(16) How To Draw Rudolph. Six Fun Online Christmas Games For Distance Learning. With more and more schools around the world switching to online teaching, lessons about Christmas this year a likely to be a lot different.
Coming up with ideas for fun Christmas games can be difficult for a teacher, even in the best of times. To help you out, we have put together these six fun online Christmas games that you can use in distance learning / virtual learning classrooms. These online Christmas games are absolutely free, super fun, and are great for lessons teaching kids and beginner English language learners about Christmas. (FYI this post contains Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. 1. This first online Christmas game is a fun guessing game for kids. This online Christmas game is absolutely free to play from this page or from our YouTube channel. 2. This next fun Christmas game can also be used in distance learning / virtual learning classrooms. 3. This Christmas quiz is a great online Christmas activity. 4. 5. 6. Set the Clock: Time to 15 Minutes.
ESCAPE GAME ENGLISH CLASS by anadelpc on Genially. Escape game sTArt Hi everyone!
We have almost finished school and you have worked really good this third term. But, it is not a problem to be at home and studying English at the same time.. so you have to scape from me now. READY? FINALMision Thursday Friday Saturday Wednesday March Sunday Tuesday April May Monday What is missing? Third fourth fifth first second twoth two July September October June August January What´s missing? Telling the time by olakonieczna11 on Genially.
Jeżeli opisujemy godziny pełne (na przykład: jest godzina pierwsza) to robimy to w następujący sposób: 100– it's one o’clock(jest pierwsza) 400–it's four o’clock(jest czwarta)Przy okazji stosowania tej konstrukcji pojawia nam się ciekawe słówko:Clock– zegar (ścienny)Powyższe słówko określa zegar ścienny.
Na zegar na rękę jest inne wyrażenie:Watch– zegar (na rękę) Godziny „połówkowe” (na przykład: jest wpół do piątej) Anglicy konstruują kompletnie inaczej niż w Polsce! :-) U nich mówi się, że jest wpół po czwartej a nie wpół do piątej:-) Przykładowe godziny wyglądają więc następująco: 430 – it's half past four (jest wpół po czwartej) 730 – it's half past seven (jest wpół po siódmej)W tej konstrukcji pojawiają nam się dwa ważne słówka:Half– połowaPast– po W języku angielskim podobnie jak w języku polskim można stosować także kwadrans zamiast liczby piętnaście.
Kochani w Waszych interaktywnych ćwiczeniach również zamieściłam karty pracy z godzinami. Time, Daily Routines Expressions, ESL Grammar Sentence Activity. Hickory Dickory Clock: A tell the time game. A tablet friendly tell the time game.
Learning objective:Y1: to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour [and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times]Y2: to tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour [and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times]Y3: tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour [and 24-hour clocks - not covered] Level One this game includes a quarter to / past, which is a bit more than required by the UK Y1 Maths Curriculum. Level Two matches the requirements for Y2 found in the UK Maths Curriculum. Level Three is most suitable for Y3 and above. Y3+ need to be able to read a clock which uses Roman Numerals. No, David! By David Shannon Read Aloud Bedtime Story. Hogwarts lovers A1 by agata116 on Genially. ,,welcome to Hogwarts,by Agata Jodko,open the letter,,Harry Potter lost his owl.
You know she is locked in the tower. You must help Harry and find him Hedwig. Do all the questions and tasks they will take you to the place where Hedwig is kept. ,how many toys can you find? ESCAPEROOM BUGS TEAM 3 by Iza Łukaszewska on Genially. VIDEOGAME,PRESS START,ESCAPEROOM,VIDEOGAME,MISSIONS,INTRODUCTION,MENU,HI-SCORE,© 2018 GENIALLY ESCAPE GAMES,CHARACTERS,232323,232323,INTRODUCTIONWPROWADZENIE,Iza Łukaszewska/beeready,Zapraszam Cię do zabawy!
Rozwiąż wszystkie zadania i zdobądź tajny kod.Podpowiedzi znajdziesz w podręcznikuPOWODZENIA!!!