t require reading.
I knew that if I really wanted to have fun with QR codes with my students, I was going to have to find an easy way to attach an audio file to the QR code so that my children wouldn’t have to read the information they received when they scanned a code. After much research and clicking on the internet, I finally found something that worked. Here’s my final product. Keep reading below to find out how I put it together. First I needed to find a website that would let me record an audio file online and store it at a particular URL.
QRpedia. QRpedia is a mobile Web based system which uses QR codes to deliver Wikipedia articles to users, in their preferred language.[1][2][3] QR codes can easily be generated to link directly to any Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), but the QRpedia system adds further functionality.
It is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Wikimedia UK (WMUK). QRpedia was conceived by Roger Bamkin, a Wikipedia volunteer, coded by Terence Eden, and unveiled in April 2011. It is currently in use at museums and other institutions in countries including Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. The project's source code is freely reusable under the MIT License.
Coolcatteacher.sharedby.co/share/zRy67y. 2 Simple Ways To Use QR Codes In Education. QR codes are a great and easy way to share digital materials and resources within your classroom. I use it in 2 different ways. 1.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: QR Code Classroom Implementation Guide. QR Code Mysteries. Recently I came across a resource through my PLN (Professional Learning Network) on Twitter that gave me an idea for Black History Month.
If you are an educator and you are not on Twitter we need to talk! Using a resource shared by James Gubbons that was originally created by Tony Vincent I decided to introduce QR Codes to the 4th grade students. We talked about what a "quote" was and referenced some famous quotes. I brought the iPads in and displayed some of the mystery quotes from Tony's website around the room. The students worked in pairs to scan the QR codes to find missing words from famous quotes. The students then created their very own quotes, with "mystery" missing parts just like the ones we scanned. They did a great job!
QR Code Classroom Implementation Guide. QR Codes (Quick Response Codes) are just barcodes.
There is nothing fancy about them. Just like the grocery store clerk uses barcodes to look up the product and scan the price into the computer, your mobile device or computer can look up QR codes to: take you to a website, read some text, give you a phone number, or generate a text message. QR Codes are barcodes of information that hardlink the physical world with the online world. They are considered a form of simple augmented reality.
Творческое применение QR-кодов. QR Codes. Солнечный QR-код в память о Стиве Джобсе откроют в Петербурге 9 января - в день презентации первого iPhone. Блог преподавателя Петровой Натальи Захаровны. QR codes in education SmartBlogs. Senior education editor Melissa Greenwood is blogging this week from ACTE’s CareerTech VISION 2012 conference in Atlanta, Ga.
Here is a blog inspired by a recent conference session on student engagement. Does school have to be fun? No, but it should be engaging, according to Tim Dwyer of Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology. Dwyer recently presented the session “Sharing Creative Ways to Engage Students” at CareerTech Vision 2012 where he offered innovative ideas for increasing student engagement and success.
While Dwyer shared a range of strategies, including team-based learning and tests that give students partial credit for partial knowledge, it was his discussion of the role that quick response codes, or QR codes, play in his automotive class that struck me — and other attendees — as particularly interesting.
QR Codes: In the Classroom. I’ve written previously about QR Codes, what they are, and how we might use them.
I’ve met and chatted with Andy Ramsden of Bath University and seen how they have integrated them into the assignment and feedback process. I saw two links this morning on Twitter that sparked my interest again, both from @psychemedia which has made me realise that I need to brain-dump my thoughts on how these wonderful little codes can be utilised in the classroom.
QR Codes: The nuts and bolts #QRCode #edtech #ukedchat. I’ve had some amazing discussions with some colleagues recently about QR Codes and how we can use them.
When I got over the initial “huh?” Response as to what they are, and they understood that the code can contain type of data, we started to get somewhere really quite quickly. So, this post is really to consolidate my previous posts and to make it slightly more graphical – images are often easier to follow.
QRpedia - Language-detecting & mobile-friendly Wikipedia QR codes. Революционный генератор QR-кодов — разработка для ярких и креативных. TagMyDoc. 50 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes to Support Learning. QuickMark QR Code Reader - Barcode Scanner - Read barcode from WebCam.
