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The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea

The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea
Check out my two-part Education Week Teacher series on the flipped classroom here I’m a bit wary/skeptical about whole “Flipped Classroom” idea and how it works in practice. Diana Laufenberg spoke for me, also, in some of her tweets about the concept: But I’m still open to learning, and I invite your suggestions for additions to list. The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con is by Mary Beth Hertz and appeared in Edutopia. ‘Flipping’ classrooms: Does it make sense? Three Questions To Consider Before We All Flip is by Richard Byrne. Should You Flip Your Classroom? Flipping for the Flipped Classroom Seems To Be the Trend but Not for Me is by Pernille Ripp. I’ve Copyrighted “Flipped Classroom” is by Troy Cockrum. Flipped classrooms: Let’s change the discussion is by Brian Bennett. And here are some posts that appear to provide a fair amount of details on how to go about implementing it if you decide to do so: Flipped Classroom Resources is a Google Doc from Dan Spencer. Related In "teacher resources" Related:  Teaching resources

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools In the right setting the flipped classroom model can work well for some teachers and students. I recently received an email from a reader who was looking for a recommendation for a tool would enable her to add an assessment aspect to her flipped lesson. Here are some tools that can accomplish that goal. eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students' progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon. Teachem is a service that uses the TED Ed model of creating lessons based on video. Knowmia is a website and a free iPad app for creating, sharing, and viewing video lessons.

The Best Resources For Teaching “What If?” History Lessons (NOTE: Sometimes the embed function from Authorstream doesn’t work very well. If that’s the case, you can see the student examples of PowerPoint presentations at the Authorstream site by just clicking on the student’s name below the slides). I’m a longtime fan of “alternate history,” and last year was thrilled to read about how some teachers applied that concept in their classes. This is how Carla Federman (who borrowed the idea from Diana Laufenberg) introduced her lesson to students: You are to identify one specific point in American history for which you are interested in changing the outcome. Once you have identified your point of divergence, you will need to consider both the immediate changes and the long-term impacts that divergence would have on modern society. I’ve written about this idea, and included links to both Carla’s and Diana’s projects, in three previous posts: Extraordinary “What If?” Asking “Why Not?” New Excellent “What If?” Through a “What if?” More “What If?” Related

This Website Shows You What Reading Is Like When You’re Dyslexic A website created last week is providing a fascinating look into what some forms of dyslexia look like, and the results are a must-see. The goal is for people without dyslexia to appreciate how hard it can be to read or do math for their peers who do. The website isn't an across-the-board view of what it's like to have dyslexia, but it's an eye-opening experience to see words and letters so distorted. “A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading. Dyslexia is a learning difference affecting the way the brain processes written and spoken language. "When someone with dyslexia like myself says things look like they 'jump around' they do not mean it literally," they write. While the exact causes of dyslexia are not entirely clear, years of research and success stories, from Henry Ford to Keira Knightley, have shown that dyslexia is not the hindrance to achievement that so many mistakenly assume. According to the U.S.

Mobile Apps Will Pass - History Will Repeat Itself Over the past few years the big sexy conversation at conferences has slowly morphed from social media to mobile. It is partially because social media is better understood now but it’s also because mobile is the shiny new toy that everyone is trying to figure out. We have seen incredible inroads that mobile traffic is making up a larger and larger portion of web traffic. With recent data suggesting that the average user has well over 50 apps installed on their smartphone it is a great time to be an app developer. About a month ago I was at the OmniUpdate user conference on a panel talking about mobile and its adoption. History Repeats Itself Think back to the beginning of this decade around the time of the .com stock bubble. The point is what happened next? Think about what is happening right now… IT IS THE SAME THING! If you go back past into last century we didn’t download even software. Taking Two Steps Forward The content of this post is licensed: About the author

