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Ellen Langer on the Value of Mindfulness in Business. Suppose you’re confined to a nursing home. You’re elderly, you’ve lost much of your mobility, and your faculties are deteriorating. Along comes a Harvard University social psychology professor named Ellen Langer who takes you away on a retreat, where everything is transformed into the way it looked and felt when you were 25.

Radios with vacuum tubes play rockabilly and Perry Como, a hardcover copy of Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger sits on a Danish modern coffee table (the movie won’t be released for several years yet), the clothing is au courant for 1959, and the conversation covers recent events like Fidel Castro’s invasion of Havana. The staff treat you like you’re in the prime of physical health, making you carry your own suitcases upstairs even if you haven’t recently lifted anything nearly that heavy. You know, at some level, that this is all a fictional recreation. You wouldn’t expect five days in a retreat like this to have much effect. We see the same thing in recovery from illness. Comment le «hackathon» réinvente l'innovation en entreprise. Axa, Pernod Ricard et la SNCF ont adopté les méthodes de Facebook. Elles font plancher des week-ends entiers des génies de l'informatique sur des projets d'applications et de services en ligne.

Enquête sur un phénomène. «Vous avez tous pensé à dormir?» John Karp, grand sourire et petits yeux, interroge la centaine de personnes assises devant lui. «Dormir, c'est mourir!» Sur les bancs des universités, les hackathons sont désormais légion. Le concept du hackathon est né aux États-Unis à la fin des années 1990, au sein de la communauté des développeurs adeptes des logiciels libres. La culture du hackathon s'est propagée en entreprise lorsque les génies de l'informatique sont devenus entrepreneurs. Le phénomène a depuis gagné la France. Sortir du schéma d'innovation classique «Avec les hackathons, nous cherchons à sortir du schéma d'innovation classique», précise Frank Mouchel, CIO d'Axa France.

Le hackathon est-il l'avenir de l'innovation en entreprise? Spectre du travail non rémunéré. Customers Need to Fire Something Before They Can Hire Your Product. I’ve previously described the importance of nailing your customer’s problem as the initial battle. But it’s about way more than just getting their attention. When you can describe your customer’s problems clearly and succinctly – even better than they can, there is an automatic transference where they believe you also have the solution for them. This is what Jay Abraham calls the “Strategy of Preeminence”. This same phenomenon is also at work at the doctor’s office where after correctly diagnosing you, you are more open to the prescription. But getting to this stage requires a deep understanding of your customers. In my book, Running Lean, I advocate for using customer problem interviews and observation techniques for this but I have recently been experimenting with another approach called jobs-to-be-done.

Clayton Christensen briefly describes this framework in his book “The Innovator’s Solution” which is where I first read about it. Sounds basic. Here were my 3 biggest takeaways: 1. 2. When Krave Jerky Showed up in Class with a $435,000 Check. I remind my students that I’m teaching them a methodology they can use the rest of their careers, not running an incubator. Every once in awhile a team ignores my advice and builds a company worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Hershey just bought Krave Jerky, a team in our 2011 Berkeley Lean LaunchPad class, for >$200 million. Jon Sebastiani and his team came into the 2011 Berkeley Lean LaunchPad class with several key observations: Snack foods were a large ~$35 billion but the moribund food category was starving for innovation and modernizationMeat snacks were a $2.5 billion subcategory of snacks. So there was plenty of data that proved that Americans loved to snack and loved meat snacks.There was an opportunity for a new company “Jerky 2.0.” in the snack food marketJon believed his competition was the conventional “Meat Guys” (the existing beef jerky companies.)

Jon’s big vision was to build a company that disrupted the meat snacks business. If you can’t see the slides click here. L'impression 4D, nouvelle (r)évolution industrielle ? Imaginez un futur où les meubles s'assembleraient tout seuls, où l'épaisseur des murs des bâtiments évoluerait en fonction de la météo et où les voitures accidentées se répareraient elles-mêmes. Ce monde-là n'est pas tiré d'un ouvrage de science-fiction, mais issu des très sérieuses expérimentations de Skylar Tibbits, chercheur américain au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), sur l'impression 4D.

Concrètement, il ne s'agit pas d'inventer, à proprement parler, une quatrième dimension. "L'idée est d'utiliser les procédés de l'impression 3D en y intégrant des matériaux capables d'évoluer avec le temps en fonction de leur environnement", précise Mathilde Berchon, consultante et auteur de L'Impression 3D (éditions Eyrolles). Selon Loïck Roche, directeur de Grenoble École de management, le procédé s'apparente "à la transmission, à la matière, d'une forme d'intelligence reptilienne de l'ordre du réflexe".

