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Aurelia. jQuery Adaptive Modal by Pete R. Chartist - Simple responsive charts. You may think that this is just yet an other charting library.

Chartist - Simple responsive charts

But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Highly customizable responsive charts Facts about Chartist The following facts should give you an overview why to choose Chartists as your front-end chart generator: Simple handling while using convention over configurationGreat flexibility while using clear separation of concerns (Style with CSS & control with JS)Usage of SVG (Yes! These projects and wrapper libraries are known to me right now that either use Chartist.js or wrap them into a library for usage in a framework.

Cross-browser support Note that CSS3 animations on SVG CSS attributes are not supported on all browsers and the appearance may vary. Browserify. Wakanda. Gulp.js - the streaming build system. Keypress: A Javascript library for capturing input. The first thing to do is include the JavaScript file in your page.

Keypress: A Javascript library for capturing input

Once you've got that loaded in, you'll want to start by instantiating a listener: var listener = new window.keypress.Listener(); Once you've done that you can register combos with that listener you've created. The simplest way to do that is using the simple_combo API. It takes a space dilineated string or an array of strings of key names that describe your combo. Listener.simple_combo("shift s", function() { console.log("You pressed shift and s"); }); listener.counting_combo("tab space", function(e, count) { console.log("You've pressed this " + count + " times. "); }); listener.sequence_combo("up up down down left right left right b a enter", function() { lives = 30; }, true); If you only want to use Keypress for some very simple keyboard shortcuts, that's all you need to know! Arbor.js. Jeditable - Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery. Hi!

Jeditable - Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery

My name is Jeditable and I am inplace editor plugin for jQuery. With few lines of JavaScript code I allow you to click and edit the content of different html elements. I am based on Dylan Verheul’s editable. For those in hurry download latest source or minified. For bleeding edge version check GitHub. How does in place editing work? Normal flow is this.

Basic usage While reading you might also want to check live demo. <div class="edit" id="div_1">Dolor</div><div class="edit_area" id="div_2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. There is only one mandatory parameter. MixItUp - A CSS3 and JQuery Filter & Sort Plugin. Breeze.js. Curso de jQuery (2): Selectores, Primera Parte. Por un selector entendemos en jQuery lo mismo que en CSS: una forma de permitirnos elegir un elemento (o varios) entre todos los que tenemos en nuestro documento HTML.

Curso de jQuery (2): Selectores, Primera Parte

¿Para qué? Para luego poder aplicar sobre los elementos seleccionados diversas funciones. Es decir, jQuery utiliza el poder de los selectores para acceder de una manera rápida y sencilla a un elemento o grupo de elementos del DOM (Document Object Model) y luego poder aplicar sobre los mismos cualquier tipo de instrucción, evento, animación, etc…. Por ejemplo, para aplicar la clase “enlace” a todos los elementos “a” que se encuentren dentro de un elemento “p”. Haríamos: Pero vamos a empezar desde el principio.

Antes de nada es importante saber que el DOM (Document Object Model, el esqueleto de nuestra página web) utiliza una estructura de árbol para definir las relaciones entre sus elementos, en la que tenemos padres, hijos, etc… Por ejemplo: $(‘selector’) Selectores CSS Selectores propios de jQuery Otros capítulos del curso. Browserify. D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. A date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap. While developing Improvely, having all the components of Twitter Bootstrap at hand pre-styled was a great time saver.

A date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap

I was in need of a dropdown menu to choose date ranges for reports, and wanted something that would match the existing dropdown and button styles of Bootstrap: thus came about this date range picker component. Download it at GitHub. For basic use cases like collecting event or reservation dates, you can attach it to a text input to pop up two clickable calendars to choose dates from. For more advanced use cases, you can attach a date range picker to any element, pre-define your own date ranges for the user to choose from, and set a custom callback function to receive the chosen dates. In 2013, the Date Range Picker was updated with many new options, including a time picker, min/max dates and max range, localization of all buttons/labels, dropdowns to jump between months/years and more.

Usage: The examples below show how to use the (optional) options and callback parameters.