VousNousIls » l'emag de l'education. Stop Motion Software for Mac and Windows. Draw a Stickman. Sparkol. Splash 2. MotionComposer - Digital publishing, Create interactive animations and display them everywhere, Html5, Flash. Create Your Own Comic. ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Comic Creator. Ecrire à partir d'images séquentielles.
Par Lutin Bazar dans Production d'écrit le 25 Septembre 2010 à 23:31 En début d'année de CE1 (et en fin de CP), ou selon les thèmes abordés, j'aime bien proposer des activités d'écriture à partir d'images séquentielles.
Cela permet de travailler le repérage dans le temps et l'organisation du récit. A partir d'images trouvées essentiellement sur le site orthoedition, j'ai créé quelques fiches de production d'écrit avec grille d'écriture. Je tiens à ce que mes élèves remettent les images en ordre avant de commencer à écrire car ils sont obligés pour cela d'observer l'image et de formuler dans leur tête ce qui s'y passe. Je trouve que c'est une étape importante avant de commencer à écrire, qui les habitue à ordonner leurs idées pour respecter les étapes du récit. Les images ne sont donc pas sur les fiches mais dans un fichier à part (les séries d'images portent les mêmes numéros que les fiches). Mes élèves ont un petit cahier de rédaction. Histoires en 3 images : Dossier 1 - Fiches : Animation & Courts-métrages enfants. Flipbook Deluxe! - vuur explosie. Hopper - RMN Bd.
Les dessins de "Ma BD Hopper" ont été réalisés à partir des œuvres suivantes : Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Nighthawks (Noctambules), 1942Huile sur toile. 84,1 x 152,4 cmChicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Friends of American Art Collection Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Gas (Station-service), 1940Huile sur toile. 66,7 x 102,2 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, fonds Mrs Simon Guggenheim © 2011.
Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence Edward Hopper (1882-1967)House by the Railroad (Maison près de la voie ferrée), 1925Huile sur toile. 61 x 73,7 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, don anonyme de 1930 (3.1930). © 2011. Stick2 αq. Hi.
This was made by @antimatter15, in other words, me. Because I don't really like writing about myself or at least, I think I nailed narcissism with the last project's about page, so I'll just copy and paste it here. The source code is available on github. A totally irrelevant fact is that at time of writing I'm 15 years old, but that tends to make people treat this as more of an accomplishment than it really is and thus more inclined to share it. So now, aware of that magical fact, you should follow me on twitter and share this extension with all your peers. If you have you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send a tweet in my direction @antimatter15 or email me at antimatter15@gmail.com.
Créer ton film - Mon ciné animal. Create a new Mangatar. Digital Tools for Teachers: Creating Digital Multimodal Texts. With the introduction of the Australian Curriculum, there is an emphasis on the use of Multimodal Text in English.
ICT offers a great range of tools to allow students to create digital multimodal texts, such as comics, animations, digital storytelling, video & audio, ebooks, poster & cover design and game design . What are multimodal texts? A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or more semiotic systems. There are five semiotic systems in total: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multimodal texts can be delivered via different media or technologies. (Bull and Anstey, 2010) Use software usch as powerpoint, publisher, paint.net or photoshop. 5 Free Tools for Creating Book Trailer Videos.
The traditional book report that asks students to critique the books that they read is a staple of many classrooms.
If you would like to add a new element to book reports try having students add visual and audio components to book reports by having students create book trailers. Book trailers are short videos designed to spark a viewer's interest in a book. A great place to find examples of book trailers is Book Trailers for Readers.
If you would like to have your students try to create book trailers, here are five free video tools that are well-suited to that purpose. Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, video clips, and text. Stupeflix is a service that allows user to quickly and easily create video montages using their favorite images and audio clips. Shwup is a service similar to Animoto and Stupeflix for creating videos based on your images and audio files. Masher is a free tool for creating video mash-ups.