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17 All-Natural DIY Sunscreen Recipes. Homemade Healing & Antibacterial Cream: Like Homemade Neosporin® I’m a disaster in the kitchen.

Homemade Healing & Antibacterial Cream: Like Homemade Neosporin®

I know, right, not exactly what you want to hear from the mouth of a food blogger. DIY All Natural Sunscreen. The sun is out full force here in Virginia and it’s time to break out the sunscreen.

DIY All Natural Sunscreen

Make your body glow : ♥ IndianBeautySpot.Com ♥ Make your skin glow-y, dewy and radiant by hydrating, firming, and brightening with these natural treatments.

Make your body glow : ♥ IndianBeautySpot.Com ♥

Glowing skin with dry brushing:Dry brushing helps to buff off dead skin cells gently, it sloughs off dead skin cells and helps skin cells regenerate, revealing smooth, glowing skin, you can read more about dry brushing here. Massage a small amount of coconut oil or avocado oil all over the body after dry brushing for a glowing skin. The oil contains fat, which refreshes and hydrates skin without leaving a greasy residue. Glowing skin with homemade body butter: To make a super mositurising body butter at home, you will need: Coconut Milk Essential oil Body butters are one of the best ways to make your skin soft and smooth. Glowing skin with grapefruit scrub: Exfoliating the skin removes dead skin cells, helps your skin appear more radiant, and will absorb moisturizer more easily. Related Post: Get the healthiest skin with the best skin care routine >> 3 Must-Have Essential Oils - Brown Thumb Mama.

8 DIY Teeth Cleaning Tutorials. Do It Yourself By Monica | Everyone of us likes a smiling face.

8 DIY Teeth Cleaning Tutorials

Smiling is the best cure for sadness, worries and bad-mood days. 15 Home Remedies for Eliminating Bad Breath Fast. When a person produces bad breath while exhaling out, the condition is called bad breath or Halitosis (in medical term).

15 Home Remedies for Eliminating Bad Breath Fast

Bad breath can be a real turn off for the person standing next to you or talking to you directly. The main areas from where bad odor arises are mouth (tongue, gums), stomach, tonsils, nose, and esophagus. It is also considered as a sign of poor health condition. Skin Tags - natural and homemade remedies. Skin tags often appear on the neck, inner thighs area, armpits or nose.

Skin Tags - natural and homemade remedies

Even though they are not harmful or cancerous, they may be uncomfortable to people who have them. Dry shampoo spray. If you are in a hurry and you need to have you hair clean and you don’t have time to wash it, you can try this dry shampoo spray made with only 3 ingredients: 1 tbsp of cornstarch, 4 tbsp of water and 1 tbsp of rubbing alcohol.

Dry shampoo spray

Your hair will look fresh, beautiful and no one besides you will not know the secret. This image is meant to be a source of inspiration. No copyright infringement intended. I do not own images posted on this page. For more details please visit Cracked Heel Remedy - For Super Soft Feet! - iSave A2Z.

Easy Peasy Organic - Sustainable Food, Home and Life: Search results for deodorant. The Best Deodorant/Antiperspirant You'll Ever Use This one's from the archives - as good as ever - and with new, pretty pictures.

Easy Peasy Organic - Sustainable Food, Home and Life: Search results for deodorant

It's one of my most popular posts, so if you haven't tried this recipe, it's a good one to start with! Plus, check out the comments for some great tips - if you have sensitive skin, or allergies. Homemade Coconut Oil Deodorant! 12 Home Remedies for Clearing Diaper Rash. As a parent, it’s heartbreaking to see your baby crying due to inflammation caused by diaper rashes.

12 Home Remedies for Clearing Diaper Rash

Diaper rashes can occur when the baby is left with a soiled diaper for a very long time, or when you diaper your tot very tightly, which hinders the air flow. Blisters and irritation on the skin of baby’s diaper area, and redness of baby’s bottom and genital region are some of the symptoms of diaper rashes. You can treat it and get back the smile of your little one, with the help of home remedies. Here are some home remedies for clearing diaper rash. 1. Take an aloe vera leaf. Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer. Hand Sanitizer: The good, the bad, the recipe Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of hand sanitizers because I much prefer old fashioned hand washing with soap and water.

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

Home Remedies for Sickness

WTF is Oil Pulling + Why I’m Hooked. Everyone has a morning routine… mine has recently changed. Let me share:: 12 Natural Toothpaste Alternatives. Natural toothpaste alternatives are all the rage these days. So, what’s wrong with toothpaste? Well, like most commercial health and beauty products on the market, toothpaste has been industrialized over the years. Here are just a few of the questionable ingredients commonly found in commercial toothpastes: Fluoride.

While fluoride is supposedly the ingredient that prevents cavities, it doesn’t do that job very well and can actually be very toxic to the body. {DIY} Padsicles, the must-have postpartum item. After I delivered my daughter, I was in some very serious pain. No one ever told me that was going to happen! I remember begging my nurse to give me a few of the pads that you crack and they instantly become ice packs to take home. They seemed to be the only thing that helped ease some of the sting. DIY Natural Room Scents. Don't miss my follow-up post to this one withNATURAL ROOM SCENTS FOR DIY GIFTS & CENTERPIECESCLICK HERE This post was featured in the April 2013 issue of Woman's Day magazine. Here's the thing. I'm married to a man who hates artificial scents of any kind. That goes for air fresheners, candles, perfume, soaps and anything else that is scented.