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Rhetorics/Storytelling/Presentation skills. Great Speeches Collection. Famous Speeches in History — Audio Online - Top 100 Speeches of the 20th Century by Rank. Famous Short Speeches. Famous Short Speeches and SpeakersThe above links provide access to the text and words of these famous short speeches - examples of short Eulogies, Soliloquies, Motivational, Persuasive, Ceremonial, Historical, Tribute and Inspirational short speeches by great speakers.

Famous Short Speeches

SitemapFor comprehensive details on the content pf this website please click the following link: Famous Speeches & Speech Topics Sitemap Famous Short Speeches Famous Short Speeches. Speeches by Famous women. A great select of the greatest speeches from the world's most famous women!

Speeches by Famous women

The words from these famous women are rousing, motivational and filled with emotion - as are all of the best speeches. The essence of the most persuasive speeches is the inspirational and informative quality that these types of speeches possess. The whole of the text of each speech topic is included and is not confined to just fragments of these women speeches. Details of the most persuasive and famous women speeches can be accessed from the following 'Famous Women speeches' in alphabetical order. Famous Speeches Index. FAMOUS PRESIDENTIAL SPEECHES. The Presidential speeches featured are in the form of extracts, passages or lines from famous inaugural speeches and quotes citing an illustration of, or allusion to, the famous events of the day.


Use passages and lines taken as direct citations from the famous Presidential speeches and quotes using the language and words used by the celebrated President in their own language and dialect. All of these well-known Presidents are famous for their powers of verbal and oral communication all making excellent use of the words and language of their native tongue and delivery inspiring and persuasive Presidential speeches. Presidential Speeches contain various subjects and topics ranging from inaugural, farewell, ceremonial, tribute, acceptance and commemorative but all Presidential speeches are informative. Movie Speeches. The Power of Oratory in the United States.