How To Make A Keyhole Garden: The Ultimate Raised Bed. Keyhole garden in summer drought (projects forum at permies) Inspired by the keyhole garden thread, and my drive to make our farm irrigationfree, I started making a new garden bed.
Here's what it looked like at the start of today. I used wattle (weaving) as the walls because we can see dismantling it in 4 or 5 years, and we wanted something easy to take apart. Also, I like the way wattle looks. For the posts, I used old garden stakes. Big mistake. I drew the circles and pounded in all the posts first. Well, maybe one other problem. How to Create a Keyhole Garden - Engledow Group. Image Source: Aletha St.
Romain Southern Africa is known for its scorching temperatures and dry spells that can last for what seems months. Combine that with thin layers of soil and you can begin to see a problem when it comes to growing produce. To combat this harsh climate, humanitarian aid groups have developed various sustainable gardening techniques that allow families and villages to grow food throughout the year.
One such technique is what’s become known as keyhole gardening. So what is keyhole gardening? The benefits of the keyhole garden design are plentiful. Keyhole gardens can be created by following these steps: Build a circular wall using bricks, stones, wood, etc. How To Build A Keyhole Garden & 7 Reasons Why You Should. Image Credit: VLCinéaste @ Flickr Pin It Keyhole gardens are the ultimate raised bed with a built-in composting system and easy irrigation.
Food and yard scraps are put into the composting basket and as they break down they release plentiful nutrients to the soil. These garden types originated in Africa where the soil is poor and temperatures are hot and dry. However, anyone can benefits from the creation of a keyhole garden no matter where you live. Keyhole Gardens: A Drought Tolerant Composting Garden. Some of the links below are affiliate links.
This means that if you choose to make a purchase SHTFPreparedness may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. The Keyhole Garden concept is brilliantly simple. A circular raised bed has a center compost basket that distributes nutrients to the surrounding lasagna-style garden bed. A small pie-slice section of the bed is used for easy access to the center compost basket forming the keyhole design, this is a great gardening technique and more of us should be doing this as it works that good!
If you are interested to see how to make one check out the article below. Le Keyhole : une technique potagère innovante. Jardin partagé Nid du 12 – Crédits : Main Verte Qu’est ce qu’un Keyhole ?
Le keyhole, ou jardin en trou de serrure, est un concept d’aménagement originaire d’Afrique. Il vient notamment des régions arides comme le Lesotho ou l’Uganda. Ces méthodes permettent une importante production de légumes sur des surfaces limitées tout en contrôlant l’arrosage. Son nom vient de sa forme circulaire avec un trou central. L’organisation Send a Cow est a l’origine de ce beau projet de permaculture. Comment réaliser un Keyhole dans son jardin ?
Le post de blog de l’arpent nourricier vous donne des conseils pour le réaliser dans votre jardin, étapes par étapes. Où voir un Keyhole à Paris ? 2 Keyholes ont été créés dans le cadre évènementiel de Canal+ global partage sur le parvis de l’Hotel de Ville de Paris en Mai 2014 : How to build a Keyhole Garden. Keyhole Gardens. Keyhole Gardens First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places.
Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed. Although most helpful in hot and dry locations a keyhole garden will improve growing conditions in just about any climate. From a bird's eye view the garden is shaped as a keyhole. A notch is cut into a round garden bed, the notch makes for easy access to the center compost well. Keyhole Garden in Central Texas, Deb Tolman uses keyhole gardens as the main source of her own food supply, and is working on ways to keep them producing throughout multiple seasons and conditions.
Gardening Blog. Train and graft a tree for four to eight years and you get strong, one piece (tree) furniture.
Patience a requirement. Read more... Easy, attractive and inexpensive. Also good for those with bad backs... Read more... Cactus roofs are a perfect choice for hot, dry climates. Read more... Fence made from brushwood, Japanese and Australian Style. Read more... Vertical herb garden inspiration. Read more... Instead of putting those branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the a hugel bed. Read more... This sustainable gardening method uses kitchen and garden waste and gray water (or wash water) as food for your vegetables. Read more... A threshold between worlds, (or garden features).