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Dr. Hawkins Fans/Consciousness Calibrations at Consciousness and Awareness #2, topic 733547. Here is a consciousness energy resonation chart (revised) Dr..hawkins...revised energy chart from 0-50,000 Citations: 1, 2 and 3 refer to Power vs Force, The Eye of the I, and I.

Dr. Hawkins Fans/Consciousness Calibrations at Consciousness and Awareness #2, topic 733547

Since the two editions of PvF have different page numbering, references are to just the chapter in PvF. DHG refers to posts in the "DrHawkinsGroup" Yahoo group, where someone refers to a calibration made by DH. Keep in mind that the quantifiable range of calibration for humankind is between 0 and 1000. For background on Dr. Enjoy ****************************************** 7-35 -- Serial child killers calibrate between 7 and 35. 3-205 20 -- The level of Shame is perilously proximate to death, which may be chosen out of Shame as conscious suicide or more subtly elected by failure to take steps to prolong life. 20s -- The behavior of people whose consciousness is only in the 20s is dangerous: they're prone to hallucinations of an accusatory nature, as well as paranoia; some become psychotic or commit bizarre crimes.

Calibration Chart - David Hawkins Spiritual Group. Dr hawkins calibrations. The Emperor's New Clothers - Dr. David Hawkins' Absolute Calibration of Truth. David Hawkins is a controversial spiritual teacher who claims that consciousness/truth can be objectively calibrated by the muscle test.

The Emperor's New Clothers - Dr. David Hawkins' Absolute Calibration of Truth

This is an in-depth investigation into this claim. IF YOU VISIT WIKIPEDIA and look up Dr. David Hawkins, the American psychiatrist who has over the last decade been putting out a lot of scientific-sounding New Age / New Consciousness philosophy in a series of books, magazines and lectures, you will be surprised to see that his entry in that online encyclopedia is almost blank. [It was once a substantial entry, a mirror of which you can see at It then disappeared altogether when a Wiki editor caved in to revisionist pressure and deleted the whole thing, only to return a year or two later with just a few lines when Wiki admin no doubt realized that blatant censorship was probably not good PR for them — link.] Enlightenment spiritual seminar. This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 30 January, 2007.

Enlightenment spiritual seminar

David Hawkins - Power vs Force - A Critique. With the recent popularity of books like Power vs Force by Dr.

David Hawkins - Power vs Force - A Critique

David Hawkins, it is timely to examine dowsing and the objectivism being claimed for it. There is a lot of good info at the end of this article, so if you don't read it, it might be worth scrolling down to check it out.For an in-depth investigation into Hawkins and his philosophy visit WHETHER WE ARE SEEKING water, ley-lines, health or the answers to specific questions, dowsing has proved invaluable through the ages for connecting ourselves to a huge source of information — our own subconscious. Dowsing allows our conscious minds to draw on the greater perspective and wisdom of the unconscious; it presents a communication channel by which our subconscious can express itself to our conscious minds in as clear and unambiguous a way as possible. David Hawkins - Power vs Force - A Critique. With the recent popularity of books like Power vs Force by Dr.

David Hawkins - Power vs Force - A Critique

David Hawkins, it is timely to examine dowsing and the objectivism being claimed for it. There is a lot of good info at the end of this article, so if you don't read it, it might be worth scrolling down to check it out.For an in-depth investigation into Hawkins and his philosophy visit WHETHER WE ARE SEEKING water, ley-lines, health or the answers to specific questions, dowsing has proved invaluable through the ages for connecting ourselves to a huge source of information — our own subconscious. Top muscle testers. Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter - August 23, 2005 "Each of us is ... infected by about 1014 bacteria even as we are sitting here reading this....each of us can make 1012 or more individual T lymphocytes with receptors that can distinguish among 1012 or more things that threaten us....

Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter -

" Gerald N. Callahan, Ph.D., Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion In this issue: What's New in The Skeptic's Dictionary & Skeptic's Refuge There are three new dictionary entries: Mary Toft hoax, Kevin Trudeau, and e-meter. I sent off the following to Costco: I was at the Vacaville, CA, store this afternoon and noticed a large number of copies of Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About. Randi tells me he is going to promote the Costco campaign in his next newsletter. I've posted another critical thinking mini-lesson: control group studies. I revised several entries, including the intelligent design entry. The retrospective falsification entry was revised. Finally, I posted comments about several news items: A Resource for Students of David R. Hawkins’ Work. Double-blind study on materials testing with appl... [J Dent Res. 2005.

Test-retest-reliability and validity of ... [Complement Ther Med. 2001. Applied kinesiology unreliable for assessing... [J Am Diet Assoc. 1988.