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OER Commons. 18 Free Image Sites and Tools for Schools. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it might also be worth a thousand dollars if your school gets hit with a copyright violation claim.
This happens to schools every year as students or teachers inappropriately use an image that they do not have the rights to. Thankfully this does not have to be the case as there are loads of high quality pictures that can be used in school projects without any licensing concerns. These can include images that are released under creative commons, or are in the public domain, or simply are copyright-free. Of course depending on the license, it may still be necessary to cite where the image came from to provide proper attribution (and it can be a good practice to do even if not required).
There are many sites and tools that can help educators and students find free photos, clipart, icons, and more. The List If you just want the links to the sites and tools, see the list right below. Free Image Websites Free Image Websites. CopyrightSimpleK12 - Google Slides. Copyright and Intellectual Property. ImageCodr.org. 14 copyright essentials teachers and students must know. Using copyrighted material incorrectly can land teachers and students in hot water.
Here’s what you need to know to stay safe. (Image by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.com / CC0) Students and teachers toe a very fuzzy ethical line every day — many without even realizing it. Some end up on the safe side of the line, but others cross the line and cross ethical boundaries — and sometimes costly legal ones. That line is the copyright line, deciding how teachers and students can respect people’s intellectual property. The bottom line is this: Copyright doesn’t automatically mean, “This is mine. The silver lining is this: Copyright isn’t the only license on digital media. Kristina Peters, a digital learning specialist for the Nebraska Department of Education, recently discussed copyright, licensing and the essentials that teachers and students should know.
Here are some of the take-aways from that discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Creative Commons, Open Content, and Public Domain Images - Copyright for Creators. OERs eBook.pdf. K-12 Technology Integration. The OERs - Open Educational Resources. Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup. Learn Online. Santtu at the helm by wili_hybrid When I get a free minute I try to get through some of my feedreader.
Unfortunately I don’t get very far into it because Abject Learning is first in the list. This time Brian is questioning the need for OER, and I have to say I largely share his position, it is over rated in the grand scheme of things. One of the other participants asked a question that resonated with me: if we live in an era of information abundance, why is the primary drive around OERs the publication of more content?
Open Educational Resources (OERs)
What are OERs?
Open Educational Resources are freely available teaching and learning materials which the author has licensed in an open format to allow others to re-use and adapt. They can include lecture notes and slides, handouts given to students, online tutorials, diagrams or even an entire Moodle course. In many cases the author has assigned a Creative Commons licence to the resource indicating that it can be used freely.
The UK's largest repository for discovering and sharing Open Educational Resources for HE, FE and Skills.
IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC. In its recent Communication on Rethinking Education, the European Commission announced a new initiative on “Opening-up Education” to be launched mid-2013.
It acknowledges that openness has the potential to widen access to education and to improve, amongst others, access, cost-efficiency and quality of teaching and learning. However, Open Educational Resources (OER) are currently underexploited. There is a need to understand better how the potential of OER can be seized and what should be the policy objectives when promoting them. The OEREU project has as main objective to provide empirical evidence to policy makers in order to guide policies on the field of Open Education. It is focused on three educational levels, School Education, Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, and has the following specific objectives: Visionary papers on the future of Open Education. Open Educational Resources. Opening up education through innovation. Open educational resources (OERs)
There is no one, standard definition of open educational resources. However, the following broad definition of OERs from OER Commons seems to be generally accepted by the community: 'Open educational resources are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world.' OERs exist within a wider ‘open’ movement and context, explored below.
Wikimedia Commons. Library.educause. Open Educational Resources (OER) Explore this resource site—a collection of all EDUCAUSE resources related to open educational resources (OER) in higher education.
Web Sites with OER resources The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources - CCCOER is a joint effort by the OER Center for California, Foothill-De Anza Community College District, the League for Innovation in the Community College and many other community colleges and university partners to develop and use open educational resources (OER) and especially open textbooks in community college courses. Connexions is a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Free Online Course Materials is a California State University MERLOT collection of over 35,000 open course materials.
Where to find OER. OpenLearnOpenLearn provides free access to over 8,000 study hours of learning materials from Open University courses, with links to its BBC broadcasts and interactive content such as expert blogs, videos and games.
JorumThis free online repository service constitutes a key part of the JISC programme to collect and share learning and teaching materials for the UK further and higher education community across all subject disciplines. HumBoxHumBox is a bank of online humanities resources run by the University of Southampton. It was initially developed by the HumBox project in a collaboration between 12 institutions and four humanities subject centres - LLAS, English, History and Philosophical and Religious Studies. Language BoxThis is a virtual storage space for modern languages learning materials.
Originally funded by JISC and created by the Faroes project team at the Universities of Southampton and Portsmouth, it stores resources in 26 languages, from Arabic to Welsh.
Open Professionals Education Network. CC licensed (BY) Flickr photo shared by David Amsler modified by Paul Stacey Reusing existing Open Educational Resources (OER) can save significant time and effort.
