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Harry PottAR Experience Walkthrough. Otto – Improving daily asthma management/ IxD Awards. Overview For many asthmatics, the daily routines of asthma management can be a complex process entailing; monitoring the condition, logging results and inhaling the medicine in the right way.

Otto – Improving daily asthma management/ IxD Awards

Life-long treatment often has a huge impact on people’s daily life. For an asthmatic regular, the measuring of one’s condition and tracking in the long term, is crucial to learn their own triggers. With several products and routines, living with asthma can be a constant daily challenge. Otto creates one seamless experience and redefines the asthma treatment process. Combining the essential steps of the treatment into one flow, Otto helps patients to measure, track and inhale the medicine by using lights and sounds as guidance. Living with asthma is a long term journey, and improving the treatment process would increase patients’ well being, without limiting their activities. 5f0e1294f002b1f8b2e1f482 Design Guide Alpha. Creating Fictional Data Services and Their Implications.

A Serious Game for Medical Training in Advanced Life Support. Surgeon Simulator 2. Mirror experiencejourney. PneUI: Pneumatic Soft Composite User Interface. SENSORY FICTION. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. A las 9:30 a.m., en un soleado día de entresemana, los teléfonos de Candelia, empresa proveedora de elegante mobiliario de oficina en Lille, Francia, empezaron a sonar continuamente con pedidos de clientes de todo el país y de Suiza y Alemania.


Una fotocopiadora chasqueaba rítmicamente, mientras más de una docena de empleados procesaban ventas, negociaban con proveedores y arreglaban los escritorios y sillas que se iban a enviar. Sabine de Buyzer, empleada del departamento de contabilidad, se inclinó sobre su computadora y escudriñó una serie de números. A Candelia le estaba yendo bien. Los ingresos de esa semana estaban superando los gastos, incluso contando impuestos y salarios.

“Tenemos que ser rentables”, señaló De Buyzer. Ese es actitud que a cualquier jefe le gustaría escuchar pero, en este caso, todo el negocio es falso. Ni siquiera el banco que le hace préstamos a Candelia es real. En Seine-St. Print3. Untitled. Most people are familiar with the term "storyboard" in relation to movies, as a way that film creatives communicate to set up shots and plan out the plot.


But storyboarding is also a critical part of the design process. Just as the film industry uses storyboards to communicate, so too do industrial designers, especially those specializing in interaction design. Untitled. Photo / Sculpture2011 This is our Really Big Coin.


It is big because it makes other things look small when photographed next to it. Actually, it is a 20:1 replica of the EUR 50-cent, you see it being milled out here. We needed to do quite a bit of sanding, lacquering and smudging to obtain the desired look. And some climbing to get into required shooting position (you need to get up real high to take good pictures). The result is a short series of photographs, attempting to visually scale down real-sized objects. Untitled. Untitled. Microsoft Patent Application Details Pressure Sensitive Floor Mat for VR. Untitled. Untitled. Low Touch Economy report gold rush. Symptomate – Check your symptoms online. Experience Design in the Machine Learning Era.

Other types of machine learning algorithms communicate the seams with scores of precision and recall.

Experience Design in the Machine Learning Era

The precision score communicates the ability to provide a result that exactly matches what’s desired.The recall score communicates the ability to provide a large set of possible good recommendations. The ideal for an algorithm is to deliver high precision and recall scores. Untitled. A debate is not the same as a dialogue.


Whereas a dialogue can be seen as a conversation or discussion directed towards the exploration of a particular subject, enabling an understanding of different approaches or opinions, and the development of a collective point of view, a debate is more often concerned with challenging perspectives, and arguing for and against a particular vision, often with the aim of converting others to that point view. At Design Academy Eindhoven, debating is one of the tools used to train a critical attitude towards social, technological or economic developments. In both the bachelor’s and the master’s programmes, new models, strategies and products that could play a decisive role in the development and transformation of society, are both created and debated.

