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Ancient Manuscripts. The Bible Hunters. (Reproduced with the permission of Westminster College) Agnes Smith, 1893 The study of palimpsests in St.

The Bible Hunters

Catherine’s library actually began in 1892 when an unlikely pair of trailblazing, self-taught biblical scholars arrived on camelback. At 49 years of age, twin Scottish sisters Agnes and Margaret Smith had made the arduous pilgrimage to St. This video shows the scale of losses in WWII. A filmmaker has sought to visualise the scale of human loss in World War II, in a 15 minute documentary.

This video shows the scale of losses in WWII

Neil Halloran wrote, directed and narrated ‘The Fallen of World War II’, which is also available as an interactive graphic. A particularly harrowing moment is when Mr Halloran highlights how Soviet and German casualties vastly outweighed Western ones. The Soviet Union lost almost twice as many men as Germany due to Stalin's willingness to sacrifice men. The untenability of faitheism: Current Biology. Between 2005 and 2007, a quartet of bestsellers by Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Dan Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens launched the New Atheism.

The untenability of faitheism: Current Biology

Emboldened by the growing success of science in explaining the world (including our own minds), inspired by new research on the sources of religious belief, and galvanized by the baleful influence of religion in world affairs (particularly 9/11 and its aftermath), these Four Horsemen of the New Atheism — as they came to be called — pressed the case that God does not exist and that many aspects of organized religion are pernicious. Though in the ensuing decade a growing sliver of the population has become disenchanted with religion, the majority of Americans still believe in God.

Indeed, even many intellectuals — including scientists — are not ready to let go of religion. A Q&A with the Editor of Environmental Epigenetics. Environmental Epigenetics is a new, international, peer-reviewed, fully open access journal, which publishes research in any area of science and medicine related to the field of epigenetics, with particular interest on environmental relevance.

A Q&A with the Editor of Environmental Epigenetics

With the first issue scheduled to launch this summer, we found this to be the perfect time to speak with Dr. Michael K. Skinner, Editor-in-Chief to discuss the launch of the journal into an exciting and rapidly developing field. Philosopher of the month: Lao Tzu. This August, the OUP Philosophy team is honoring Lao Tzu as their Philosopher of the Month.

Philosopher of the month: Lao Tzu

But who was this mysterious figure? When did he live, what did he teach, and what exactly is the ‘Tao’? Read on to find out more about Taoism: Who was Lao Tzu? Lao (Laozi) Tzu is credited as the founder of Taoism, a Chinese philosophy and religion. According to tradition, Lao Tzu is believed to be an older contemporary of Confucius and the founding figure of Taoism in China. A Letter to Charles Darwin from Jerry Coyne. 2009 is the year of Darwin, celebrating the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his most famous work On the Origin of Species.

A Letter to Charles Darwin from Jerry Coyne

BBC Radio 4 has recently been running a series of programmes called ‘Dear Darwin’, which invited five eminent thinkers to write a letter to Darwin, and to read it on air. The untenability of faitheism: Current Biology. The Cellular Origins of Intelligence - h+ Mediah+ Media. Are You Smarter Than a Reptile?

The Cellular Origins of Intelligence - h+ Mediah+ Media

Are you smarter than a reptile? In many respects, you certainly are. After all, no reptile is going to read this article. However, our clearly superior intellectual abilities for certain skills has seduced us towards a dismissive attitude towards the surprisingly deep and broad range of analytical gifts of our companion creatures. A growing body of research now indicates that other animals of all sizes and varieties are highly intelligent problem solvers within their own realms. Consider termites. Surface reconstruction of the honeybee standard brain (HSB). Individual bees are intelligent and can even solve problems that are mathematically based. Termite Head from What about ants. Modern research is teaching that intelligence is not directly linked to brain volume. Perhaps you suppose that only humans are capable of understanding analogies. Might fish be intellectually impaired? Certainly then, we must be much smarter than microbes.



3D Issue Digital Publishing Platform Pricing Information. Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy The... - Cecile G. Tamura. Testcitation. #1 Drag and Drop Page Builder for WordPress. Is Richard Dawkins destroying his reputation? In Dublin, not long ago, Richard Dawkins visited a steakhouse called Darwin’s.

Is Richard Dawkins destroying his reputation?

Michael Nielsen. In September of 2012, a team of scientists released a photograph showing the most distant parts of the Universe ever seen by any human being.

Michael Nielsen

They obtained the photograph by pointing the Hubble Space Telescope at a single tiny patch of sky, gradually building up an image over a total of 23 days of observation. It’s an otherwise undistinguished patch of sky, within the little-known constellation Fornax. It’s less than one hundredth the size of the full moon, and appears totally empty to the naked eye. Here’s what’s seen with the Hubble Telescope: This image is known as the Hubble Extreme Deep Field. One of the many striking things about the Hubble Extreme Deep Field is that it’s beautiful. It’s not a typical action-packed online video. Water in Suspense reveals a hidden world. Although I’m not an artist or an art critic, I find Super-realist art fascinating.