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Des bons bonbons maison à l’érable (avec seulement trois ingrédients) — Je suis une maman. ● 80 ml (environ 1/3 tasse) de sirop d’érable (de préférence foncé pour son goût robuste) ● 45 ml (3 c. à soupe) d’eau ● Feuilles de gélatine (pour 14 g)* ● Si désiré, sucre d’érable fin pour décorer ● Dans une casserole, mélanger les liquides, porter à ébullition, puis retirer du feu. ● Faire gonfler la gélatine dans de l’eau froide, puis l’ajouter au mélange en remuant. ● Verser dans des très petits moules en silicone en forme d’oursons ou autres (environ 1 cm x 2 cm) ● Réfrigérer 2 heures avant de démouler. ● Saupoudrer de sucre d’érable fin, si désiré. ● En général, dans le commerce, on retrouve des boîtes de six feuilles de gélatine, qui totalisent 10 g.

Des bons bonbons maison à l’érable (avec seulement trois ingrédients) — Je suis une maman

RÉFRIGÉRATION : 2 heures avant de démouler CONSERVATION : Au réfrigérateur et à déguster dans les 3 ou 4 jours ASTUCE : Si vous souhaitez en faire ce weekend, assurez-vous d’avoir un moule en silicone pour l’étape finale! Voyez une vidéo qui explique l’initiative des bons bonbons à l’érable ici. Human Body Learning Activities for Kids. All three of my kids love Science and I love that I can also learn right along with them.

Human Body Learning Activities for Kids

We’re trying to incorporate more hands-on experiments and activities because I really feel like that is a great way for kids to learn. Learning about the human body was always one of my favorite topics in Science, so when I was looking through Pinterest and planning some of our Science curriculum, I couldn’t help but find so many great human body learning activities for kids. Here are 10 great ones I wanted to share with you! 1. What’s Inside a Drop of Blood (Creekside Learning) 2. 3. 4. 5. Tara | A Spectacled OwlHomeschooling (Information & Curriculum)Follow On 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tara. Diapers to Diplomas: 2012 Halloween Activities. Our Halloween in pictures!

Diapers to Diplomas: 2012 Halloween Activities

We had a themed breakfast, lunch and dinner, painted jack-o-lantern paper plates, played a roll-a-bat game and pumpkin bowling and made Halloween funfetti cupcakes for a snack. It was a full but fun day! I'm really going to try to get back to posting more frequently (and not taking another 5 months off!) La pâte à dent d'éléphant. 23 Best Teacher Halloween Costumes (for Groups & Partners) What’s the best way to get pumped for Halloween?

23 Best Teacher Halloween Costumes (for Groups & Partners)

Grab your teacher besties and plan a group or partner Halloween costume! Dressing up with friends is always more fun, and these group and partner Halloween costumes for teachers are on point. Below are the best (and cutest) Halloween costume ideas for teachers we’ve spotted on Instagram. We hope they will get your creative juices flowing! 1. Yellow T-shirts? 2. Cue Bohemian Rhapsody! 3. Eating a plate of fries without a nice cold fountain soda to wash it down just feels wrong. 4. If you and your teacher bestie share a love of Star Wars—the force is with you on this one!

5. Just add a cookie, muffin and pancake and you have the perfect homage to this favorite series of books! 6. If you’re an unlikely duo yet there for each other through thick and thin—then here’s the perfect costume for you! 7. Because you ain’t afraid of no ghosts (or hyper students on Halloween!) 8. Obvious choice? 9. To wear with your teacher bestie that keeps you going! Orteils de monstre- Kraft Canada. Kraftcanada. Anatomy for Children: Fun Activities. After writing about products that can help with teaching anatomy to children, I had promised I would write about activities that can be done together as well.

Anatomy for Children: Fun Activities

The main goal for us is to follow our kids' curiosities and somewhat guide them to inquire within it. This time, my 5 year old son is having a lot of questions about where things are inside of us. Here are a few activities I found on the internet that I thought would bring him some answers, and also be fun to do together: • Pasta Skeletons from Martha Stewart • X-ray with Q-tips from Inspired Montessori. Dancing Spider Races. Doodling In My Mind: Halloween Fun/Papier Mache and Homemade Candy Corn. Fall hit finally in South Texas.

Doodling In My Mind: Halloween Fun/Papier Mache and Homemade Candy Corn

We had rains and the night air is actually cooled down and mornings are foggy with heavy dews. I think that is cause for celebration! It is hard to ignore all the fun times that come along with the changing seasons and coming holidays when you are surrounded by adorable and I must say, easy-to-impress children.

So I decided to surprise the little ones with a small, hollow, papier mache pumpkin filled with candy for Halloween. And it is so simple to make. I started with a 6 inch balloon blown up. At this point patience is a necessity! Fabriquer des vers de terre comestibles. Vous voulez faire une blague à quelqu'un pour le poisson d'avril ?

Fabriquer des vers de terre comestibles

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