One of the ways in which designers debate the implications of different (technological) futures is to situate new (technological) developments within imaginary, yet plausible, everyday situations. Untitled. After finishing their two years, these Iuav graduate students do an individual thesis project on a self-chosen theme, presented finally as a report document and a public lecture.


This page lists the Interaction Design thesis projects supervised by Gillian Crampton Smith, Davide Rocchesso, Raimonda Riccini and Philip Tabor in the Faculty of Design and Arts from 2006 to 2014. The designers work independently over about six months, with tutorials typically every two weeks. Emphasis is on originality, wit and rigour.

The tabs above allow you to search the projects by theme or year. To browse by theme, click the THEMES tab and use the sidebar to filter the summaries. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Sorry, this is Members Only content.


Please Log-in. To find out how to become a member see here. 1 Comment Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Prototyping. A prototype is a draft version of a product that allows you to explore your ideas and show the intention behind a feature or the overall design concept to users before investing time and money into development.

A prototype can be anything from paper drawings (low-fidelity) to something that allows click-through of a few pieces of content to a fully functioning site (high-fidelity). Benefits of Prototypes It is much cheaper to change a product early in the development process than to make change after you develop the site. Therefore, you should consider building prototypes early in the process. Prototyping allow you to gather feedback from users while you are still planning and designing your Web site. Nielsen. Untitled. Etch A Sketch: How to Use Sketching in User Experience Design. Have you ever wondered how you could convey your design decisions more effectively to your colleagues and users in a timely and cost-efficient manner? Have you found yourself stuck in a design, unable to see alternative approaches?

Are you sure you are applying usability engineering to the right design or to the only design you have? You can rely on sketching, a proven design tool, to help you explore your design space more fully, avoiding the pitfalls of focusing on suboptimal design choices ahead of time. Bill Buxton, a Canadian pioneer in the human-computer interaction field and a principal designer at Microsoft Research, thinks software development lacks a “design process” that helps UX designers gain clarity about their design decisions before building a system. “… there are techniques and processes whereby we can put experience front and centre in design. Sketching is a distinctive form of drawing which we designers use to propose, explore, refine and communicate our ideas. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. “Today I’ve used my phone to check how long until the bus arrived at my stop.


I’ve also used my phone to control the volume of my speakers at home, to learn more about a restaurant before getting inside, and to send a photo I took with my friend to his phone, next to mine.” Most of these interactions require unlocking the phone, finding an app, and performing an action. They’re all end-to-end digital interactions, despite that what we want to interact with are things we can touch and see, things we can point at: “I want to interact with *this* thing”. #EMG canvas explained in 111 seconds. Worlds in the Making: Design, Management, and the Reform of Organizational Culture. “The modern world—any world in its own time—is always complex.

Worlds in the Making: Design, Management, and the Reform of Organizational Culture

It contains not only material that is truly of the immediate moment, but also innumerable memories of past worlds. There is also a constantly developing sense of worlds still in the making.” —George Nelson, Problems of Design In 1957, the noted designer George Nelson published an essay entitled “The Designer in the Modern World.” Though ostensibly about the designer, he later remarked that it was actually an essay about people.

“One of the most significant facts of our time is the predominance of the organization. Untitled. Untitled. Crowdsourced “Moral” Machines Whenever we talk about the Internet of Things in terms of “smart” devices, we’re talking about a certain level of artificial intelligence: The ability of objects to increasingly make independent decisions about their own behavior. So far our devices mostly make choices based on logical or mathematical reasoning, and the decisions are deemed “intelligent” if they meet our needs as human users. Lights come on when we enter the room, dim when we start watching a movie, and go off when we climb into bed; thermostats factor humidity, weather patterns and sunlight levels into their algorithms and switch the heat on when we head home from work.

