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Outils de curation

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How content curation enhances content marketing - State of Digital Publishing. In more ways than one, different types of content can reach your audience and overwhelm them in the process.

How content curation enhances content marketing - State of Digital Publishing

To avoid this, supply them only with the most relevant information, so that you can maintain their engagement in your business, and turn them into customers. Content curation sets content marketing on a straight path In our everyday life, we exercise our right to choose up to some extent. From the moment we wake up, we pick what food we will eat, or what clothes we will wear. This ability to make choices even extends to our online activities, where we select photos we’d want to post on Facebook, or the connections we prefer on LinkedIn. In a single minute, thousands of content pieces are posted on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms across the internet.

For businesses, what does this mean? When curating other sources, select posts or articles that will benefit your readers, but remember to give due credit to the original author. Content Curation Tools Selection & Evaluation Criteria Worth Considering. For those unversed in the art of content curation, this inbound marketing practice refers to the act of finding high-quality content, organizing, annotating and re-distributing it to target audiences.

Content Curation Tools Selection & Evaluation Criteria Worth Considering

Very well, but how does this help your content marketing strategy, you might ask. Studies have shown that some of the most successful content marketers are using a magic mix of 60% created content, 30% curated content, and 10% syndicated content. If you want to establish yourself as an authority in your niche, you are expected to deliver the latest, most relevant news from your industry in real-time. You can do this by sharing newsworthy and useful articles provided by other specialist. The ultimate goal of content creation and creation is to become the go-to-place for your customers. To the untrained eye, which focuses exclusively on the type of news stream or collection that can be created, most curation tools look the same.

Why Select Curation Tools Based on an Evaluation Framework? Content Curation as Thought Leadership — CFM Strategic Communications. Collecting and re-using content from third parties is emerging as a critical marketing strategy to inform and engage customers and stakeholders.As the amount of information available on the Web and other sources has exploded, marketers have turned to "content curation" as a strategy to demonstrate thought leadership and elevate brand visibility.

Content Curation as Thought Leadership — CFM Strategic Communications

Content curation involves collecting and repurposing for your target audience articles, charts, infographs and images posted online by third parties. A study of 400 professional marketers conducted in March 2012 by Curata, an online content curation provider, shows 85 percent of marketers believe effective content curation establishes thought leadership and elevates brand visibility and buzz. That is up from 79 percent in 2011, the first year Curata conducted its research. The idea of gathering and packaging information to fit the needs and tastes of a particular audience is hardly new. You can create a beast that needs constant feeding. Comparaison des outils de Curation de contenu :, Storify,, Pearltrees.

Je vous propose de découvrir une présentation sur la Curation de Contenus trouvée pour vous sur Slideshare.

Comparaison des outils de Curation de contenu :, Storify,, Pearltrees

Elle a été postée par Alban Jarry et comme je l’ai trouvée intéressante, je partage. L’auteur nous parle de son utilisation des outils de curation Scoop.It, Storify, Paper.Li et Pearltrees. Je suis d’autant plus intéressé que je n’utilise plus que Scoop.It actuellement (voir l’article sur Scoop.It) et que je n’ai jamais été séduit par d’autres services comme Pearltrees. La présentation comporte quelques slides qui décrivent ces outils sur le mode de la comparaison. Je note le peu de différences fonctionnelles entre Scoop.It et Storify (c’est aussi mon constat) et l’intérêt de l’auteur pour l’approche visuelle de PearlTrees.

Concernant Paper.Li, après quelques tests prometteurs j’ai laissé de côté ce service car je n’apprécie pas la publication automatisée qu’il proposait initialement. Gimme Bar. Content Curation & Content Marketing Software. - Get Fresh, Relevant Content Delivered Daily. Storify · Make the web tell a story.