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An Impressive Piet Mondrian Painted with Stop-Motion Lego by Jon Rolph. Men Spend Average of $7 on Pets’ V-Day Gifts. Lena Dunham and Hamish Bowles star in "Cover Girl" Grammys Send Mixed Messages on Domestic Violence. The road story Vietnam. Miss Dior - The new film (Official Director's Cut) Михаил Барышников танцует в рекламе Rag & Bone. Артист балета пришел на смену Майклу Питту и примерил, кажется, все вещи из осенней коллекции марки.

Михаил Барышников танцует в рекламе Rag & Bone

Мы тоже такие хотим. Неделю назад Михаилу Барышникову исполнилось 67, а он, как видите, в прекрасной форме, с отличной стрижкой и снимается в лукбуке и видео Rag & Bone. До этого в рекламных кампаниях марки регулярно появлялся Майкл Питт. Теперь ему на смену пришел Барышников, чему можно только радоваться: увидеть его на сцене, может, и не получится, зато видео можно пересматривать неоднократно.

Вместе с Барышниковым одежду из осенне-зимней коллекции примеряет и пробует в деле Lil Buck. Photographs. One of those days 2 - Candide Thovex. Never Knew - Sunken Foal Ft.Si Schroeder. My Year of Living Dangerously. Rabbit and Deer (Nyuszi és Őz) 40 free resources every designer should know. Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project?

40 free resources every designer should know

Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. This Chart Shows How the Camera Market Has Changed Over the Past Decades.

How have camera sales changed over the past 60 or 70 years?

This Chart Shows How the Camera Market Has Changed Over the Past Decades

The chart above offers an interesting look at this question. It shows camera production between 1947 and 2014. The graph was created by camera marketing guru Heino Hilbig of Mayflower Concepts, who spent years heading up marketing for the likes of Casio and Olympus. It’s based on data from the Japanese organization CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association), which reveals that the camera market has been shrinking by double-digit figures each of the past few years after seeing a huge spike in the late 2000s. The biggest victim of the changing landscape has been compact cameras, which are becoming redundant as smartphone camera quality continues to improve — but it is unclear how much of this drop can directly be attributed to the rise of the smartphone camera. DSLR and mirrorless cameras haven’t been affected as much, but they’re definitely not helping the overall trend for cameras in general.

Circle of Abstract Ritual in Vimeo Staff Picks. @mr007 Instagram photos. Earlier.

@mr007 Instagram photos

We Are Fire in Vimeo Staff Picks. Celebrity portraits by The Times. A Fascinating Look at the Tintype Photography Process. Tintype photography predates mainstream film.

A Fascinating Look at the Tintype Photography Process

It was mostly used in the late 1800s. Rare Pictures Portray Steve Jobs in Difficult Times. For those who aren’t quite up to date with the history of Apple, Steve Jobs left the company in 1985 and for a decade, went through quite difficult times.

Rare Pictures Portray Steve Jobs in Difficult Times

Doug Menuez had the chance to take some rarely seen photographs of Steve Jobs during that period and shares them here: What is striking about those photographs is the way they tell a story—different when compared to the one about Jobs we all know. It is one of those scenarios where the picture speaks a thousand words. In the first image Menuez shares, even though it is mostly obstructed by out of focus elements, you can see just enough of the facial expression and that deep glare in his eyes that puts all of the distractions in perspective and simply makes the image complete.

Steve Jobs listening to a presentation Doug Menuez had the exact intention, as he says: “He kinda went into his own world briefly. Rare Photo of Steve Jobs A busy office A happy moment. Rare photos of when Apple fired Steve Jobs - BBC World Service. The Urban Dictionary Of Design Slang. Joining the ranks of any profession is the same as committing yourself to learning an entirely new language, most of which is frankly gibberish.

The Urban Dictionary Of Design Slang

(TPS reports, anyone?) Design is no exception. So we asked some of our friends at design firms—including Pentagram, Ammunition, Huge, Ziba, Pensole, Google Ventures, Sagmeister & Walsh, and more—to define their favorite examples of design slang and jargon. The answers we received range from serious to tongue-in-cheek, but if you've ever been puzzled by a designer telling you he needed to "ideate a more approachable FTUX" or "add more value to that horsey megamenu," this resource should help you translate. We've updated the post below to contain a few more definitions, and we will continue to update this story with new definitions supplied by our readers: just leave a comment or Tweet at @FastCoDesign with the hashtag #DesignJargon to get your entry added.

National Geographic Photographer Cory Richards on Pushing the Boundaries of Adventure. A Drone In Iceland. Snowglobe Timelapse Celebrates the Wonders of Christmas in Vienna. Christmas is a truly magical time of the year.

Snowglobe Timelapse Celebrates the Wonders of Christmas in Vienna

Regardless of whenever you live, it’s hard not to notice a Christmas star or a home adorned with twinkling lights. Nowhere is the Christmas spirit this vibrant and celebrated with such fervor as in Austria. This short timelapse video made by FilmSpektakel captures the essence of the Advent, a period starting on a Sunday four weeks from Christmas Eve: 2014: The year in pictures.