The pull in business models: 3 types of Attractors to look for. So you need to know what your customer will love? What excites them? What moves them? This of course allows you to begin the process of designing a business model that delivers to both the customer and the business. Traditional business motivations are usually a push approach. But is this the future? Guest post by James Streeton-Cook Right now, let’s make something better than what’s out there, something really cool and we’ll beat the competition and make a mint.

Since you are reading this post then we can assume you know better. Current business thinking it is all about what the customer needs. Power of Pull – It’s a Lean Thing Lessons from Lean Business have taught us the power of pull systems. »The core idea of lean is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste When creating something new, some new value, be that a business model; product or service; or even a new industry platform – value is pulled into arrangement (not pushed) by Attractors involved. 1. Great Ocean Road Milk 2. "La multiplication des chefs de projet est une catastrophe managériale majeure", affirme le sociologue François Dupuy. L'Usine Nouvelle - Qu'est ce qui vous a poussé à revenir sur un sujet dont on pouvait penser que vous aviez fait le tour dans votre précédent livre ?

François Dupuy - Beaucoup de personnes, et pas seulement mon éditeur, m'ont demandé d'écrire la suite. De mon côté, j'avais envie de revenir sur certains phénomènes que j'ai observés en intervenant dans des entreprises ou dans mes travaux de recherche. Certaines personnes me disaient que j'avais bien démonté les mécanismes de ce qui ne marchait pas mais que je ne donnais pas de solutions. De mon côté, je voulais, après avoir expliqué ce qui ne va pas, approfondir les raisons de cette situation, revenir sur le pourquoi ça ne va pas. Le titre de votre essai fait référence à une pensée managériale. Quand je parle de pensée, je ne me réfère pas à un grand système d'explication du monde avec des concepts définis. A l'origine du phénomène, il y a la formation des managers encadrants. Comment expliquez-vous ce choix qui semble peu raisonnable ? « Fab labs », « makerspaces » : entre innovation et émancipation ? » | Le blog de Yannick Rumpala.

Les dix innovations les plus prometteuses du monde en 2015 - L'Express L'Entreprise. Value Co-creation In The Age Of The Customer. In this Age of the Customer (AoC), many traditional businesses are under threat and need to change. Organizations often have the need to rethink their business strategy and operating model – but they often don't know how to approach the problem. Today, they tend to ask others to do it for them, when in reality; they need to do this for, and to, themselves. We’ve been helping our clients rethink how they deliver value to their customers – thinking about how to industrialize their approach by working “Outside-in” – bypassing the political challenges of individual silos. The central part of an engagement is normally focused around a “big-tent” workshop format (with 20-80 people in a room); where cross-functional teams are facilitated and guided to elucidate a set of “service propositions” that together form the core of a future-state – a new way of working, or a new way of engaging each other to solve their own problems, even a new operating model.

"The Robots Are Already Here and They're Called Corporations" | Isabelle Roughol. 54 Screwups of a Startup CEO. By Anand Sanwal (@asanwal), CEO/Co-founder/Customer Service We’re having a pretty great year at CB Insights – revenue is up, the team is growing and we’re executing at a high level. But things weren’t always good. We’ve had lean times and made many, many mistakes. Most were the result of things I did (or didn’t do) and I’ve been keeping a list of my screw-ups as a reminder to myself. With that in mind, and as the new year approaches, I thought I’d share my list more publicly as a reminder to myself and as a public way for the team to keep me honest. For other entrepreneurs, I hope this list is useful, provides a laugh, or lets you see that you’re not the only one. As you’ll see, my screw-ups span all facets of building a company – everything from HR to culture to product to sales to operations to admin. So here they are in no particular order, bucketed by category.

Culture #1 – Thought culture would just happen This is my biggest learning by far as CB Insights scales. Trying to remedy this. Have You Tried Talking To Your Customers? I remember daydreaming in the boardroom of a renowned university in Ireland while pretending to listen to a group of stakeholders argue over a label on a web form… One side insisted that the users always call it an RFPN number while the other side was adamant it was simply the “RP Number”.

The conversation was becoming increasingly heated with snide remarks and armchair politics entering the fray. One group asked for usability tests causing the other guys to turn to me aggressively. “I thought we hired YOU to solve this sort of problem“. I snapped out of my daydream quickly. Both sides watched horrified as I went to the telephone in the corner of the room and started punching buttons labelled Maths, Arts, Sciences. Answers are everywhere Anyone who works in UX has had this experience of watching clients fight over “What The Users Want™”, oblivious to the fact that they’re usually surrounded by them and could just ask. Even UX designers themselves are susceptible to this type of behavior. La confusion liée au droit d’auteur casse la créativité en ligne. Mal connu, souvent craint, le copyright serait un frein important à la créativité des internautes, selon une étude du Georgia Tech College of Computing.

