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Why Tea Is So Healthy for You (and How to Get the Most from Every Cup) 20 Health Benefits of Turmeric. Last updated on September 4, 2015 Over the years, researchers have been learning more and more about the health benefits of turmeric and its active component, curcumin.

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric

It’s been eight years since we first published the 20 Health Benefits of Turmeric and I decided that it’s time for an update with links to the latest studies. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India. The health benefits of turmeric have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that it can be helpful in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease. One thing to take note of is that research has found that consuming black pepper with curcumin increases its bioavailability. BRAIN TUMORS One of the biggest health benefits of turmeric is in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

SKIN CANCER A study found that curcumin caused melanoma cells to commit suicide. H. 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil. Saturated Fat: Good or Bad?

Authority Nutrition

4 Science-based 'superfoods' you should be eating. Fine-Chocolate Exporter Builds Fame on Remote African Island - Bloomberg Business. (Bloomberg) -- Claudio Corallo is a reluctant celebrity as Africa’s only maker and exporter of fine chocolate.

Fine-Chocolate Exporter Builds Fame on Remote African Island - Bloomberg Business

His delicacies sell at $26.50 for a 160-gram (5.6-ounce) box in Palo Alto, California, in a shop a stone’s throw away from a Louis Vuitton store that sells handbags from $1,200. But he eschews trade shows, labeling, fancy packaging, and insists on calling himself an agronomist. “I’m not a chocolatier,” said Corallo, 63, who wears faded jeans cut off at the knee and a tiny pocket knife dangling on a string from his belt. “The fact that I’m making chocolate is completely accidental.” Corallo, a native of Florence in Italy, grows cocoa and transforms it into high-quality bars on the small West African nation of Sao Tome and Principe, an archipelago that was the world’s biggest cocoa producer in 1908. Production Process There, in a teak-lined laboratory he built from shipping containers, with windows overlooking a crumbling boulevard, he makes the chocolate that carries his name.

Peanuts May Be Good for Your Heart. Photo Eating peanuts may lower the risk for cardiovascular disease and death, a large study suggests.

Peanuts May Be Good for Your Heart

Consumption of peanuts and tree nuts has been linked to lower mortality, but mainly in studies conducted among people of European descent and high socioeconomic status. This new report, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, is a prospective study of 71,764 black and white Americans, primarily of lower socioeconomic status, and 134,265 men and women living in Shanghai. They consumed some tree nuts, but primarily peanuts, which strictly speaking are legumes, not nuts. The researchers used well-validated food frequency questionnaires to gather information on nut consumption. There was a similar association for ischemic heart disease in all ethnicities, but the association of nuts with a lower risk for stroke was significant only in Asians.

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GMO Files. What should you eat when sick? [Infographic] Foods that help you fight bugs faster (and avoid catching them at all).