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Intermediate Listening

Intermediate Listening
Related:  listeningTeaching resources

Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above ► For teachers Lesson plans, teachers' information worksheets, how to find a podcast and much more! ► Pie plus Our monthly magazine with news, videos, information worksheets and our monthly competition. ► Extras Extra worksheet activities to support the podcasts ► Freebies Free sample worksheets for each of the three levels ► Travelogues Follow the pie team on their travels and learn English along the way Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. Many thanks to partnersinrhyme for the jingle on our podcasts and Philip Halling for the banner photo. Our partner sites: hire essay writers online at EssayPro Check your IELTS writing online - Boost your IELTS Band Score with IELTS Writing Pro, the most advanced IELTS writing checker. - best app that writes essays for you Did you know..?

ESL EFL Teaching Activities Worksheets Games Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities 787 Listening Worksheets Listening can be a challenge even for experienced ESL students. Scoring high on a grammar quiz may be a piece of cake, but it’s not always easy to make out every word a native speaker says - especially when that speaker is talking at normal speed, without pauses between words. Even so, listening is a crucial component of modern ESL teaching, right up there with grammar, speaking, and writing. The question of how, exactly to approach that, though, isn’t always clear. Whatever your approach - or set of approaches - to listening exercises, has worksheets just for you. The exercises offered on our listening worksheets come in a wide range of formats - from exercises in which students transcribe interviews with celebrities, to ones in which they listen to popular songs or even read-aloud poems. No matter which level or style of exercise you use, you can be sure that it’s already been tested and found to work in a classroom like yours.

Moteurs de recherche d'images « libres de droits » — Enseigner avec le numérique Comme l'évoque le site Documentation Rouen, « les moteurs traditionnels de recherche, comme Google, Bing, Yahoo ou Ask offrent la possibilité de rechercher des images, mais les droits liés à l’utilisation de ces dernières ne sont généralement pas précisés : droit de l’information, droit de l’image, droit à l’image ». Des filtres par type de licence sont néanmoins parfois proposés par certains de ces outils. Des métamoteurs comme LibreStock et Photos for Class vont plus loin encore car ils permettent d'interroger en une seule fois une multiplicité de réservoirs. LibreStock s'inscrit dans cette démarche de collecte de reproductions placées sous licence CCO (domaine public) car il indexe différentes bases iconographiques spécifiques comme Pexels, Pixabay, Picjumbo ou Magdaleine. En complément, il est intéressant de signaler une autre initiative assez similaire baptisée Photos for Class. Sources Réseaux et médias sociaux

Learn English for Free with elllo! EFL 2.0 Directory LISTENINGS - English 4 all ages Listening is one of the hardest skills to acquire when learning a foreign language ; and however, it is also likely to be the skill that English language learners most need to master. To understand what others say, in most linguistic situations, enables learners to take an active role in speech acts. Here is a selection of websites which offer a lot of free listening resources ( La comprensión auditiva es una de las destrezas más difíciles de adquirir cuando se aprende una lengua extranjera; y, sin embargo, es con toda probabilidad la destreza que más necesitan dominar los estudiantes de Inglés. Comprender lo que dicen otros, en la mayoría de las situaciones lingüísticas, capacita para desempeñar un papel activo en los actos comunicativos. Esta es una selección de páginas web que ofrecen recursos gratuitos para practicar y mejorar esta destreza). 1.- ( all levels: easy, medium and difficult)Todos los niveles. ( Three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced)
