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Exemples de visualisations

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Where the World’s Data is Stored, and Who Owns It [Infographic] Earlier this week, I came across a fantastic infographic titled Where of Where is the World’s Data Being Stored?

Where the World’s Data is Stored, and Who Owns It [Infographic]

Created by Mozy, one of the world’s largest online backup services, the infographic illustrates data stored over the course of 20 years (1986 to 2007). Interesting to note how the year 2000 was about the time we started storing things digitally. Data accounted for in this infographic is stored on hard drives (52%), optical storage (28%), digital tapes (11%), and other formats (9%). This ever-growing myriad of storage options clearly shows our desire to archive everything and our obsession with data security. Selected Tools. Datavisualization. Exemples datavisualisation. Over the last few months we’ve been kept busy with designing visualizations for the project “Ville Vivante”.

Exemples datavisualisation

Based on the premise that the mobile phone has become the center of our everyday communication and main source of information, the City of Geneva, in cooperation with the Lift conference, decided to take the challenge to visualize the digital traces created by our mobile phones. As implied by the title “Ville Vivante” – “Living City” –, the goal of the project was to visualize the urban flow of everyday life and make it visible to passersby at the local trainstation. Our assignment was to craft a given dataset into an animated visualization and a series of posters. Google spreadsheets et processing. 10 Useful articles about Database design. This is a list of ten useful articles about database design which includes some tips and practical suggests to help you to design quickly databases for your web projects.

10 Useful articles about Database design

The list includes some tips to define relationships-entities model, common database design mistakes, database normalization, how to use PHP and SQL to create tables and relationships and a correct approach to define relationships between tables. 1. KJB de signets graphiques's Tumblelog. Exemples de datavisualisation. Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics.

Visualisation médicale. Take a Look at Health.