Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits. Wereable. Soft Circuits & Wearables. Makerspace Project - Make a Light Saber Using Paper Circuits. Great STEM Project Making paper circuit light sabers are great for boys and girls of all ages.
Paper Circuits & LED Projects. Squishy Circuits. E-TEXTILE. DESIGN SQUAD . Parents & Educators. Paper Circuits For Makerspaces. Paper Circuits using Circuit Stickers – CC Jie Qi Flickr FREE – Get (5) Paper Circuit Project Templates Plus a Few BONUSES A paper circuit is a low-voltage electronic circuit that is created on paper or cardboard using conductive copper tape, LEDs and a power source such as a coin-cell battery. Maker Ed's Resource Library. » Become a Sponsor Disclaimer: Maker Ed’s online Resource Library contains links to third-party organizations, companies, and commercial products.
By including these resources, Maker Ed intends to highlight their potential value to the maker education community, rather than to provide an endorsement. The library is independently managed by Maker Ed staff, who adhere to a set of guidelines to ensure that all third-party resources are primarily informational, rather than promotional, in nature. Making in Michigan Libraries. We’ll be developing a maker handbook as a deliverable in our project.
Here are some handouts we’ve developed to date. CoderKids, un laboratorio di programmazione unplugged per i bambini di 5-6 anni – BRICKS. DRAWING WITH CONDUCTIVE INK: 4 Steps (with Pictures) AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords.
Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. Paper Circuit! Make Paper Circuit LED Lanterns - Tinker Crate Project Instructions. Crazy Circuits. Crazy Circuits is a non-soldering electronic learning platform that allows people to create circuits from almost any material they can imagine.
Circuits From Scratch. Up to this point, we’ve focused on the mechanics of electronics — wiring and soldering — skirting around the theory by following some shortcuts and recipes.
It’s sufficient for many folks’ needs. Learning the underlying principles creates opportunities for using other battery types (including rechargeables) and achieving longer run times. Or maybe you’re just curious! There’s some reading, new terms and a little bit of math involved, but nothing onerous. Science! Paper Circuits For Makerspaces - Makerspaces.com. Search. Hi low tech. Tutorial: How to pattern foam costumes. Thanks for all the nice comments!
Electra Designs Corsetry. Complete and accurate measurements are essential to the creation of a properly fitting corset that is both flattering and comfortable.
If possible, please ask a trusted friend, family member, or tailor to take your measurements for you, as they will be more accurate than measurements you take yourself. Please be honest with your measurements. No one will see them except me, and to me they are only numbers. Submitting vanity measurements will result in fitting problems, delays, and possibly fees. Please submit your current measurements. Optional: Please provide me with clear pictures of your body, wearing close fitting clothing. Please email me at if you have any questions. Measuring Instructions. Wearables & e-textiles. LED Clothing Studio Inc - Professional Handmade LED costumes, waterproof LED suits, exclusive LED jackets, LED dresses.
Adafruit. LilyPad – PrototipadoLAB. Actualmente, existen en el mercado diferentes plataformas de desarrollo que están adaptadas específicamente para trabajar con textiles o materiales flexibles como hilos conductores de electricidad.
Las más populares son LilyPad y Flora, que son compatibles o basadas en arduino. Estas placas tienen un gran potencial educativo para desarrollar las competencias del siglo XXI, y acercarnos, por ejemplo, al internet de las cosas. Ambas plataformas, gracias a la forma que tienen los pines, su reducido tamaño y bajo consumo se utilizan para el desarrollo de proyectos multidisciplinares, especialmente proyectos artísticos y artesanales DIY, o enfocados al mundo de la ropa interactiva y los e-textiles.
En este post voy a hablaros de la plataforma de hardware libre LilyPad arduino . Esta placa fue creada por la ingeniera, educadora y diseñadora Leah Buechley . Imágen obtenida de la entrevista a Leah Buechley: Crafting the Lilypad Arduino. LilyPad Arduino Main Empezando con LilyPad. Mover Kit - The first active wearable that kids make & code by Technology Will Save Us. Risks and challenges Everyone says it; “hardware is hard”.
This is true, and we love it! For over three years we have been building a product business with hardware, software and kids at the center of it. Talk2myShirt - everything about Wearable Electronic. Instructables Member: Plusea INSTRUCTABLES. HandcraftingSensors. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. This example shows how to construct a “textile” flexible tilt sensor from extremely cheap and available materials. Substituting conductive fabric and a metal bead for aluminum foil. Fuse fusible interfacing to a piece of aluminum foil. Peel off paper backing. Trace circles and traces and cut them out. CAUTION: you must cut everything that needs to be connected from one piece. Trace shape for base and cut out. Arrange layout and begin to fuse foil to base fabric. Guide.pdf.