The OPEN partners recommend TAACCCT grantees invest up-front time finding OER to reuse rather than starting development of new educational resources right away. A significant benefit of OER is that they provide source material to build your development efforts around. No need to invest development effort in creating something that already exists. OER come in a wide variety of types. The page below will help you find openly licensed media elements to use within your courses.
Download & Streaming : Open Educational Resources. MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW), available at , makes the course materials used in the teaching of all MIT undergraduate and graduate subjects available on the Web, free of charge, to any user in the world.
Educators utilize the materials for curriculum development, while students and self-learners around the globe use them for self-study or supplementary use. With more than 2,000 courses now available, OCW is delivering on the promise of open sharing of knowledge. This library of open educational resources features course materials for seven Advanced Placement (AP) courses. These high school level materials are available for free download. This library of open educational resources features 187 courses from 14 universities in China.
What is OER? - Creative Commons. What are Open Educational Resources (OER)? Open educational resources (OER) are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and other purposes. Open Education "...is the simple and powerful idea that the world’s knowledge is a public good and that technology in general and the Web in particular provide an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse knowledge.
" —The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Open Educational Resources for K-12. OER for ELT - Teaching support. Open Resources for English Language Teaching (ORELT) Portal. The best free cultural & educational media on the web. Discover Europeana Collections, a Portal of 48 Million Free Artworks, Books, Videos, Artifacts & Sounds from Across Europe. "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
," asked T.S. Eliot in lines from his play "The Rock.
" His prescient description of the dawning information age has inspired data scientists and their dissenters for decades. Thirty-six years after Eliot's prophetic lament over "Endless invention, endless experiment," futurist Alvin Toffler described the effects of information overload in his book Future Shock, and though many of his predictions haven't aged well, his "prognosis," writes Fast Company, "was more accurate than not.
" Indeed, the exponential accumulation of data and information, and the incredible amount of ready access would make both men's heads spin. The possibilities may literally be endless, as the collection continues to expand at a rate far beyond the ability of any one person, or team of people, or entire research institute of people to match.
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About OER - Education - Open Educational Resources for K-12 (OER) - Research Guides at Kennesaw State University. First, understand Creative Commons (CC) License. Because most of OER are under terms of Creative Commons, understanding CC will help you to use OER better. If you an educator and want to find some teaching materials, such as syllabi, lecture notes, assignment, lab manuscript, lab reports, and so on, please go to the tab For Educators for the selected OER .
15 OER tools for educators. Below you’ll find great sources for K-12 OER.
Need some higher-ed OER tools? We’ve got a ton of them on eCampus News. This is just a sampling of the OER tools available. Do you have a favorite OER tool or guide that isn’t listed here?
WatchKnowLearn - Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students. Appendix 7 - OER References and Links. This appendix provides links to websites where you can find OER; some specifically for schools, others with more general Creative Commons licensed content, including images, clipart, music and video.
New York Public Library Invites a Deep Digital Dive. Photo Mansion Maniac, a whimsical online toy created by the New York Public Library, may seem like envy bait for the real-estate have-nots. With the help of a Pac-Man-like icon, users can explore the floor plans of some of the city’s most extravagant early-20th-century residences, culled from the library’s archives.
Guide to Open Educational Resources - WALA 2016. 11 Places to Get a Free and Legal Photo for Your Blog. Searching for the right photo for your blog post or website can be a pain. A legal photo can be hard to find. After writing a post, the last thing any of us wants to do is flip through endless pages of expensive stock photos.
It’s so much easier to Google the term and “borrow” one of the images that comes up as a search result. Too bad that’s illegal. Yes, illegal.
Open Education - SPARC. Education is essential to advancing society.
Home - Open Educational Resources - Research Guides at UNH. Open Education Resources. OER. Education-2020 - Open Access Education and Resources. Skip to main content Try Wikispaces Classroom now. Brand new from Wikispaces. guest Join | Help | Sign In. OER. OER-Open Ed. Resources. About this webmix : A multitude of fabulous open resource sites! Ever growing! WI MediaLab Lessons, software, text-FREE!
80 Resources for Open Education Developers. Open Educational Resources: il punto della situazione. Università e scuola. An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) - OpenLearn - Open University - H800_1.
Security Check Required. OER IPR Support. This Starter Pack has primarily been created for JISC/HEA Phase 2 OER Projects as well as anyone else creating OER to help them deal with the IPR and licensing issues associated with OER.
It.pinterest. Open Textbooks. Free ebooks by Project Gutenberg. ELI7061. New Illume Home Page Video Final v2. Illume Learning: All the Tools You Need to Build Great College Courses. Teacher Tools & Templates - Venn Diagram. Inspiring Learning Everywhere. Classroom 2.0 LIVE April 2016. CopyrightFriendly/Creative Commons/Fair Use. Use Information Correctly: Copyright and Fair Use - Full Page. AE Webinar 2.6 - Web 2.0 Tools - Using OER to Impact Learning. Copyright and Fair Use. Where to find free stock photos for your blog & social media.
Another Place to Find Great Photos. Copyright & Plagiarism for Kids.