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Open Source Social Networking Platform. Tarification. WordPress plugin. Knowledge Building is a process of collaboratively building new understanding and knowledge through meaningful discussion.

WordPress plugin

This plugin allows knowledge building processes to happen on WordPress comments. There are several different knowledge typesets to choose from, and they can be mapped to individual post categories, so other posts will continue to use their normal commenting functionality, while some categories will be equipped with knowledge building tools. Downloading This plugin is hosted in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Installation Install the plugin as you normally would, into its own folder inside wp-content/plugins. Also check out David Groos’s instructions on setting up Fle4 and working with themes, multiuser setups, etc on various versions of WordPress. Examples You can see knowledge building in action, using two different knowledge type sets: You can also take a look at the latest beta version.

License The knowledge building plugin for WordPress is licensed under GPL 2 license. FLE3/FLE4. Méthode des six chapeaux. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Méthode des six chapeaux

Pour cela, chaque participant prend un « chapeau » d'une couleur particulière, lui assignant ou lui reconnaissant un rôle. Ce chapeau peut changer durant la réunion. Il peut aussi être identique à celui d'autres participants. La méthode[modifier | modifier le code] Tappestry - Products. Tappestry for Organizations includes many exclusive features, including customization, security and measurement.

Tappestry - Products

Thanks to Tappestry, organizations can now measure and track informal learning events. By aggregating and socializing individual learning, companies are able to access valuable intellectual property that might otherwise be lost. The power of individual employee knowledge is critical to organizational success and Tappestry offers the learning methodology and technology to unlock it for the entire enterprise. Integration With Your LMS/LRS Tappestry uses the Experience API, also known as the Tin Can API. In this respect, Tappestry is a great companion for your company’s new hires, an interactive and social tool that keeps your sales team productive, or an effective way to manage professional development.

Measurements and Dashboards The metrics in Tappestry help you manage, track and measure informal and social learning. Security and Reliability Customization User Account Flexibility. Open Source Workflow & BPM software. Modélisation & développement Concevez un modèle de processus rapidement en drag-n-drop grâce à la notation BPMN2.

Open Source Workflow & BPM software

Un utilisateur métier peut commencer par un design simple, puis collaborer facilement avec les développeurs afin d'enrichir le modèle les éléments d'exécution : données, formulaires, connexions ... Connexion aux SI Connectez vos processus aux systèmes et aux bases de données existantes grâces aux APIs Java et Web. Les connecteurs pré-intégrés et ceux contribués par la Communauté vous permettent de vous connecter en quelques clics. Organisation & mapping des acteurs Définissez la structure organisationnelle et les personnes impliquées dans la gestion et la réalisation des processus.

Design formulaires & applications Créez des formulaires Web pour l'utilisateur final en positionnant les widgets en drag-and-drop. Simulation & optimisation Utilisez les données de processus pour optimiser l'efficacité de vos processus. Test, exécution & déploiement.