English. Teaching Ressources. Canale YouTube - Emiliana Rufo. My English lessons. NEWS. Blended Learning Resources. Ressources pédagogiques. Free Teacher Resources. Resources. Escape game. Phrases from films. The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11. You might want to check-out my New York Times post that includes 9/11 teaching ideas and a student interactive quiz for English Language Learners.
With the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon coming-up in less than a month, I thought I would put together a “The Best…” list to highlight some relevant accessible sites for English Language Learners. Teachers of very young students probably want to review some of the video clips to determine if they would be too disturbing to watch. There are certainly plenty of resources around that cover many of the country and worldwide effects of the attack in the years since then (and I’ll probably be compiling a list of them soon). This list, though, is focused on sites that talk about the day itself. I do, however, include one or two resources that provide some historical perspective. Here are my picks for The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11 (not in any order of preference):
Resources. Learn English Through Pictures. A Christmas Carol – WebEnglish.se. This Theme Page will be updated by Dec 1st.
A theme page about Charles Dickens’ beloved story A Christmas Carol, with an array of videos from the year 1910 to 2019. Related topics: Winter Wonderland 1-9, Best of Christmas 1-4, Best of Christmas, 5-7, Best of Christmas, 8-B1, Background. Advanced English Lessons - English Activities for Upper Intermediate Level Learners.
Free K-12 Lesson Plans, materials and resources. Teachit - English teaching resources. ESL Library. All Things Topics - Home. @Scholastic. For Teachers | For Parents | For Kids Please add printables@message.scholastic.com to your address book.
We hope you enjoyed receiving this message from Scholastic Printables. You received this email because you and/or your school are valued Scholastic customers and you provided us with your email address: kelinden23@yahoo.com Please visit the Scholastic Preference Center to update your personal information and to manage your email subscriptions. If you would rather not receive newsletters from Scholastic Printables, please follow this link. English for kids - Songs. English songs for ESL kids. English songs for kids Kids love songs!
Singing traditional kids' songs can be a great and fantastic way to teach English to young learners. With the help of amusing, easy to remember songs they learn new words, expressions and pronunciation quickly, and have fun at the same time. Free Printables. Onestopenglish: Number one for English language teachers. RESCOL 1 - Ressources pour le Collège en anglais. RESCOL 1 - Ressources pour le Collège en anglais. Séquences pédagogiques. English. Anglais - Didapages. Programmes de cycle 4. Oxford Dictionaries - Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar. EFL Activities for Kids, ESL Printables, Worksheets, Games, Puzzles, for Preschool, Primary English Learners.
KidsClick! Web Search. KIZCLUB-Printables for Kids. Welcome to StoryPlace! The Happy Verby Gang: Los Tiempos Verbales de la Lengua Inglesa. [ REFERENCE ] Verbes irréguliers en anglais. Comment voit une personne dyslexique lorsqu'elle lit? Souvent détectée lors des premières difficultés à l’école, la dyslexie est un trouble de la lecture qui touche plus de 3 millions de personnes en France.
Il est difficile de dire la façon dont une personne dyslexique voit le texte qu’elle lit. Si une police de caractère avait été créée par un graphiste britannique pour montrer les difficultés de lecture des personnes atteintes de ce trouble, un site web animé vient de voir le jour et reproduit cette expérience de lecture souvent particulièrement ardue. Comme l’explique son créateur, un développeur suédois du nom de Victor Widell: « une amie à moi est dyslexique. Elle m’a décrit ce qui se produit lorsqu’elle lit. Elle peut lire mais cela lui demande beaucoup de concentration.
Pour vous permettre de vous rendre compte à quel point il faut être concentré pour lire un texte lorsque l’on est dyslexique, nous avons choisi un texte célèbre et l’avons animé. Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché, Tenait en son bec un fromage. 32 Apps Dyslexic Students Will Love for Everyday Learning. As the days of summer fun come to a close, thoughts of reading assignments, worksheets, and essays return to the forefront of many students’ minds.
For students with dyslexia, work that requires reading and writing can be daunting, and it often saps the enjoyment out of school. Fortunately, more and more families and schools are discovering assistive technology (AT) and the ability it has to lessen stress and give children a greater sense of academic independence. While many schools have folded technology into the classroom, students are also increasingly using their own smartphones and tablets. The built-in accessibility features (e.g., text-to-speech, dictation, word prediction) of mobile operating systems have made those devices extremely useful for dyslexic students, and the variety of AT-related apps flooding Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store raise the level of assistance to an even higher level.
Reading Apps. This Website Shows You What Reading Is Like When You’re Dyslexic. A website created last week is providing a fascinating look into what some forms of dyslexia look like, and the results are a must-see.
The goal is for people without dyslexia to appreciate how hard it can be to read or do math for their peers who do. The website isn't an across-the-board view of what it's like to have dyslexia, but it's an eye-opening experience to see words and letters so distorted. “A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading.
Dyslexie et anglais. Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools. In the right setting the flipped classroom model can work well for some teachers and students.
I recently received an email from a reader who was looking for a recommendation for a tool would enable her to add an assessment aspect to her flipped lesson. Here are some tools that can accomplish that goal. eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students' progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon. To create lessons start by identifying a topic and objective then searching YouTube and Vimeo from within the eduCanon site. Teachem is a service that uses the TED Ed model of creating lessons based on video. The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea.
Check out my two-part Education Week Teacher series on the flipped classroom here I’m a bit wary/skeptical about whole “Flipped Classroom” idea and how it works in practice.
