URL Shortener and Link Management Platform. PhotoSpeak App - The Techie Teacher. PhotoSpeak is a FREE app that can make photographs COME ALIVE.
Warning: It is seriously creepy. This app literally transfers any portrait photo into a 3D moving avatar. PhotoSpeak compares its products to the talking pictures seen in Harry Potter's Hogwarts castle. Check out a few Famous Americans first graders worked on today (The first one was my example that I showed them before starting the project): I find that younger students have a hard time coming up with what to say before recording. Need a quick and easy grading rubric? Leading the Smart Video Revolution. Say hello to your animated self. Explain Everything™ Collaborative Interactive Whiteboard App. AutoDraw. ShowMe - The Online Learning Community. Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class! Favorite Sites for Free Clipart and Photos.
I use a lot of visuals in my work.
I prefer to use my own photographs and to draw my own illustrations. When it's not practical or possible to use my own work, I rely on a handful of websites that provide copyright friendly images. Those images are licensed as public domain or Creative Commons Attribution. Images that are licensed as public domain do not require any citation. When a creator gives his or her image a public domain license, he or she waives all rights to the image, including the right to attribution. Images with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license can be shared and reused as long as attribution is given.
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Class Charts Attendance is a powerful module that allows teachers to quickly take AM/PM and lesson attendance directly within Class Charts Class Charts Wellbeing provides teachers, pupils and parents with a simple and easy way to report and highlight concerns they may have around wellbeing. Stormboard - Online Brainstorming and Planning. Add a sticky note and post it online with dot voting. Spaaze - Collect, Organize, Share. PDFescape - Free PDF Editor & Free PDF Form Filler. Come i prof possono costruire un sito per la classe #3 - GRIMPO! Aggiungiamo un altro tassello alla nostra rassegna per la costruzione di siti di classe da parte dei docenti.
Se hai perso le precedenti puntate non preoccuparti, eccoti i link: Vogliamo ribadire (specialmente a te che per la prima volta arrivi sul nostro sito) che siamo convinti sostenitori della didattica digitale e degli strumenti per attuarla. Ne abbiamo parlato in diverse occasioni e ci piace indicarti quali sono i presupposti teorici e di analisi che ci guidano: Oggi procediamo presentando un altro interessante strumento oltre a quello già presentato. SchoolRack Stiamo parlando di SchoolRack. SchoolRack è un sistema non molto conosciuto in Italia ma diffuso specialmente negli USA (dove, bisogna ammetterlo, sul tema della digitalizzazione didattica sono molto più avanti di noi!). Playbuzz: Authoring Platform for Interactive Storytelling.
Localingual: listen to the voices of the world. Ludwig - Find your Sentence. Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class! Plickers. Tutte Le App In Un Solo Spazio... - Lessons - TES Teach. Technology Task/App Challenges for Teachers. Free Online Quiz Tool - Easily Create Online Quizzes · Qzzr. Inspired by the principles of Design for All. Winpenpack: un coltellino svizzero di software pronti all'uso e gratis.
Ciò che andiamo a vedere adesso rappresenta una soluzione ad una serie di problemi spesso sottovalutati in contesto informatico: avere a portata di mano utility e applicazioni pronte all'uso per svariate funzionalità.
Spesso a scuola ci capita di utilizzare pc su cui non abbiamo autorizzazione ad installare applicazioni o molto pi spesso ci capita di imbatterci in situazioni paradossali in cui vorremmo avere per le mani l'applicazione giusta ed anche gratuita.WinPenPack è un kit di centinaia di applicazioni portabili che possono essere utilizzate senza doverle installare sul pc ma eseguendole direttamente da una memoria esterna. L'obiettivo di WinPenPack è semplice: avere tutto in una pendrive pronto all'uso e utilizzabile su qualsiasi PC windows. LetsApp. TheLearnia - Free Online Whiteboard. InstaGrok.com. Bouncy Balls - Bounce balls with your microphone! Digital Publishing Software for interactive ebooks,apps,HTML5. Free Online Animated GIF Maker - Make GIF Images Easily.
Stormboard - Online Brainstorming and Planning. Add a sticky note and post it online with dot voting. Stickymoose. Flipgrid. Musica Per Video Senza Copyright: Dove Trovare Mu... (Esempio) - MindMeister. Create Interactive Online Presentations & free Infographic software. HTML5 Animations, download & Publish. Create and share visual ideas online. Create Easy Infographics, Reports, Presentations. Free Infographic Maker - Venngage. SlideSpeech, presentations with voice. Storybird - Artful Storytelling. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. Keep Calm and Carry On Official Store Create & Design Your Own Products! Created by me. <div class="container"><h1>Kahoot!
Needs JavaScript to work</h1><p> To use Kahoot! , you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. To enable JavaScript, please do the following: </p><ul><li><a href=" these instructions</a>. </li><li>Make sure you have the <a href=" browser</a>. </li><li>Turn off or disable the NoScript extension, if you have it. You're using an old web browser unsupported by . Create new Kahoot! Mrpearse.com. EDpuzzle. A Menagerie of Chrome Extensions. Formative. User emiliana.rufo - Free Quiz Maker. Worksheet Generator. Crea il tuo ebook online. Piano Office 365 Education. Ricercare e produrre - Presentazioni Google. Desktop Nexus Wallpapers - Background Images, Wallpaper, Desktop Wallpapers, Computer Backgrounds. EduCanon. Skitch. Educreations. Create timelines, share them on the web. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines.
Log in to Storify. Animoto - Video Maker & Photo Slideshow Maker. Storybird - Artful Storytelling. Glogster: Multimedia Posters. Learn. Cremit-mappatura applicativi. 4 New "Effective Teaching" Methods To WOW Your Students by PowToon! Effective Teaching: Hold Your Students’ Attention So Powerfully They’ll Beg You To Stay Longer In Class (Hey Awesome educators!
Don’t forget to COMMENT below and let us know which of our 4 tips you’ll use in your classrooms this week. The whole tribe would love to hear your insights!) Imagine the following 2 scenarios: 1. 2. At the end of the post you’ll learn exactly what these 2 actions were, but I have to warn you: They’ll only work if you use these 4 quick effective teaching tips of a new method we discovered. Click here to make a PowToon to WOW your class now » 1. The reason it’s so hard for teachers to grab their students attention is because most teachers make the classic’About A Topic’ mistake. The solution is not to teach’About A Topic’ but instead to teach’For The Student’. Here’s a quick start to use the Desire Method.