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International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Ingrijpen in Syrië en het probleem van het volkenrechtelijk mandaat. 20000500 is art dewaart. No shots fired! 2 EU nations exchange territory as friends. BRUSSELS (AP) — The Netherlands and Belgium, with their royals in attendance, on Monday signed a deal for a peaceful exchange of land between them for the mere fact that it makes sense to do so.

No shots fired! 2 EU nations exchange territory as friends

While the globe is littered with pieces of territory that are jealously held or fought over for historical reasons, the two neighboring nations signed away tiny plots of their land to the other because they were too much of a practical and jurisdictional bother. On the meandering Meuse river, which divides both nations, Belgium gave up a tiny peninsula linked only to the Netherlands and got in return a nearby piece from its neighbor.

"We have shown that Belgium and the Netherlands succeed as good neighbors to adapt their borders peacefully," Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said at the signing ceremony in Amsterdam. Jnl of International Dispute Settlement. MSN. Waarom niemand ingrijpt in Syrië. Grensconflict Nederland en Duitsland na 30 jaar opgelost. De geschiedenis van de grens van Nederland en de vlag van Nederland. USS Arleigh Burke launches Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles to combat ISIL. De anatomie van de Islamitische Staat. Wie is Kalief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi eigenlijk?

De anatomie van de Islamitische Staat

En wie zijn de andere leiders van de Islamitische Staat? De Iraakse onderzoeker Hashim al-Hashimi schreef een onthullend boek over de terreurorganisatie. Mosul, de grote moskee, 4 juli 2014. ‘Ik ben kalief Ibrahim, de leider die over u regeert,’ zei Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi tot de gelovigen die zich die eerste vrijdag van de ramadan voor het gebed hadden verzameld. ‘God heeft onze strijders overwinning op overwinning geschonken na lange jaren van jihad en geduld.’

Watch as 1000 years of European borders change. Map: Every Country in the World Involved in a Territorial Dispute - Annalisa Merelli. Crimea is hardly home to the only territorial dispute in the world right now. In the map above, every country in pink is involved in a dispute over its national borders in some way or another. The list is compiled by the US Central Intelligence Agency in its World Factbook and includes cases of disputed borders, contested islands, and larger areas contested by several countries. Just about every nation is implicated, including some possibly surprising ones, like the reputedly peace-loving Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway, and Finland. There are perhaps unexpected exceptions too, including the Balkan nations of Albania, Montenegro, and Bulgaria. (Perhaps it’s time to rethink the use of the word “balkanized” to describe a splintering into hostile neighbor states.)

A special mention goes to Mongolia. Belarusian Wants a Divorce From Russia. There is a bitter irony at the heart of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea. Putin’s short-term victory is already coming at the expense of his most cherished long-term strategy -- the creation of a Eurasian Union, a trade union linking Russia and its closest neighbors. In other words, as the invasion expands Russian territory, it will diminish Russian influence in the very places he’d like to increase it. One need only look to Belarus, which is already beginning to hedge against its alliance with Moscow, to see why. Fanciful as it might sound, the Eurasian Union was never idle talk for Putin. It was meant to serve as a genuine alternative to the West for the countries bordering Russia, including those on Europe’s eastern frontier.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exposed the strategic ambiguity of Putin’s project. To continue reading, please log in. Don't have an account? Register Register now to get three articles each month. Register for free to continue reading. 2012 News items - Historic signing ends 20 years of EU-Latin American banana disputes. “This is a truly historic moment,” said WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy.

2012 News items - Historic signing ends 20 years of EU-Latin American banana disputes

“After so many twists and turns, these complicated and politically contentious disputes can finally be put to bed. It has taken so long that quite a few people who worked on the cases, both in the Secretariat and in member governments have retired long ago.” One positive feature of the disputes is that they have provided a “rich source of jurisprudence” on WTO law, he said.

The deal The Latin American countries present were: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela and Peru (which did not sign the mutually agreed solution because it was not directly involved in the disputes but participated in some key negotiations. Some had brought legal dispute cases against the EU, others were involved in other issues, including negotiating the EU’s new commitments to take into account its enlargements to include new members. Dispute settlement - Trade. International trade rules are effective when they are properly applied.

Dispute settlement - Trade

Therefore, dispute settlement mechanisms are set up in most trade agreements to ensure the agreements can be enforced and that disputes can be settled. Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court for investment dispute resolution Dispute settlement in a nutshell Provides a rapid and effective means of settling disagreements on whether a country has acted in conformity with its international obligations; Applies the agreements, and develops the interpretative understanding of the agreements By preventing retaliation before a dispute settlement procedure has been completed, trade damaging unilateral action is avoided The system of dispute settlement at the WTO has worked very well.

EU trade policy and dispute settlement Implementing dispute settlement policy As of July 2014, the International Trade Rules Enforcement Regulation.