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Coding alla scuola dell'infanzia - Scuola dell'Infanzia Hansel & Gretel. Insegnante: “Benvenuti bambini, quest’anno faremo il laboratorio di informatica in un modo nuovo e speciale… e anche un po’ strano perchè useremo il computer molto poco.

Coding alla scuola dell'infanzia - Scuola dell'Infanzia Hansel & Gretel

Per prima cosa vi racconterò una storia che ha, come protagonista, un’ape un po’ distratta, che alla fine incontra il topino Violino ed i tre gemelli Doc". Lettura della storia “L’ape che non poteva più volare” C’era una volta una piccola ape che amava volare fuori dal suo alveare alla ricerca di bellissimi fiori colorati sui quali posarsi per mangiare il nettare molto dolce che si trova dentro ai fiori. Questa piccola ape, qualche volta, non stava molto attenta a dove andava e così, senza accorgersene, un giorno finì contro un albero e si fece molto male a un’ala. Il dottore delle api le disse che per far guarire l’ala avrebbe dovuto evitare di volare per alcuni giorni e l’apetta fu molto triste quando sentì questa notizia.

Des robots en classe. Lospequesdemicole.blogspot. Últimamente se habla mucho de programación y robótica en educación y aunque pueda parecer que no tiene cabida en infantil no podemos obviar el hecho de que nuestra sociedad es cada vez más tecnológica, los alumnos están continuamente en contacto con medios digitales, en el cole trabajan con la Pdi, el ordenador, la tablet, con diferentes juegos, app…a través de ellas dan instrucciones, ordenan procesos, crean, inventan….


Por tanto infantil es la etapa idónea para que tenga lugar el primer contacto con la robótica y la programación, esto va a permitir que los peques no solo conozcan cómo funciona el mundo tecnológico sino que ejerciten procesos cognitivos como el razonamiento lógico, la deducción, la reflexión, la organización espacial, la abstracción, favoreciendo el pensamiento creativo y la capacidad de aprender a través del ensayo-error. Llegados a este punto está claro que la robótica y la programación nos abre un mundo lleno de posibilidades con las que experimentar. European Robotics Week Education #ERW2015: PROGRAMAMOS A BEE BOT PARA CONOCER A VAN GOGH. A los peques les encanta la robótica y también los códigos QR así que en esta ocasión hemos combinado ambas cosas para descubrir a un personaje secreto (Van Gogh).

European Robotics Week Education #ERW2015: PROGRAMAMOS A BEE BOT PARA CONOCER A VAN GOGH

Cada peque se ha encargado de llevar a la abejita a un código siguiendo el orden (del 1 al 12) para después capturarlo con la tableta. Así han ido descubriendo que se trata de un hombre que nació en Europa, a través de Google han buscado un mapa de Europa y al comparar cada país con el del dibujo escondido en el QR han descifrado que se trataba de Holanda, han descubierto que todos sus amigos Pisarro, Cezanne, Toulusse Lautrec eran pintores y que este último “pinta a muchas chicas porque probablemente quería que se enamorasen de él” (Elsa) y “ninguno pinta abstracto como Picasso” (Olivia) e incluso han reconocido algunos de sus cuadros porque están en casa de alguno de sus abuelos. Escola Carme Auguet REPTES AMB LES BEE-BOTS pels petits de l'escola! » Escola Carme Auguet. A l’espai de construccions i robòtica de l’escola, es treballen els reptes, superar diverses proves proposades.

Escola Carme Auguet REPTES AMB LES BEE-BOTS pels petits de l'escola! » Escola Carme Auguet

És un treball d’internivell, que es fa durant la setmana rotativament, amb uns 10-12 alumnes, nens i nenes de cicle inicial, P4 i P5, que treballen les coordenades en el planol, l’orientació i el pensament computacional entre altres com és l’estratègia, l’assaig-error i la reflexió. Si aconsegueixen els reptes proposats del nivell, guanyen “una medalla”. Copy of Bee-bots in Education by Catherine Walsh on Prezi. Bee Bots - Games in Education. Bee Bots Bee-Bots are programmable floor robots that have been purpose-built for use with Early Phase and Primary students.