QuickMark for PC is a powerful, yet easy to use PC application that lets you decode multiple popular 2D & 1D barcode formats via a image file (drag & drop), a screen capture, or your webcam. Not only does QuickMark let you scan barcodes, it also allows you to create your own 2D barcodes via a simple interface. Several useful user configurable options are also available, such as an output mode to use a webcam for automatic keyboard input. The Standard Edition is free and packs a bunch of features, download it now!
If you have previously used QuickMark for WebCam beta, you might be interested in checking out some of the following new features: 1D Barcode Support Besides the popular 2D barcode formats such as Quick Code, QR Code, and Data Matrix, you can now also decode 1D barcodes. With the support for ISBN, you can use QuickMark with your favorite online book reading community, such as: aNobii, LibraryThing, and many more! File Mode (Decode via Drag & Drop)
QR Code Generator. Make a QR Code. Create a QR Code. QR Code. Generate QR Code. QR Code Tracking. - Delivr. QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers.
Афиша из QR-кода — Look At Me — Посты — поток «Наука и Технологии»
Этой осенью на улицах города появятся необычные афиши киноконцертного зала «Космонавт». Афиши состоят из кода и очень удобны в обращении.
20 способов использования QR-кодов — Look At Me — Посты — поток «Интернет»
Лично я узнала, что такое QR-код, год назад от одного моего бразильского приятеля.
Павлозавр: бизнес-ископаемое… » Blog Archive » 8 простых способов использования QR-кодов для рекламы в малом бизнесе. Павлозавр: бизнес-ископаемое… » Blog Archive » КРЕАТИВНЫЙ QR-КОД. Create a Mobile Language Lesson With QR Voice. QR коды в образовании. 14 полезных для маркетолога фактов о QR-кодах.
Апрель 28, 2011. Рубрика: Теория На недавно прошедшем мероприятии для маркетологов под названием SES New York, Angie Schottmuller (специалист по социальным медиа и мобильному маркетингу) рассказывала о применении QR-кодов в мобильном маркетинге. Ниже краткими тезисами приведены 14 основополагающих принципов, которые помогут вам начать компанию по работе с 2D баркодами (штрих кодами). 1.
Tools And Resources For Creating Infographics.
Infographics. You have probably seen them before. There are so many out there on a wide variety of topics. Here are just a few.
APPitic - 1,800+ EDUapps. QR Codes in the Classroom. 2012: QR Codes in Higher Education. An application was sent by myself and Dr. Milena Bobeva of Bournemouth University to the Higher Education Academy (www.heacademy.ac.uk) in response to their 2011 call for funding applications to run a workshop where we would be able to: “offer the opportunity for knowledge transfer and development of new skills and ideas through networking with people interested in QR Codes as a new form of communication channel.”
The workshop is designed to take the participants on a journey of discovery, tailored to their own QR Code experience. It is suitable for both people who are new to the concept of QR Codes and those who have substantial experience and would like to build a network to extend the use of QR Codes in education through collaboration in joint projects. The workshop website – bs1.bmth.ac.uk/QRCodes/ – has more details and links for registering for a ticket, but I will keep this page for updates, resources, and my presentation(s) to the workshop. Presentations. Poster: QR Codes in Education – the Business School Experience (@milenabobeva)
Another poster I am involved in at today’s ‘Excellent education: the heart of the student experience‘ Conference at Bournemouth University is on our work using QR Codes with the student in and around their final year Project (with Milena Bobeva: @milenabobeva).
The poster, titled “QR codes in education: The Business School experience” builds on research and testing of QR Codes in a learning environment, and also on my blog here – see the Resource page for a page of resources, Delicious tags, etc.
2012: ABS Learning & Teaching Conference. Presentations. QR Codes. I’ve been working on and around the use of QR Codes in education for a while now, and have produced a few blog posts of my own which you can see linked below.
HR&Trainings EXPO & Центр eLearning - sibelena - Почта Mail.Ru. QR code. Блог о QR-маркетинге, QR-кодах и мобильных технологиях. Генератор QR-кодов со сливками. Преобразование документов или презентаций в QR-коды.
Цветной QR-код.