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StumbleUpon. Introducing Twitter Moments: How to Navigate the Social Network's Newest Feature. Tweets, by nature, have very short lifespans.

Introducing Twitter Moments: How to Navigate the Social Network's Newest Feature

Every time you post a new tweet, it has only minutes in the spotlight before getting drowned out by newer tweets. In fact, every second, 9,100 new tweets are posted by Twitter users around the globe. That's a lot of content you never get to see. How do you find the Twitter content you'd actually really like to see, but never get the chance to discover? Until last week, there's never really been an easy way of finding those great tweets. You can find Moments in a new tab next to the Notifications and Messages tabs. Here it is on the web: And here it is on mobile: So what's the deal with Twitter Moments, anyway?

What Is Twitter Moments? Twitter Moments is a new feature (announced on October 6, 2015) that helps users quickly find some of the trending tweets and stories of the moment. Again, all of these Moments are tweets, not articles. Whom Was It Made For? The goal? How to Use Twitter Moments How to Browse Moments Find a story that interests you? The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Dimensions. When you're designing cover photos, graphics, and other social media assets, sometimes knowing the bare bones image dimensions isn't enough.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Dimensions

What if you wanted to place text or an arrow on your Facebook cover photo without it getting covered by the profile photo? And what about the shared link thumbnails on Facebook or in-stream photos on Twitter ... how big should those be? Download pre-sized cover photo templates for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube for free here. If you're looking for a detailed guide to social media photo sizes -- including recommended dimensions, minimum and maximum dimensions, image scale, and more -- then this is it. The infographic below from Jamie Spencer of is a great reference to bookmark or keep close-at-hand the next time you're creating an image for your social media profile. 2015 Winners & Finalists - Content Marketing Awards. Printable PDF of 2015 Winners Thank you to all of our 2015 Content Marketing Awards submissions, and congratulations to our winners.

2015 Winners & Finalists - Content Marketing Awards

We look forward to seeing your 2016 submissions (watch for more details early in 2016) and wanted to offer some pointers for next year’s awards program: Mercedes-Benz TV: The uncrashable Toy Cars. Colombian League Against Cancer "Cancer Tweets" Sound of Honda - Ayrton Senna 1989 - Stops child exploitation. UI Movement - The best UI design inspiration, every day. Maruri Grey Ecuador - ACH2O (Panasonic) Under Armour Women - I Will What I Want - Gisele Bündchen. Will Beats Noise - Droga5. A month after the successful launch of the “I Will What I Want” campaign featuring Misty Copeland, Droga5 launched the second phase of the campaign, this time featuring supermodel, Gisele Bündchen.

Will Beats Noise - Droga5

D5 announced what appeared to be an unlikely partnership of Under Armour signing Gisele with a teaser film and press release. Gisele Bundchen’s profile means she lives under the microscope, amongst the noise of contradicting opinions. The reveal was a film of Gisele in a raw workout, while real social comments, from both haters and supporters in response to the signing of Gisele to Under Armour just two days earlier, invade her space. Gisele remains focused, willing what she wants.

This led to an innovative web experience with social commentary streaming in from all over the web in real time. The Lucky Iron Fish. Cannes 2015: Los ganadores de Design, Cyber, Product Design y Radio. Durante la cuarta jornada del Festival Internacional de Creatividad Cannes Lions, tuvo lugar la conferencia de prensa encabezada por los presidentes de los jurados de Design, Cyber, Product Design y Radio.

Cannes 2015: Los ganadores de Design, Cyber, Product Design y Radio

“Evaluamos alrededor de 26 horas de audio. Gracias al trabajo conjunto con los demás jurados analizamos diferentes interpretaciones del material y me encontré con ideas a las que nunca hubiera llegado solo por mi cuenta”, abrió la conferencia Paul Reardon, presidente del jurado de Radio, fundador, productor y compositor de Raygun. En esta categoría, Iberoamérica obtuvo 2 metales dorados adjudicados a Wunderman Colombia y Prolam Y&R Chile; 3 plateados (España 2; Brasil 1) y 7 bronces (Brasil 3; España 2; Guatemala y Colombia). El Grand Prix, definido como “el comercial más intolerable”, quedó en manos de Grey Alemania y Soundcloud por la pieza The Berlin Wall of Sound, que reconstruye la acústica del Muro de Berlín como recordatorio de las víctimas. Grandes Premios: Applications / Tools. Volvo Car UK Ltd. VOLVO LIFE PAINT. The Berlin Wall of Sound - Case Study Video. SoundCloud - The Berlin Wall of Sound - 120 Seconds.