Bee Bots - Games in Education

They remember 40 instructions. Bee Bot. BeeBot. Communication 4 All Resources to Support Inclusion This has opened in a separate window - just exit to return to the ICT page.


Programmable Robot Resource Page! Story Time BeeBot Mat for Little Red Riding Hood (more available soon):click the image to download 15cm x 15cm cards: Number Dots, 0-20, Number Cards, 0-20 and Farm 15cm x 15cm cards: Choose from Weather, Days of the Week, Signs of Spring and Colour Splats Large Antarctic Map marked with 15cm x15cm squares (prints over 24 sheets of A4): click the image to download Castles themed and Woodland Creatures 15cm x15 cm cards: click the images to download. Home - BeeBot Activities. This was my first time using BeeBots with kids (as opposed to teachers) and with 22 kids, it was pretty noisy/chaotic/fun/exciting.

Home - BeeBot Activities

Make your robot drive out, turn around and come back First real program ont he BeeBot - Forward, Forward, Turn, Turn, Forward, Forward. Either a left orright turn is fine, and it was fun getting the kids to think about thier left and right hands. It's also great to watch those kids that goforward, turn around and then go backwards, thinking it's the way to go 'BACK' to the start when in fact that once turned around, your robot needs to go forward.

Random Dice game Roll a 1: Go forwardRoll a 2: Go BackwardRoll a 3: Turn LeftRoll a 4: Turn RightRoll a 5: Hold your ear with your opposite handRoll a 6: Stand on 1 leg Shape / Letter Map Drive your robot spelling out the first two letters of your BeeBot's name. How Wide / How Tall One group member lies down with outstretched arms. We quickly made up a heap of BeeBot' rulers. 15cm x 15cm programmable robot cards - ICT. 15cm x 15cm directions cards (Ref: SB4327) A set of printable cards with directions and instructions such as ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘left/right turn’ etc.

15cm x 15cm programmable robot cards - ICT

Hitechathilltop.wikispaces. ROBÓTICA EDUCATIVA INFANTIL. Robots & Computers Club. One of our club parents has asked me if BeeBots would make a good Christmas present, and whether I have any other suggestions as well.

Robots & Computers Club

So I thought I’d turn it into a post! BeeBots Yes, BeeBots make a great gift, but are particularly well-suited for group play or for setting challenging or creative activities. So perfect for getting down on the floor with your child to invent your own game. It’s possible to buy just one, and there are also some fun mats that are available (In the club we’ve been making our own, with a big clear sheet of PVC marked with a grid). LEGO Mindstorms I’m a huge LEGO Mindstorms fan, but they are indeed a bit pricey. This Early Machines Set on my wish list for the Club, if there are any generous Santa’s Helpers out there ;) Do check out all of the other LEGO Educational products, as there is quite a fantastic range. Sifteo Cubes. Themed Bee-Bot Mats - Early Years ICT resources.

A collection of unofficial bee bot / programmable robot resources ideal to use to use as part of an early years ICT activity.

Themed Bee-Bot Mats - Early Years ICT resources

Programmable robots are fantastic ICT early years resources that can be used for countless fun and engaging cross curricular activities. All of the resources in this section have been designed using original ELHQ artwork and have not been endorsed by the creators of the Bee Bot. They have been designed to help you get the most out of your bee-bot and respond to the individual interests of the children in your setting in a cost effective way. We would suggest printing them out and combining them with a transparent plastic covering such as this one available on Amazon.

Bee-Bots Downunder. Bee-Bot Resources. Just another weblog. Bee-Bot Jackets - Bee-Bot Teaching Resources - BeeBot Resources - Information Technology Resources - Teaching ICT -programmable robot - Computers in Schools - ICT in Schools - IPads in schools. BeeBot to Logo – engaging the primary mathematician! Programmable robots and on-screen robot simulations provide engaging practical learning in mathematics (shape, position and movement, angle, measurement & problem solving) in the primary classroom.

There are a number of robots and online simulations available.