UNICEF Marciano. Government protocols for Economic Collapse "The 6900 Series of Treasury Rules" Government protocols for Economic Collapse “The 6900 Series of Treasury Rules” Editor’s Note: The article appearing below was first written in 2001.
Its author is unknown but the facts outlined are ALL verifiable. Every web site that has published this piece has been strong-armed into removing it. In the interest of asserting freedom of speech, I re-publish this here: Protocols for Economic Collapse in America This is how the U.S. Then the SEC and the various regulatory exchanges would anticipate the market’s decline, hour by hour — when Japan’s markets opened the next day, what would happen when the European markets, and all the inter-linkages of the global markets.
On the second day, US Special Forces would be dropped in by parachute in the cities where the twelve Federal Reserve district banks are located. The origin of these protocols comes from the Department of Defense. Economic collapse scenarios were always premised on the basis of a US declaration of force majeure on debt service. In September, The UN Launches A Major Sustainable Development Agenda For The Entire Planet. The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th.
Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit. This new sustainable agenda focuses on climate change of course, but it also specifically addresses topics such as economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. For those wishing to expand the scope of “global governance”, sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. 2015 - United Nations sustainable development agenda. ● The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets are broader in scope and go further than the MDGs by addressing the root causes of poverty and the universal need for development that works for all people.
The goals cover the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. ● Building on the success and momentum of the MDGs, the new global goals cover more ground, with ambitions to address inequalities, economic growth, decent jobs, cities and human settlements, industrialization, oceans, ecosystems, energy, climate change, sustainable consumption and production, peace and justice. ● The new Goals are universal and apply to all countries, whereas the MDGs were intended for action in developing countries only. ● A core feature of the SDGs is their strong focus on means of implementation—the mobilization of financial resources—capacity-building and technology, as well as data and institutions.
Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world. Here: The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.
Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry. Corporations worldwide (individuals became corporate fictions through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law (Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money (Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs (confiscation). ⚡La presentación "Visión Empresarial de la Alianza Estratégica: La Integración Económica Perú-Brasil Miguel Vega Alvear Presidente de la Cámara Binacional de Comercio e."
FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 7-20-15… “The cabal is being systematically dismantled so “Just watch as it unfolds,” Pentagon says” Here is the weekly Ben.
I will add one note. A commenter (XL) pointed out that the phrase, “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.”… appears, word for word, in the last Poofness message (almost at the end). The cabal is being systematically dismantled so “Just watch as it unfolds,” Pentagon says.Posted by benjamin, July 20, 2015 This is what a top Pentagon person has to say about the ongoing take-down of the Khazarian mafia: “Just Watch is as it unfolds. The key event to trigger all this was the deal between Russia, England, China, France, the United States, Germany and Iran to ensure Iran had the right to peacefully develop nuclear power without developing nuclear bombs. In the United States meanwhile, a bizarre news item put out claimed that George Bush Sr.
Here is part of their letter: [source] Like this: FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 7-20-15… “The cabal is being systematically dismantled so “Just watch as it unfolds,” Pentagon says”
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