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Best of the Week Cute Animal Pictures #3. 6 Creepy Animal Behaviors That Science Can't Explain. Animals do a lot of strange things: dogs will go after their own butts for hours, some fish fly and if some people are to be believed, sheep have the amazing ability to attract New Zealanders and Scotsmen.

6 Creepy Animal Behaviors That Science Can't Explain

But there are some things about the animal world that leave the smartest of us scratching their heads in puzzlement saying, "Fucked if I know... " One of the major things that separate humans from animals is that most lower life forms have an intense will to live. Unless they are defending their babies or food, most animals will prefer to run off than fight, because life is precious. Plus, given the fact that most don't really appear to be all that self aware, the likelihood of goth hamsters and emo pigeons seems pretty thin. Then why do some animals just up and decide to off themselves sometimes?

And lets not forget Jatinga, India, where hundreds of birds from several species dive into the ground to kill themselves every year. How Long Has This Been Going On? Annoying animals. 11 Animals Posing for Pictures from Look What I Found. 1. Kangaroos don't get this sexy by accident 2. For the Christmas Card. URGENT TAKE ACTION: Wisconsin Wolves Under Siege! Update: March 6, 2012 The vote will be held today in BOTH the Wisconsin Senate and House.

URGENT TAKE ACTION: Wisconsin Wolves Under Siege!

Please continue to call and express your outrage over both awful bills. Thanks so much for your efforts, I know it’s hard to be deluged with bad news all the time but we must keep trying for the wolves, we can’t abandon them! Update: March 5, 2012 Lets get busy today and contact as many Wisconsin Senators and Representatives as possible. Wisconsin wolves need your help and quick! The Assembly bill is up for a vote on Tuesday, March 6, 2012. Please contact members of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly and the sponsors of these bills. Please vote NO to this piece of trash legislation.” The Wolves are Coming. The wolves are coming...

The Wolves are Coming

Their feet are falling on forgotten paths, their long-lost voices are filling the sky. While their yellow eyes cut through the night, they leave their tracks on the muddy riversides. The forest whispers of their return, of their attempt to restore themselves in Creation, to weave themselves back into the web of life that connects all living things. Their teeth are seeking out their pray tonight, the deer and the elk, the cattle and sheep, and they will leave blood and bones scattered in their wake. Top Ten Pets. 5 Lovable Animals You Didn't Know Are Secretly Terrifying.

If there’s two things Cracked is all about, it’s fucked up animals and dongs.

5 Lovable Animals You Didn't Know Are Secretly Terrifying

And since they won’t let me write “The 7 Most Fucked Up Animal Dongs,” (Editor's Note: Only because it's been written already) I had to settle for focusing on just the animal stuff. So hey, here you go: Here’s a bunch of adorable animals that will probably nonetheless scar you for life. Let's skip the pleasantries and get right down to hyperventilating and swearing at nature, shall we?

Bears are pretty intrinsically scary, but come on – look at that guy! That’s not a bear, that’s a fat raccoon. Holy shit! If there was a color-coded scale for cuteness like there is for Terror Alert Levels, the red fox would be at Level Orange: way above Adorable Bomb Threat and just half a notch below Snuggle Jihad. I would name him Mr. Now, here’s the sound he makes: If you came of age in a small town, you’re probably already familiar with the sound red foxes make.

Guy de Maupassant : Pierrot. MAUPASSANT, Guy de : Pierrot (ce conte parut le 09 octobre 1882, dans le journal Le Gaulois) SAISIE DU TEXTE : Sylvie Pestel pour la collection électronique de la Bibliothèque municipale de Lisieux (16.05.1995).

Guy de Maupassant : Pierrot

ADRESSE : Bibliothèque municipale - B.P. 216 - 14107 Lisieux cedex.- TEL. : MINITEL : -E-MAIL : Diffusion libre et gratuite (freeware) Pierrot par Guy de MAUPASSANT à Henri Roujon Mme Lefèvre était une dame de campagne, une veuve, une de ces demi-paysannes à rubans et à chapeaux à falbalas, de ces personnes qui parlent avec des cuirs, prennent en public des airs grandioses, et cachent une âme de brute prétentieuse sous des dehors comiques et chamarrés, comme elles dissimulent leurs grosses mains rouges sous des gants de soie écrue. Elle avait pour servante une brave campagnarde toute simple, nommée Rose. Les deux femmes habitaient une petite maison à volets verts, le long d'une route, en Normandie, au centre du pays de Caux.

DIVERS – Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux (Sélection. Cutest bear attack ever. Pet-Cost-FINAL.jpg from Moral behavior in animals. Animals Before And After Rescue Pictures.