Diana Laufenberg spoke for me, also, in some of her tweets about the concept: But I’m still open to learning, and I invite your suggestions for additions to list. How to Flip Your Classroom With eduClipper and PixiClip. Customized Teaching and Testing. The Seven Best Short Animated Films for the Language Classroom - Kieran Donaghy. Animated films are ones in which individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame.
Traditionally animated films have been associated with children, however, nowadays they are designed to appeal to everyone. With the increased ease of creating animations, there has been a huge rise in the number of animated films being produced, and the vast majority of these are short animations. Many of these short animated films can be exploited in the language classroom as they are short enough to be used in a single session, offer a complete narrative in a short space of time, have a unique capacity of grabbing and holding students’ attention, and deal with contemporary subjects and issues, such as bullying, racism, sexism, homelessness, and human rights, which are relevant to students’ lives.
The Seven Best Silent Short Films for Language Teaching - Kieran Donaghy. As many short films are artistic, they have limited appeal in the commercial marketplace and are funded from diverse sources. To make them easier to sell worldwide, they often contain little or no dialogue, which makes comprehension much easier. As a result, they offer intensely ‘filmic’ experiences, using images and movement, sequence and duration, sound and music to tell their stories. These silent films are perfect for the language classroom as they can be used with any level – the teacher just needs to adapt the difficulty of the task to match the level of the students. Best Resources For Teaching About Rosa Parks & 60th Anniversary Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Thanks to Teaching Tolerance, I just learned that December 4th will be the 60th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I’m sure there will be lot of new resources becoming available in the next few weeks, and I’m also sure that there are plenty that I’m not including in the first edition of this post. Please let me know what I’m missing. Lost Property. This EFL lesson is designed around a beautiful short film titled Lost Property by Asa Lucander. Students do a dictation, work out meanings of the verb ‘lose’, speak about lost items, watch a trailer and short film, and write a story. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Tea Consent (Clean) Tea and Consent. Human Rights. This is the preparation material for an English conversation lesson about human rights.
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. Universal human rights are often guaranteed by the law of a country, general principles and other sources of international law. International human rights laws give down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and freedoms of individuals or groups.
Webinars: Webinar Recordings. Complete List - Top 10 Greatest Speeches. English Online - Articles in Easy Understandable English for Learners. WebEnglish.se ⋆ Teaching Material for English (ESL/EFL) Teachers in Sweden. ESL Yes 1,600 Free ESL Short Stories, Exercises, Audio. BBC Radio 4 - Desert Island Discs, Sir Ken Robinson. Anglais collège - Le Blog de Mister Adien: 3e. Isabelle_destat/coterminales.
Podcasts gratuits pour apprendre les langues. Voici un répertoire de sites qui proposent gratuitement des flux de fichiers audio et/ou vidéo, voire de simples enregistrements (sans option d'abonnement) pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais, du français, de l’espagnol et d'autres langues principalement européennes. A condition d’avoir une certaine autonomie dans l’apprentissage, on peut y trouver de quoi se passer des exercices fastidieux de grammaire et des listes ennuyeuses de vocabulaire pour se concentrer uniquement sur la langue telle qu’elle est parlée et comprise par les locuteurs natifs.
Les professeurs de langues peuvent également y trouver des ressources audio et/ou vidéo intéressantes à intégrer dans les cours ou à présenter aux élèves en tant que ressources complémentaires au support imprimé. Les podcasts proposés sont pour la plupart des ressources francophones et anglophones faciles d'accès. Pour les podcasts en langues asiatiques, voir notre répertoire ressources pour apprendre les langues asiatiques. Sommaire du répertoire. Outils et ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants.
English Speaking Countries - World Top Ten. Varieties of English. La motivation en milieu scolaire. Main. English for Children (1A) Académie Orléans Tours. Crdp. DANS L'ENSEIGNEMENT. Warm-ups. Resources Secondary Box – ELT – All your favourite English Teaching resources in one place – Cambridge University Press. 'Programaciones Didácticas' for 'Next Generation' | Cambridge University Press Spain Added by: Secondary Box. Tropical Rain Forest.
RESSOURCES ANGLAIS. XMAS. THANKSGIVING. CLOTHES. DATE. BODY. Home. Education Services Australia. Classe TICE. Intermediate Listening. Storynory, Free Audio Stories for Kids. ESL EFL Teaching Activities Worksheets Games. English news and easy articles for students of English. Moteurs de recherche d'images « libres de droits » — Enseigner avec le numérique. Comme l'évoque le site Documentation Rouen, « les moteurs traditionnels de recherche, comme Google, Bing, Yahoo ou Ask offrent la possibilité de rechercher des images, mais les droits liés à l’utilisation de ces dernières ne sont généralement pas précisés : droit de l’information, droit de l’image, droit à l’image ».
@miclik : un jeu sérieux pour l'éducation aux réseaux sociaux. Risorse. 5ème - [ LA CLASSE D'ANGLAIS] EFL 2.0 Directory. ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets. English Resources. School Clip Art for Teachers and Kids - Free Clipart for Educational Purposes. Teenagers and UK culture. Why bring UK culture to the teen classroom? We can introduce UK culture into the English classroom to help our students improve their English and at the same time learn about values and ways of doing things which may be different to theirs. Learning about life and culture in the UK can be very motivating as it brings the language alive for learners and creates a link between language and real life.
See if you agree with these comments from teachers on teaching UK culture to their teenage learners: ‘We need to avoid reinforcing erroneous British stereotypes to our teenagers. English is all around! BrainPOP. Famous People Biographies; Reading Lesson Plans. Project Syndicate - the Smartest Op-Ed Articles from the World's Thought Leaders.