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COLLECTION: Information Literacy

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Civic Online Reasoning. Practice good information hygiene: Sanitize before you share — News Literacy Project. Template of NEWS LITERACY FOR VIRTUAL PROTESTERS by elaine levia - Instagram Post. Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. Predatory journals: no definition, no defence. When ‘Jane’ turned to alternative medicine, she had already exhausted radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other standard treatments for breast cancer.

Predatory journals: no definition, no defence

Her alternative-medicine practitioner shared an article about a therapy involving vitamin infusions. To her and her practitioner, it seemed to be authentic grounds for hope. But when Jane showed the article to her son-in-law (one of the authors of this Comment), he realized it came from a predatory journal — meaning its promise was doubtful and its validity unlikely to have been vetted. Predatory journals are a global threat. They accept articles for publication — along with authors’ fees — without performing promised quality checks for issues such as plagiarism or ethical approval. One barrier to combating predatory publishing is, in our view, the lack of an agreed definition. Everyone agrees that predatory publishers sow confusion, promote shoddy scholarship and waste resources. Here we put forward our definition.

The definition. For Teachers: Activities and Lesson Plans - High School to College Transition - Research Guides at Washtenaw Community College. Discover tips and activities that address the research struggles of first-year college students.

For Teachers: Activities and Lesson Plans - High School to College Transition - Research Guides at Washtenaw Community College

Choosing a topic, creating an argument: Students struggle to choose their own research topic and browse for ideas. They take a stance before researching and get frustrated when sources don't fit their argument. They often choose a different topic or rely on less credible sources. Provide opportunities for students to choose their own research topics. Awareness of information sources. Students are reluctant to go beyond Google and are overwhelmed by information choices and quantities. How to Evaluate Journal Articles - How to Do Library Research - Research Guides at Colorado State University Fort Collins. Pour évaluer un article de journal, notez: Le style du journal Pour les dissertations du niveau du collège, on obtient ces informations, la plupart du temps dans des journaux scientifiques ou savants .

How to Evaluate Journal Articles - How to Do Library Research - Research Guides at Colorado State University Fort Collins

Les journaux savants contiennent des articles qui décrivent des recherches de haute qualité qui ont été passées en revue par des experts en la matière avant leur publication. Les magazines commerciaux peuvent être utiles pour les affaires ou quand on a besoin de données economiques. Les magazines populaires, tels que Time et Newsweek devraient être utilisés avec réserve ou pas du tout. EvaluatingJournalArticles. Evaluating Journal Articles - Evaluating Sources - Research Guides at Benedictine University Library.

How to Evaluate an Article - Library Research Methods - LibGuides at Conrad N. Hilton Library. Purpose of Article: Why was the article written?

How to Evaluate an Article - Library Research Methods - LibGuides at Conrad N. Hilton Library

To: persuade the reader to do something? For example: vote a certain way, purchase an item, attend an event inform the reader? Evaluating Articles by Prezi User on Prezi Next. Evaluating Articles by PGCC Library on Prezi. Intro - Research Process - LibGuides at Prince George's Community College. Identifying and Locating Scholary Articles. Evaluating Articles - Research Process - LibGuides at Prince George's Community College. Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers: What's the Difference The Prince George's Community College Library collection contains magazines, journals and newspapers.

Evaluating Articles - Research Process - LibGuides at Prince George's Community College

An assignment may require that articles be found in journals, not magazines and newspapers. What is the difference? A magazine may be up-to-date, retrospective, and informative, but the articles are not based on in-depth research. Magazines are often full of large color photos. People Weekly TV Guide Good Housekeeping A journal contains articles that are based on research in a particular field. Political Science Quarterly Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Journal of Asian Studies Newspapers tend to be more current because they are published more frequently. The New York Times Baltimore Sun The Washington Post. Identifying Reputable Journals - Identifying Reputable Journals - Library Guides at University of Washington Libraries. Handouts, Worksheets, & Activities for Information Literacy. Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Background. The pharmaceutical and health products industry -- it includes not only drug manufacturers but also dealers of medical products and nutritional and dietary supplements -- is consistently near the top when it comes to federal campaign contributions.

Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Background

(Pharmaceutical manufacturers are a subset of this industry and are profiled in detail within this section). The industry's political generosity increased in the years leading up to Congress' passage in 2003 of a Medicare prescription drug benefit. Since then, industry spending levels have fluctuated, though they have usually hovered around the $30 million range, including during the 2014 cycle when that number was nearly $32 million. 2012 was the cycle when the industry contributed the most -- over $50.7 million.

The pharmaceutical industry has traditionally supported Republican candidates, with the 2008 and 2010 cycles serving as the only exceptions. The top contributors during the 2014 cycle were Pfizer Inc. Evaluate Your Info - Start Your Research - Library Guides at University of California, Santa Cruz. Some things to consider in evaluating the quality of research sources: Currency: the timeliness of the information How recent is the information?

Evaluate Your Info - Start Your Research - Library Guides at University of California, Santa Cruz

Can you locate a date when the page(s) were written/created/updated? Research eval worksheet. Thinkchecksubmit. Multiple Intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr.

Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. Beall's List of Predatory Journals and Publishers - Publishers.