Gott och blandat på engelska
Semantris. Learn English - Online ESL Games. Music Quiz. Syfte Att lyssna och förstå.
Frågorna täcker hela elevernas livstid (en fråga/år) och eleverna tycker att det är roligt att minnas tillbaka. Det blir ofta en trevlig stund tillsammans! Läraren reflekterar En aktivitet som passar i början/slutet av terminen eller mellan två längre arbetsområden.
A letter from Fred. Fakta om filmen Dokumentär med låten Sweet Lorraine av Fred Stobaugh.
Av: Green Shoe Studio. Längd 9:26 Filmen handlar om Green Shoe Studios anordnar en sångtävling.
Icebreaker – The Canswedian English Teacher. Music Quiz VT 18. #ourfuturejobs - Sara Bruun. I år 8 arbetar vi just nu med temat #ourfuturejobs.
Vi startade en lektion före påsklovet och kommer fortsätta två lektioner v 16. Vecka 17 och 18 har mina elever PRAO därefter kommer vi göra färdigt temat.
Riddles & Answers. On the minute - Google Slides. A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 1, part 11. Aɪ ˈθɪŋk ðət aɪb ˈbetə ˈɡəʊ ˈhəʊmz ˈnɒt ə ˈbɪt ˈdɒktə | ˈsteɪ weə ju ˈɑː | aɪm ˈlɒs | wɪðˈaʊp maɪ ˈbɒzwel || ən ðɪs ˈprɒmɪsɪz tə bi ˈɪntrəstɪŋ || ɪt əb bi ə ˈpɪti tə ˈmɪs ɪt bəʧɔː ˈklaɪənt ˈnevə ˈmaɪnd ˈhɪm || aɪ ˈmeɪ ˈwɒnʧɔː ˈhelp | ən ˈsəʊ ˈmeɪ ˈhiː || ˈhɪər | i ˈkʌmz || ˈsɪt ˈdaʊn ɪn ˈðæt ˈɑːmʧeə | ˈdɒktə | əŋ ˈɡɪv əs jɔː ˈbest əˈtenʃn̩ ə ˈsləʊ ən ˈhevi ˈstep | wɪʧ əb biːn ˈhɜːd əˈpɒn ðə ˈsteəz | ən ɪn ðə ˈpæsɪʤ | ˈpɔːzd ɪˈmiːdiətli ˈaʊtˈsaɪd ðə ˈdɔː || ˈðen ðə wəz ə ˈlaʊd ən ɔːˈθɒrətətɪv ˈtæp ˈkʌm ˈɪn ˈsed ˈhəʊmz.
Jonas Hassen Khemiri Reads “As You Would Have Told It to Me (Sort of) If We H...
SEASONS - MONTHS - DAYS WORDSEARCH worksheet. ESL Christmas Crossword Puzzle. 7 YouTube channels to spice up your lessons. One of the funniest and weirdest activities you can enjoy with your friends is a so-called YouTube party.
Basically, you meet your mates and have regular fun until someone says “I totally have to show you something on YouTube…” And boom, the YT party begins because everyone has seen something to share with friends. And, oh, the depths of the Internet you may visit… If you teach teenagers or digitally aware adults you may enjoy a little YT party as well, just try to moderate the videos presented by students as some of the videos may turn out to be somewhat inappropriate.
If you want to avoid potential embarrassment, try to show some EFL-friendly channels. Don’t know which ones are worth recommendation?
Movement and Mindfulness for the Classroom. Similes and Metaphors – The Canswedian English Teacher. Fun fact!
Did you know that the simile, “Life is like a box of chocolates” was used WAY before it became famous in Forrest Gump. Does anybody know who it was that wrote it? I’ll give you the answer at the bottom of the blog (*evil laugh*)
Rules for group work. The six degrees: Kevin Bacon at TEDxMidwest. Classroom Rules. 16 Ways to Play The Hot Seat Game. One of the most popular TEFL activities for practising and reviewing vocabulary is called ‘The Hot Seat’ game.
