Intercultural education for pupils aged 9-13
Multicultural, Cross-cultural, & Intercultural Games & Activities. TeachUNICEF. TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources.
Resources cover grades PK-12, are interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages), and align with standards. The lesson plans, stories, and multimedia cover topics ranging from the Millennium Development Goals to Water and Sanitation. Our mission is to support and create well-informed global citizens who understand interconnectedness, respect and value diversity, have the ability to challenge injustice and inequities and take action in personally meaningful ways. We hope that in providing engaging and academically rich materials that offer multiple voices, we can encourage the exploration of critical global issues while presenting opportunities to take action.
What is UNICEF?
Teaching Intercultural awareness.
Photos of peace doves made by our pupils in Finland.
Brainstorm and mind map online. Intercultural education. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Augmented Reality Apps for iPad. In this post Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is providing you with a list of some awesome augmented reality apps for your iPad but before that let us first see what the concept of augmented reality is all about .
Augmented reality is a relatively new digital phenomenon that is brought about by the recent development in the field of technology and particularly mobile technology. In augmented reality the line between the virtual world and the real one is blurred. Engineers use some sophisticated technologies to pull out graphics from television screen and computer display and integrate them into real world environments. Augmented reality spices up the natural world with computer enhanced sounds, graphics, and feedback.If we are to put augmented reality in a continuum that has in one end computer generated environments and in the other end real world environments then augmented reality would be closer to the latter.
Check out the augmented reality apps below.
Intercultura is always better. by Santina
MULTICULTURAL SCHOOL IN SOUTHERN SPAIN. MON-3 Here comes everyone.pdf. Portale intercultura. Lost Generation Palindrome Poem.
So true! This should make people think the world we live in. – sipe
Ebony and Ivory Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder (lyrics)
VCU Intercultural Festival 2014: Dancing Through Cultures. Culturally Responsive Teaching. Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning.flv. Seven Habits of Highly Effective Intercultural Communicators. In an increasingly interconnected world, intercultural communication skills are more important than ever.
Many of us are finding ourselves conducting business with people from a variety of cultures. Such contexts require the creation of new communication practices that go beyond simply the mastery of whatever language we are using. I’ve identified seven communication habits of highly effective intercultural communicators, drawn from my training and consulting work with clients operating within intercultural business environments. 1. They take communication risks. Taking risks of any kind is uncomfortable for many people. 2.
They do not keep a who-should-adapt-to-who-first score card. 3. By listening with intercultural ears I mean that effective intercultural communicators have an ability to listen impartially. By seeing with intercultural eyes I mean that despite received wisdom on this point, they also ignore body language when dealing with someone from another culture.
Global Education in eTwinning - 2. GE areas. Global Education in eTwinning - 1 Introduction. Resp poster. Lennon. Freedom. Songs About Diversity and Social Justice. Youtube. Youtube. Introduction to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. Youtube. Development & Intercultural Education within Initial Teacher Education. Visualising Europe - Intercultural education. "Intercultural Education in the Primary School; Guidelines for Schools" by National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, et al. Something to think about.
joyfulme Oct 26 2014
i am so excited with the learning event and with all new information! I am very ill with fever the couple last days but I am happy when I open my pc :)
salpro74 Oct 22 2014
Thank you. You are a hard working teacher. The information is great
sipe Oct 22 2014
I added you. Hope it succeeded, maybe you have to accept it. At least your pearl is now under our collection.
joyfulme Oct 22 2014
Good evening colleaques. can you please add me in the pearl tree? I ve made my account and now I am tryin to create my own pearl tree since I missed the group work. thank you
santina1 Oct 17 2014
Hello team members! I added some pearls from my collection too!
chisab17 Oct 17 2014
Hello everyone! I added some pearls too, I hope I did it right!
sipe Oct 17 2014
Hello team members! I added some pearls from my collection to this shared one. Hope they are ok. You can edit, if you like.