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Yoga: From Hatha to Vinyasa. Free Yoga. 7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras. “Men of great knowledge actually found out about the chakras – their workings, their petals, their sounds, their infinity, their co-relationship, their powers.

7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras

They found that the life of a human is totally based on these chakras. They developed into a whole science. This total science gave birth to Kundalini Yoga. That is how Kundalini Yoga was born.” – Yogi Bhajan The human body is a complex system encompassing vast energy systems that are not immediately perceptible with our limited eyes. Meditation. Sivana — Welcome. Mission - Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation. Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation is a most complete series of postures.

Mission - Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation

It is a very good exercise which takes only a few minutes to do and serves as a warm up routine before the practice of yoga asanas. It is one of the best home exercises requiring little space, only eight by three feet. Be sure to have enough space to lie down, and enough clearance to stretch the arms above the head while standing. Surya namaskar consists of a sequence of twelve postures performed continuously and combined with synchronized breathing. Each position counteracts the preceding one producing a balance between flexions and extensions. These 12 exercises are 1 round of surya namaskar.

Gregorian Bivolaru - Karma Yoga. Translation from Romanian: Rodica Harabagiu Final correction of text: NATHA,Copenhagen, 1999.

Gregorian Bivolaru - Karma Yoga

20 min. Yoga Sessions from - Download free podcast episodes by Wizzard Media on iTunes. Yoga Postures Step-By-Step - Index to Poses. Short on Time? Try This All-in-One Yoga Pose! Yoga 101: Sun Salutation - Canadian Living. Pranayama - Yoga & other useful stuff with Tara Stiles - Download free podcast episodes by on iTunes.

4 Yoga moves for a slimmer middle on Shine. Belly fat gets a bad rap, but there are all sorts of problem spots that can take up residence on your torso.

4 Yoga moves for a slimmer middle on Shine

From bra bulge to just-above-your-bikini-line pooch and everything in between, these 4 poses target your tummy while firming up your chest, shoulder and back muscles, too. And with no equipment required, they're easy enough to do at home-or, hey, even at the beach or by the pool! Get a metabolism that soars Rocking Boat This exercise starts with a yoga move called the Boat Pose. Bent-Leg Boat Raise and Lower Start in Boat Pose, as described in Rocking Boat. 1-Minute Plank Pose. 10 Yoga Poses to Fight Depression and Anxiety.

The mind, body and spirit are all connected and when a person suffers from mild depression or anxiety, the body is out of balance.

10 Yoga Poses to Fight Depression and Anxiety

Yoga is a series of stretches that helps bring balance to the body; not just focusing on the body’s health, but also on the mind and spirit. Always consult a physician or counsellor if you are having ongoing feelings of depression or anxiety and before trying any new exercise program. 1. Begin with the Lotus position, sitting crossed legged with hands resting on the knees, palms up.

Yoga & other useful stuff with Tara Stiles - Download free podcast episodes by on iTunes. 3 yoga stretches - Canadian Living. How To Do a Basic Sun Salutation. Resources for Spiritual Journeys. Meditation: The Science of the Inner. Osho Meditation Techniques.

If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are.

Meditation: The Science of the Inner. Osho Meditation Techniques

Meditation is the route to that knowing. It is the methodology of the science of awareness. The beauty of the inner science is that it enables whoever wants to explore and to experiment within, to do so alone. This eliminates dependence on an outer authority, the need to be affiliated with any organization and the obligation to accept a certain ideology. Once you understand the steps, you walk the walk in your own, individual way. Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. Osho Active Meditations have been scientifically designed by Osho over a period of time to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way. But what is meditation exactly? The Habit Change Cheatsheet: 29 Ways to Successfully Ingrain a Behavior. We are what we repeatedly do.

The Habit Change Cheatsheet: 29 Ways to Successfully Ingrain a Behavior

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle Our daily lives are often a series of habits played out through the day, a trammeled existence fettered by the slow accretion of our previous actions. By Leo Babauta But habits can be changed, as difficult as that may seem sometimes. Your Information Source for Chakras. The Tree of Contemplative Practices. The Tree illustrates some of the contemplative practices currently in use in secular organizational and academic settings.

The Tree of Contemplative Practices

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. Below the Tree you will find links to descriptions of many of these practices as well as a more in-depth description of the Tree and image files for downloading. Some of the practices on the tree link to further information–either on our website, or on Wikipedia. © The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society Concept & design by Maia Duerr; illustration by Carrie Bergman Understanding the Tree.

Yoga Positions & Poses for Men, Women & More! Yoga Basics: Your guide to Asanas, the Yoga Postures and Poses. Asana is defined as “posture or pose;” its literal meaning is “seat.”

Yoga Basics: Your guide to Asanas, the Yoga Postures and Poses

Originally, there was only one asana– a stable and comfortable pose for prolonged seated meditation. More than just stretching and toning the physical body, the yoga poses open the nadis (energy channels) and chakras (psychic centers) of the body. Yoga poses also purify and help heal the body, as well as control, calm and focus the mind. The different categories of postures produce different energetic, mental, emotional and physical effects. Namarupa, Categories of Indian Thought.

Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and. National Yoga Month Awareness Campaign, yoga classes, Yoga Festi. Yoga Postures Step-By-Step - Index to Poses. Yoga Postures. Welcome to Psoas Massage + Bodywork.