"Vous avez probablement enfreint six lois [de copyright] avant le petit-déjeuner sans même le savoir. " Casey Fiesler du Georgia Tech College of Computing soulève dès le début de son article le problème des droits d’auteur sur le net. Elle reprend les conclusions de son étude quant à l’impact de ces lois du copyright sur la créativité des internautes. Selon elle, tout le problème vient du flou législatif entourant la création en ligne.

Les lois du droit d’auteur ont en effet été créées pour protéger écrivains et artistes à une époque où l’on pouvait contrôler les canaux de diffusion. Aujourd’hui, chacun produit des contenus créatifs que cela soit une image meme, un clip parodique, un remix ou une fan-fiction. Les internautes s’autocensurent 13 % des messages sur le forum d’aide de YouTube tournent autour du droit d’auteur. Partech Shaker, un lieu pour stimuler l’open innovation. Le fonds d’investissement Partech Ventures inaugure ce mercredi un campus d’une quarantaine de startups. Celles-ci auront des contacts privilégiés avec 6 grands groupes de secteurs différents pour doper leurs innovations dans le numérique. C’est dans les anciens locaux du journal "Le Figaro", en plein cœur de Paris dans le 2e arrondissement que Partech Ventures, un fonds de capital-risque basé à Paris, Berlin et San Francisco a installé Partech Shaker, un campus dédié à l’open innovation.

"Le 1er au monde" revendique ses créateurs. Rien que cela. "Ce n’est ni un incubateur, ni un accélérateur", précise Romain Lavault, entrepreneur et General Partner de Partech Ventures lors de l’inauguration des lieux ce mercredi. Sept "partenaires innovation" 40 start-ups à terme sur 9 étages In fine, une quarantaine de start-ups (contre une petite vingtaine actuellement) devraient pouvoir bénéficier de cette proximité avec des grands groupes. Actualité économique Lyon et région Rhône-Alpes - Acteurs de l'économie. 3S-en-LR - Stratégie de Spécialisation Intelligente du Languedoc Roussillon 2014-2020.

PitchLab - PitchLab Front. The Pitch Maker. Customer Development for Startups: What I Learned Talking to 500 Customers in 4 Weeks. Business Innovation Observatory - Industrial innovation - Enterprise and Industry. What is this project about? The Business Innovation Observatory delivers regular analysis and intelligence on the latest business and industrial innovation trends. What are the trends explored over the past semesters What is the approach? The analysis focuses on the business micro-perspective through the development of case studies on novel business and industrial innovation trends, practices and models. What are the objectives? The project has the following three objectives: to identify the dynamics and good business practices of innovative industries; to understand the barriers to innovation and to propose policy tools for supporting novel business innovation trends; and to nurture win-win relationships between entrepreneurs, policy makers and researchers.

What is the final target? The Business Innovation Observatory is designed to develop policy relevant and transferable results. How will the project succeed? Discovering Your Authentic Leadership. The ongoing problems in business leadership over the past five years have underscored the need for a new kind of leader in the twenty-first century: the authentic leader. Author Bill George, a Harvard Business School professor and the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, and his colleagues, conducted the largest leadership development study ever undertaken. They interviewed 125 business leaders from different racial, religious, national, and socioeconomic backgrounds to understand how leaders become and remain authentic. Their interviews showed that you do not have to be born with any particular characteristics or traits to lead. You also do not have to be at the top of your organization.

The journey begins with leaders understanding their life stories. The authors argue that achieving business results over a sustained period of time is the ultimate mark of authentic leadership. Les trois P : protection, permission, puissance. Définition Ce sigle 3P fait référence à une dynamique entre les états du moi permettant l’expression de la créativité, l’initiative ou l’expérience d’un individu dans des conditions de sécurité et d’encouragement optimales. Le P de Protection représente la fonction du Parent Normatif : cadrer, fixer les règles ou les limites. Le P de Permission représente la fonction du Parent Nourricier: encourager et de soutenir le changement, l’expérimentation, l’affirmation de soi.La résultante de ces deux conditions est l’expression de la Puissance de l’individu par l’utilisation combinée de l’Enfant Libre, siége de la créativité, des envies et de la personnalité authentique, et de l’Adulte en prise avec la réalité, les contraintes éventuelles.

Illustrations Pour favoriser l’expression dans une réunion participative, le leader va donner les éléments de structure tels que : thèmes de travail, résultat visé en fin de réunion, modalités de participation. Exercice : Questions : Point de vigilance : Manager l’innovation, cela s’apprend ! Stéphane Mercier : « L’expérience utilisateur est indissociable du processus d’innovation » L'argent Dette (2010) Paul Grignon. MOUSELAND - LE PAYS DES SOURIS. 5 steps to building Minimum Viable Product with Story Mapping | 503 Practical Thoughts. This Tiny Hotel Pod Sits on the Roof of a 60-Year-Old Historic Building. The future of Airbnb in cities.