The decisions may be complex, but the reasoning is straightforward: Do what the user wants. But as smart devices become more pervasive and the systems they interact with become more intertwined throughout our lives, automated decisions start to have moral implications. Untitled. For complete contest rules, please see the Terms & Conditions. Individuals, teams of individuals, and legal entities from all countries and territories are welcome and encouraged to participate. (1) Robert Pratten on using mobile to tell transmedia stories at Off the Page - Mobile Culture. Award winning UX Strategy firm with expertise in UI UX, Research, Data and CX.

About/ IxD Awards. Reflecting the broad spectrum of Interaction Design, we have created categories that speak to the nature of the interactions as opposed to the forms that they take. 5 enfoques semiológicos que nos ayudan a comprender mejor los orígenes del UX. “Todos ahora estamos haciendo semiología sin darnos cuenta. Cualquier persona que comunica trabaja bajo la influencia de Barthes, nosotros mismos cuando desciframos los procesos de manipulación, que actualmente son permanentes, de alguna manera pagamos tributo a Barthes y sus amigos semiólogos que nos enseñaron que los signos están por todas partes y nos enseñaron a buscarlos e interpretarlos.”- Laurent Binet.

Usability Testing of Fruit. Untitled. KnowRoaming App KnowRoaming App is the major companion app for Telna-KnowRoaming products; global SIM card, SIM sticker, eSIM. With KnowRoaming app, user can prepay and manage their usage in realtime. Toy Product Design. Toy Product Design - PDES 3711/5711 Instructor: Barry Kudrowitz, PhD, barryk [at], 15 Rapson TAs:Krystianna Johnson (joh09014), Teddy Russell (russe700), Klevis Deva (devax001) TA Email List: goes to all three TAs, this is the preferred method of contacting us. Para ti. (36) El experimento (Das Experiment) trailer en español. Metodologías de UX: Evaluación Heurística (PARTE I) En el pasado mes de marzo hablábamos sobre los Recorridos cognitivos. Siguiendo con la colección de posts sobre ‘Metodologías de UX’, esta vez nos toca poner foco en otros métodos de inspección como son las Evaluaciones Heurísticas. Metodologías de UX: Walkthrough o Recorrido Cognitivo.

Te explicamos qué es un Walkthrough o Recorrido Cognitivo, cuándo usarlo y más. ¿Cómo crear un guion para una prueba de usabilidad? Mental Model - Grocery Store Exercise on Pantone Canvas Gallery. User Testing Script - Example.docx. First-Time Usability: The Test and Script - User Research - Medium. Tips on creating the tasks and script for your first usability study Once you have a created the scope and plan for your test, you need to start understanding any wanted outcomes and articulate them in ways others can easily understand. The Principles of Service Design Thinking - Building Better Services. Open Design Kit. Experience prototyping. Getting Started With Prototyping — Steve Forbes // Product Discovery Coach.

Types of prototype. CS247 P4 Wizard of Oz testing. Inventing Interactive. Prototipos y wireframes en el diseño de interacción. — Official Website. Design Toolkit. Pretotyping – Techniques for Building the Right Product - Startup Commons. Storyboard basado en escenarios futuros. Industry trends in prototyping. CS247 P4 Wizard of Oz testing. Design Method Toolkit by the Digital Society School. Mapping Experiences. Storyboards and sketch prototypes. Affordances - Interaction and Service Design Seminar - Medium. Week 3 – liwanblog. Touchpoints = Features Touchpoints better. Interaction Design defined - Interaction and Service Design Seminar - Medium. Design Tools for Systems Thinking. What really is Service Design? – Inês Vale. The Customer Journey Mapping Guide to Getting Started. What is Service Design? - Michael Birchall - Medium. Don’t build a mobile app just because you can! A framework for service design. A Guide to Service Blueprinting.pdf.

Gaming Grip for Nintendo Switch on Behance. Communication methods supporting design processes. Service Design Tools. Skill Level. Human Centered Design Venn Diagaram on Behance. Service Blueprints: Definition. Real-Time Experiments in Making Money Online. What is Prototyping? Golden Rules Of UI Design - ART + marketing. Interaction design.