Critical thinking
Critical thinking is a type of clear, reasoned thinking. According to Beyer (1995) Critical thinking means making clear, reasoned judgements. While in the process of critical thinking, ideas should be reasoned and well thought out/judged.[1] The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.'[2] Etymology[edit]
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Critical and Creative Thinking - Bloom's Taxonomy
What are critical thinking and creative thinking? What's Bloom's taxonomy and how is it helpful in project planning? How are the domains of learning reflected in technology-rich projects?
Steyr-Mannlicher SM 12
The new Steyr-Mannlicher SM 12 just may be the most conventional bolt-action sporting rifle coming out of Germany or Austria today. Compared to guns like the Blaser R93 and R8, the Merkel RX Helix and KR1, the Sauer 202, the Krieghoff Semprio, the Anschutz 1727 and the Heym SR-30 to name just a few, the SM 12 is downright pedestrian in its design! But that’s not to say it’s a ’98 Mauser-type action, either. Like the Mauser, it does have 180-degree opposed locking lugs at the head of the bolt that require a 90-degree bolt rotation (handle lift).
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249 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs For Critical Thinking
Bloom’s Taxonomy’s verbs–also know as power verbs or thinking verbs–are extraordinarily powerful instructional planning tools. In fact, next to the concept of backwards-design and power standards, they are likely the most useful tool a teacher-as-learning-designer has access to. Why? They can be used for curriculum mapping, assessment design, lesson planning, personalizing and differentiating learning, and almost any other “thing” a teacher–or student–has to do. For example, if a standard asks students to infer and demonstrate an author’s position using evidence from the text, there’s a lot built into that kind of task. First a student has to be able to define what an “author’s position” is and what “evidence from the text” means (Knowledge-level).
[41] Exporting Your Live Server SQL Database For Use On Your Localmachine Site
This is Part 4 of Web Development On Your Macintosh Computer Using MAMP and Joomla! CMS. Now that we have a copy of Joomla! running on our localhost machine we can get the information and images from the live server so that our two sites are synchronized. We'll do the export of the live site data with phpMyAdmin.
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Vialogues, a Web 2.0 tool supporting 21st Century learning skills
Address: Vialogues is a Web 2.0 tool providing a platform for asynychronous discussions centered around videos. While videos can engage students, the addition of meaningful commentaries increases student learning.
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We are proud to announce that SkoreIt! members will now be part of Beezid -- One of the most popular penny auction sites in the world. Beezid offers more features, promotions and events than anywhere else on the web! It doesn't get any better than this....
16 Flipped Classrooms In Action Right Now
Flipped classrooms require educators to reconstruct traditional classrooms by sending lectures home and providing more face-to-face time at school, but elementary- through university-level instructors are finding good reasons to try them out. Frequently traced back to Colorado teachers Aaron Sams and JonathanBergmann, who were quick to experiment with posting videos online in 2008, the flipped classroom concept is small, simple and has shown positive results. The general idea is that students work at their own pace, receiving lectures at home via online video or podcasts and then devoting class time to more in-depth discussion and traditional “homework.” Where: Clear Brook High School, Harris County, Texas