32 Apps Dyslexic Students Will Love for Everyday Learning As the days of summer fun come to a close, thoughts of reading assignments, worksheets, and essays return to the forefront of many students’ minds. For students with dyslexia, work that requires reading and writing can be daunting, and it often saps the enjoyment out of school. Fortunately, more and more families and schools are discovering assistive technology (AT) and the ability it has to lessen stress and give children a greater sense of academic independence. While many schools have folded technology into the classroom, students are also increasingly using their own smartphones and tablets. The built-in accessibility features (e.g., text-to-speech, dictation, word prediction) of mobile operating systems have made those devices extremely useful for dyslexic students, and the variety of AT-related apps flooding Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store raise the level of assistance to an even higher level. Reading Apps ClaroPDF (Claro Software; iOS — $3.99) ClaroSpeak Google Play Books

Let's Play 'History As A List' : Krulwich Wonders... A bunch of you have sent me this list. It comes from Drew Breunig, a New Yorker who apparently works in the computer business, in advertising. It's a short history of "Frontiers" — territories that he says have challenged humans over the centuries, arranged in roughly chronological order. Drew calls it "Frontiers Through The Ages." Water, 1400 Land, 1840 Gold, 1850 Wire, 1880 Air, 1900 Celluloid, 1920 Plastic, 1950 Space, 1960 Silicon, 1980 Networks, 1990 Data, 2000 I know, I know, it's much too American and very arbitrary (Christopher Columbus didn't exactly "open" the oceans for exploration; Egyptian sailors, Minoans, Phoenicians did that, and much earlier), but still, Drew is playing a game here that's fun, if you keep at it. Suppose I wanted to think about power, how sources of power have multiplied over time. gravity muscle horses wind steam internal combustion oil gas nuclear With each new chapter, we get more power, plus more risk . vinyl 8-track cassette CD iTunes Anonymous Indeed.

Comment voit une personne dyslexique lorsqu'elle lit? Souvent détectée lors des premières difficultés à l’école, la dyslexie est un trouble de la lecture qui touche plus de 3 millions de personnes en France. Il est difficile de dire la façon dont une personne dyslexique voit le texte qu’elle lit. Si une police de caractère avait été créée par un graphiste britannique pour montrer les difficultés de lecture des personnes atteintes de ce trouble, un site web animé vient de voir le jour et reproduit cette expérience de lecture souvent particulièrement ardue. Comme l’explique son créateur, un développeur suédois du nom de Victor Widell: « une amie à moi est dyslexique. Elle m’a décrit ce qui se produit lorsqu’elle lit. Pour vous permettre de vous rendre compte à quel point il faut être concentré pour lire un texte lorsque l’on est dyslexique, nous avons choisi un texte célèbre et l’avons animé. Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché, Tenait en son bec un fromage. Jean de la Fontaine Pour inclure ce texte sur votre site web:

Učitelský spomocník: Vizualizace dat jako výukový prostředek budoucnosti Publikováno : 08.02.2010 Autor : Andrea Patáková Následující článek je možné chápat jako doplněk nedávno publikovaného Horizon Reportu 2010, který právě vizualizaci dat řadí mezi významné technologické nástroje budoucnosti v horizontu 4-5 let. Určitě bude zajímavé detailněji popsat, co se pod tímto termínem rozumí a předložit přehled nejznámějších, nejpoužívanějších či nejzajímavějších příkladů již dnes existujících nástrojů vizualizace dat, které se hodí do výuky. Nechť je tento přehled inspirací všem učitelům podněcující jejich vlastní hledání různých způsobů zapojení vizualizace do výuky. Co je vizualizace dat Vizualizace dat je způsob objevování a pochopení vzorů v obrovském souboru dat pomocí vizuální interpretace a používá se pro vědeckou analýzu komplexních procesů. Proč použít vizualizaci dat ve výuce? To, co dělá vizualizaci dat tak přitažlivou pro výuku, je způsob, jakým rozšiřuje člověku přirozený způsob hledání a nacházení vzorů či souvislostí v tom, co vidí. Zeměpis Seznamy
