Untitled. Facebook. Untitled. Untitled. 25 Lost Survival Tips from 100 Years Ago – with Illustrations. Facebook. Untitled. Facebook. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. How to Make Stormproof Firestarters. I’ve posted a number of homemade fire starters since the start of this blog, and if there’s one that I find the most effective it’s got to be sawdust fire starters.
I used to make these sawdust fire starters as a kid after learning how to do it from of one of my dads Special Forces Manuals he had. They are so effective they’ll stay lit in rain (not torrential downpours), on top of snow, and in high winds so they’re perfect if you need to start a fire in moist conditions with less-optimal wood… GROOVY MATTER: Remaining Daylight on Your Fingers. Wild Edibles: How to Identify and Eat Garlic Mustard. Disclaimer: Eating certain wild plants can be deadly!!
Be certain to consult a professional (or a really good field guide) in order to positively identify this plant before trying this for yourself. The owners of this site will not be held responsible for any lapses in judgment or stupidity when handling or consuming wild plants. Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is one of those plants that for the longest time I knew what it was and that it was edible but by the time I had the time to try it, it had long since wilted (it begins to wilt away in early summer).
So if you’re looking to harvest this to eat you’ve got to catch early on in the season or you’ll miss out. Here’s how it’s done (if you want a written description, just skip the video and go directly to the article below it): How to Identify Field Garlic Garlic Mustard is a biennial flowering plant in the Mustard family that is native to Europe and parts of Asia. Here are the distinguishing characteristics: Www.prepperacademy.com/how-to-build-the-ultimate-bug-out-bag/ Dear concerned citizen, Like you I’m worried about the current state of the world and where it’s going.
With the increase in natural disasters, crime and civil unrest, and a global economy on the brink of collapse, it’s a VERY REAL possibility that you and your loved ones will need to escape a crisis and evacuate to a safer location. Having a PROPERLY built Bug-Out Bag that can EFFECTIVELY meet these challenges is not just a recommendation any more…it’s a REQUIREMENT. In this free video training you’ll learn: How to easily convert your existing standard bug-out bag into a HIGHLY-EFFICIENT, HYPER-MOBILE SURVIVAL SYSTEMTHE SECRET of the “3-TIERED” APPROACH used by our elite special-operation forces that allows for MAXIMUM MOBILITY with the MINIMUM amount of GEAR.The FIVE MOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS OF A BUG-OUT BAG.
Medicinal Uses of Plantain. Plantain has a long history in herbal medicine, and many of its remarkable medicinal qualities have been confirmed by modern science.
Externally, it is effective on any kind of skin disorder when the leaves are bruised and simply rubbed on the skin. Alternatively it can be made into an oil or ointment and stored for convenient external use. This is an amazing plant, folks, and it will help with a long list of skin complaints, including rashes, wounds, ulcerations, cuts, swelling, sprains, bruises, burns, eczema, cracked lips, poison ivy, mosquito bites, diaper rash, boils, hemorrhoids, and blisters. It is also effective as an agent that draws out the poison for bee stings, snake bites, and spider bites, and it effectively draws out splinters or thorns and reduces the risk of scarring with more severe cuts and scrapes. Placed in the shoes, the leaves will help prevent blisters on the feet. If that's not enough, internally the list is even longer for this amazing "weed.
" [The Urban-Aboriginal ~ Primitive Technology & Wilderness Living] Category: Water > Food > Plants > Plants(Edible) Wood sorrel is small plant which is often found as weed all over the world.It is often called yellow wood sorrel or sleeping beauty, specie that is fragile and herbaceous.
The plant is small creeper which grows from the nodes and has been administer for various edible and medicinal uses. The branches of wood sorrel are erect, creeping, about 30 cm long borne with small hairs while the roots are fibrous and branched. The leaves are small, slightly ovate and about 4-12 mm long and 10-20 mm broad. The flowers are inflorescence yellow growing in cluster of 1-6 and petals are 6-7 m long.
Fruit is cylindrical capsule 1-2 cm long containing seeds. Edible UsesThe whole plant is edible, with a tangy taste of lemons, and used in salads to be eaten raw. A drink can be made by infusing the leaves in hot water for about 10 minutes, sweetening and then chilling. Wilderness Bushcraft Survival Guides - Survival-Tube. How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever. Mobile Warriors: How to Defend Yourself in Your Vehicle - Handguns. Knots and Knotting.