How to Plan For A Disaster Scenario and Survive if You’re Wrong / SurvivalBased Survival Blog. At the center of every prepper is a great planner.
Prepping is built around the idea of planning for unforeseen events to be ready when they come. But what if you plan for the wrong disaster and something you didn’t even see coming happens? You could be planning for a bank shutdown and an economic collapse, but instead a random solar flare knocks out all electronics and power. Planning is great, and with a little help and foresight, you can learn how to plan for a disaster scenario and survive if you’re wrong.
Types of Disasters There are as many types of world-ending disasters as a person could sit down and come up with, but a few major ones seem to persist, mostly because they are the most reasonable and possible ones. Major weather-related natural disasterBank shutdownGovernment shutdownAtomic bombMajor civil unrestBio-chemical attacksSolar flareSuper volcano eruptionMeteorite strikeMajor disease outbreak Here are 5 tips to make sure you’re safe no matter what. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Zombie Proof Your House Infographic - Moneysupermarket. Spooky Insurance » Halloween Infographics Hub » How to Zombie Proof Your House Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse?
Well with this helpful infographic you will be! With a one thousand strong army of the undead arriving at your door, you're going to need a lot more than a couple of pool cues to survive the night. Surrounded by a 10ft chain link fence with security cameras and a mine field you should be safe in the comfort of your own home.When the action gets too close for comfort, gadgets such a plunger gun, boxing glove bazooka and a robotic sheep should be enough for you to see out the invasion until help arrives.
Similar to being caught in a flood, it is always good to have a backup plan and an emergency kit on standby, with items such as medication, first aid supplies and important documents such as your passport and driving license. Don't worry about the destruction of your property though, once the invasion is over you can claim on your buildings insurance to rebuild your home. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response - Learning. Skip directly to search Skip directly to A to Z list Skip directly to page options Skip directly to site content Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Recommend on Facebook Tweet ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( File Formats Help: How do I view different file formats (PDF, DOC, PPT, MPEG) on this site?
How do you decide where to go in a zombie apocalypse? - David Hunter. Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Walking Dead fans, check out our latest post: There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for.
Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.A Brief History of Zombies We’ve all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident Evil), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much? The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. In movies, shows, and literature, zombies are often depicted as being created by an infectious virus, which is passed on via bites and contact with bodily fluids.
The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. Better Safe than Sorry Never Fear – CDC is Ready Join the CDC Zombie Task Force! Map: Where You Don’t Want to Be When It Hits the Fan. When it hits the fan America’s population centers will explode in violence, looting, and total breakdown of law and order.
It’s a theory put forth by numerous survival and relocation specialists, and one that makes complete sense if you consider what happens in a truly serious collapse-like scenario. Survival Blog founder James Rawles calls them the golden horde: Because of the urbanization of the U.S. population, if the entire eastern or western power grid goes down for more than a week, the cities will rapidly become unlivable. I foresee that there will be an almost unstoppable chain of events: Power -> water -> food distribution -> law and order -> arson fires -> full scale looting In his recent documentary Strategic Relocation, retreat expert Joel Skousen echoes Rawles’ warnings: The number one threat that I concentrate on.