Resources. The fundamental concept in any RESTful API is the resource. A resource is an object with a type, associated data, relationships to other resources, and a set of methods that operate on it. It is similar to an object instance in an object-oriented programming language, with the important difference that only a few standard methods are defined for the resource (corresponding to the standard HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods), while an object instance typically has many methods. Resources can be grouped into collections. Each collection is homogeneous so that it contains only one type of resource, and unordered. Resources can also exist outside any collection. In this case, we refer to these resources as singleton resources. Collections can exist globally, at the top level of an API, but can also be contained inside a single resource.
The diagram below illustrates the key concepts in a RESTful API. Resource Data Resources have data associated with them. Attributes vs elements. ! REST API Design - Resource Modeling. “The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource.
A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.” - Roy Fielding’s dissertation. Resources form the nucleus of any REST API design. A resource can be a singleton or a collection. The starting point in selection of resources is to analyze your business domain and extract the nouns that are relevant to your business needs. However, this simplistic approach may be valid at an abstract level, but breaks down once you hit more complicated domains in practice. Escaping CRUD Nouns versus Verbs. New Ways to Discover and Use Alexa Skills. Introducing New Features That Make It Easier for Customers to Discover and Use Your Alexa Skills Alexa, Amazon’s cloud-based voice service, powers voice experiences on millions of devices, including Amazon Echo and Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, Amazon Fire TV devices, and devices like Triby that use the Alexa Voice Service.
One year ago, Amazon opened up Alexa to developers, enabling you to build Alexa skills with the Alexa Skills Kit and integrate Alexa into your own products with the Alexa Voice Service. Today, tens of thousands of developers are building skills for Alexa, and there are over 1,400 skills for Alexa – including Lyft and Honeywell, which were added today. A New Experience for Discovering Skills Today, we announced new ways for customers to discover and use the Alexa skills that developers have built, including a new voice-enablement feature and a completely redesigned Alexa app.
Customers can now quickly search, discover and use skills. Build a Skill Today - Special Offers. Software Engineering Blog & Programming Tutorials | Toptal. Digital Design Blog & Design Tutorials | Toptal. ROBLOX Lua Newsletter. Python Weekly: A Free, Weekly Python E-mail Newsletter. Ruby Weekly: A Free, Weekly Email Newsletter.
Lambda the Ultimate | Programming Languages Weblog. All Things Distributed. High Scalability - Papers We Love. Writing Unit tests for C/C++ with the Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++ In Visual Studio, you can create unit tests for unmanaged code written in C++. Unmanaged code is sometimes referred to as native code. The following procedure contains the essential information that will get you started. The later sections provide a walkthrough that describes the steps in more detail. To write unit tests for an unmanaged code DLL You can adapt this walkthrough to develop your own DLL.
Create a Native Test Project. Create a native unit test project On the File menu, choose New, Project.In the dialog box, expand Installed, Templates, Visual C++, Test.Choose the Native Test Project template.In this walkthrough, the test project is named NativeRooterTest. Create an Unmanaged DLL project Create a Visual C++ project by using the Win32 Project template.In this walkthrough, the project is named RootFinder. The declarator __declspec(dllexport) causes the public and protected members of the class to be visible outside the DLL. Couple the test project to the DLL project Isolation.