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33 DIY Fire Pit Ideas. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to invite friends and family over, and gather around the fire pit.

33 DIY Fire Pit Ideas

They’re great for making s’mores and they give you that great outdoors feeling in the comfort of your own backyard! I’m definitely planning on making my own this year. Here’s 33 DIY fire pit ideas and tutorials to help you get those DIY juices flowing… What’s YOUR favorite fire pit idea? Let me know in the comments or simply “PIN” your favorite idea right on the page here. ---------- Sponsored Links ---------- #1 Paver Fire Pit #2 Large Square Fire Pit #3 Deep, Round Fire Pit #4 Different Sized Paver Fire Pit #5 Propane Fire Pit from Copper Fittings and a Flower Pot #6 Fire Pit on a budget. DIY Natural Log Stove. You don’t need a modern and expensive stove in order to cook something delicious in the backyard.

DIY Natural Log Stove

Just transform a log into the most efficient natural stove out there. And there isn’t so much hard work to achieve that. Use a chainsaw (although a simple axe will do the trick, but will require twice the work) to cut a star into the sturdy log. With 4 cross cuts carefully placed not to go all the way through the log, you will get the desired pattern. DIY Outdoor Brick Oven From Recycled Materials. My husband had wanted to build a pizza oven ever since he saw one at River Cottage, so we decided we would build one in as part of the permaculture design for the garden.

DIY Outdoor Brick Oven From Recycled Materials

The garden isn't very big and the position it is in, is really the only place it could go. We had a plan from the internet but it was pretty useless, so we built it in the room available to us. The garden is about Earthcare, growing our own food and lessening our footprint on the earth, and it also touches on Peoplecare and Fairshare but the pizza oven is different, it is reaching all the ethics so deeply. The 'how to' bit. Affordable Housing Made From Shipping Pallets. Remember the efficient and affordable Pallet House from last spring?

Affordable Housing Made From Shipping Pallets

Well designers Andreas Claus Schnetzer and Pils Gregor have bested their original design with an even lower-cost shipping pallet home that was completed this year in South Africa. The 'Slumtube' utilizes discarded pallets along with other local materials like clay and straw to make an insulated and affordable home that can withstand the extremely hot and cold temperatures of Johannesburg. Schnetzer and Gregor built upon what they learned from constructing modular pallet houses, improving upon their original design to make it even more affordable.

In previous designs, the pallets were used as floors, walls, ceilings and cladding, but they required sturdy wood beams, which were the most expensive part of the home. Forage / Wild. Urban Gardening. Medicinal plants & herbs. How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres. By Andy Whiteley Co-Founder of Wake Up World The quality and accessibility of our food supply is a mounting issue today.

How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres

With GMOs, chemical pesticides and low-nutrition processed foods now commonplace in the mainstream supply, taking control of your own food supply is one of the smartest things you can do – for your health and for your hip pocket. So, with limited space, how can we create an independent food supply? I recently came across this amazing video of a man, urban farmer Will Allen, who has figured out a self-sustaining system that can grow 1 million pounds of food every year, on just 3 acres of land, using the symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a re-circulating system. How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet. On many occasions, we've been tempted to grow our own potatoes.

How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet

They're fairly low maintenance, can be grown in a pot or in the ground, last a fairly long time if stored properly, and can be very nutritious (high in potassium and vitamin C). Here's more incentive: according to this article, you can grow 100 pounds of potatoes in 4 sq. feet. Learn how after the jump... According to this article from the Seattle Times, potatoes planted inside a box with this method can grow up to 100 pounds of potatoes in just 4 square feet.

All that is required: Lumber Seed potatoes Soil Careful attention to watering The Times' guide for building a potato growing box yields up to a 100 lbs. of potatoes in a mere 4 square feet is shown below: 10 Simple, Cheap Home Gardening Innovations to Set You on the Path to Food Independence. Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterWaking Times The issue of food quality and food independence is of critical importance these days, and people are recognizing just how easy and fun it is to grow your own food at home.

10 Simple, Cheap Home Gardening Innovations to Set You on the Path to Food Independence

When renegade gardener Ron Finley said, “growing your own food is like printing money,” he was remarking on the revolutionary nature of re-establishing control over your health and your pocket book as a means of subverting the exploitative and unhealthy food systems that encourage the over-consumption of processed and fast foods. Thanks to the internet, the availability of parts and materials, and good old-fashioned ingenuity, there is a wide range of in-home, and in-apartment, gardening systems that are easy to construct and maintain, and that can provide nutritious, organic, and low-cost food for you and your family.

Aquaponics Read: Aquaponic Gardening: A Step-By-Step Guide to Raising Vegetables and Fish Together Vertical Gardening Simple Greenhouse Designs Composting. Small veggie plots, big rewards. The urban guide to being self sufficient'ish. This is an easy recipe to follow and creates a delightful, if not usual tasting beer.

The urban guide to being self sufficient'ish

It is very cheap to make and follows a traditionally english recipe. Before hops were widely used in the 17th century all sorts of plant were used to flavor the ale including nettles. (Urtica dioica). It was also thought to help alleviate rheumatic pain, gout and asthma. Nettle beer has become more popular in recent years (we would like to think we helped influence that!). Ingredients 900grams (2lb) young nettle tops 3.8lts (1 gallon) of water 230 grams (8oz) of sugar, brown or demarrara sugar works best. 7.5 grams (0.25oz) of fresh yeast small piece of toast 7.5 grams (0.25oz) of ground ginger Method Boil the nettle tops in the water for half an hour (you will need a very large pan for this or preferably a cauldron). Keeping the mixture, strain and add sugar, stirring to dissolve. Spread the yeast onto the toast and float on the surface of the nettle liquid. False Economy. Hydrogen Peroxide. Green, Frugal, Self-Sufficient Living.