You have probably played it with your learners, although you may know it as ‘back to the board’. The procedure is simple: One student sits in a chair with his or her back to the board.The teacher writes a word on the board, which the student sitting in the chair cannot see but the other students can.The other students define the word to the student with his / her back to the board. They cannot say the word.When the student guesses the word or time runs out, he / she returns to his / her seat and another student sits in the hot seat. The teacher writes another word on the board. This game/activity is great fun for learners of all ages and is an entertaining way to review vocabulary. Many teachers play it at the beginning of a lesson/week (to review vocabulary learned in previous lessons/week) or at the end of a lesson/week to practise the new vocabulary.
5 Ways to Use Music in your English Class Even if you Can't Sing. The Wright Family – The Canswedian English Teacher. There are so many homophones and homonyms in the English language am I right (adj/adv/)?
Write? Rite? Wright? To illustrate this point, and to get people chuckling at the beginning of the year – I usually do the “The Wright Family.” How does it work? You can do it several times. At the end, everyone should only have one item in their hand. After the activity – you can talk about the different “right” and “left” meanings, and go over how many different homophones/homonyms there are in the English language.
How do we get there? - Mia Smith. Monster as a Pet - Kimstudies. Falling Clouds - Learn English. Falling Clouds In this game you have to move words around to make a sentence.
You can practice English grammar by rearranging words to make a complete sentence. The sentences get more complicated as you progess. Hopefully this game is a good way to practice sentence structures and review word order. Grammar is an important part of learning English as it is something that differs between languages. Edit – In response to numerous comments and emails, the game is now slower giving more time to move the clouds around.
Förbättra din engelska genom...
Safer Internet Day 2017 Quiz. Activate: Games for Learning American English. Can you Find the Swedish Cities? - Kimstudies. Focus on Mrs Jones. Summer is here and we will all gradually get our energy back.
Quite often love is in the air. People are getting married, hoping for the sun to shine every minute of the day. Students go abroad or to a camp or simply hang out in somebody’s back yard. Eyes are open, ears are pricked.
Yes, No and Maybe - Kimstudies. Ba Ba Dum. BBC Scotland - Voice recognition a...
Quick, Draw!
KoreanBilly Explains The Differences Between American And British Accents. All Things Topics - Home. En annorlunda uppgift - första, andra tredje!
Grammatik är inte alltid elevernas favoritsysselsättning även om det är frökens! Jag står nästan aldrig framme vid tavlan och har traditionella grammatikgenomgångar. Jag har under åren konstaterat att det inte har så stor effekt och att det tar mycket tid. Jag försöker därför att variera och framförallt lägga in moment som eleverna tycker är roligt.
The Newspaper Clipping Generator - Create your own fun newspaper. JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template. 12 tricky riddles to exercise your brain.
10 Beautiful Thoughts by John Lennon. John Lennon touched the world with his beautiful song lyrics and visions of a loving and peaceful world. Here are some of his most touching words to inspire us all to love one another and make this world a better place. 1. "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
" 2.
The mystery of the sand.
□ Anders gästbloggar – Att leka sig till språkriktighet □
Vår medförfattare Jörgen Gustafsson tog i sitt blogginlägg upp vikten av att ha ett gott ordförråd. En snabb blick i Focus övningsböcker visar att vi vill ge eleverna mycket och varierande ordkunskapsträning. Här finns ett stort antal ordkunskapsövningar med olika infallsvinklar och uppföljningsövningar där man tillämpar det inlärda ordförrådet. Utan ett bra ordförråd kommer man inte långt. När man väl skaffat sig ett stort ordförråd är det inte fel att få lite ordning på orden.
Friday’s News Quiz. 20 End of the Year Reflection Questions - Minds in Bloom. 10 Illustrated English Idioms That Will Make Your Life Easier. For many people learning English for the first time it can be daunting and complex language to master. Lots of silent letters, complex spellings and odd expressions which often go over the heads of most non-English speakers.
To make learning English a little easier, Irish illustrator Roisin Hahessy has created some wonderfully simple yet funny pictures to help make things a little clearer.
Akinator, the Web Genius. English Wizz - LingualNet.