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Galleria 3D Sketchup. Paolo Soleri. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Paolo Soleri (Torino, 21 giugno 1919 – Cosanti, 9 aprile 2013) è stato un architetto, scrittore, scultore, urbanista e artista italiano. Subito dopo la laurea in architettura, nel 1947 si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti dove conosce e frequenta Frank Lloyd Wright. Nel 1956 si trasferisce in Arizona con la famiglia, dove fonda prima la Cosanti Foundation e nel 1970 Arcosanti, un prototipo di città per 5.000 persone, basata sui concetti dell'arcologia (architettura e ecologia).
Si ispira principalmente alla frugalità di risorse e di energia per vivere sfruttando il meno possibile l'ambiente e impostare un cammino etico per il futuro dell'uomo. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Tornato in Italia nel 1950, vi ha progettato una delle sue poche concrete realizzazioni, la fabbrica di ceramiche "Solimene" a Vietri sul Mare, in cui oltre agli influssi della tematica wrightiana si possono leggere componenti formali derivate da Gaudí[senza fonte]. Arcosanti : Home. Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti : The City in the Image of Man. 70 miles north of Phoenix, in central Arizona lies an experimental town created by Paolo Soleri, intended to house 5,000 people.
Arcosanti is the study of the concept of arcology, which combines architecture and ecology. The intensions of this community is to form a gestalt that houses the relations and interactions that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. One of the most imaginative thinkers of our time, Paolo Soleri has dedicated his life to addressing the ecological and social concerns raised by modern urban existence. Soleri’s career contains significant accomplishments in the fields of architecture and urban planning, and his groundbreaking philosophical writings on arcology, the co-presence of architecture with ecology, continues to garner interest globally.
GOOGLE. Let me google that for you. Architectural policy. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation: Steven Johnson: 9781594485381: Amazon.com. Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work. In the late nineteen-forties, Alex Osborn, a partner in the advertising agency B.B.D.O., decided to write a book in which he shared his creative secrets. At the time, B.B.D.O. was widely regarded as the most innovative firm on Madison Avenue. Born in 1888, Osborn had spent much of his career in Buffalo, where he started out working in newspapers, and his life at B.B.D.O. began when he teamed up with another young adman he’d met volunteering for the United War Work Campaign.
By the forties, he was one of the industry’s grand old men, ready to pass on the lessons he’d learned. His book “Your Creative Power” was published in 1948. An amalgam of pop science and business anecdote, it became a surprise best-seller. “Your Creative Power” was filled with tricks and strategies, such as always carrying a notebook, to be ready when inspiration struck. The book outlined the essential rules of a successful brainstorming session.
The results were telling. Publio Decio Mure (console 312 a.C.) Mauro Ambrosi - 1999 - Commento al "Decius" di Lucio Accio. La devotio di Publio Decio Mure (295 a.C.)