> Alexisdesigner
The product roadmap that boosts innovation. UX Research en cuarentena: ¿Cómo nos ha afectado?
Chapter 1 of 9 - Principles of UX Design. Those who’ve heard about UX and want to know what it is, why it’s so important, and how to become an advocate for it: this e-course is just for you.
Companies are starting to realize the importance of centering their products and experiences around the user. They’re investing in professionals who can get UX practices off the ground and refocus their business approach. So what exactly is UX, and how do you explain it to people? Good question. There are endless theoretical and academic explanations, but I believe true art lies with constraint and brevity. The simplest explanation I’ve seen: You know when you’re using a website, an app, or your phone and you get frustrated when it doesn't do what you want it to? Most everyone can relate to that, as they’ve likely experienced frustration using a social media app to stay connected with family and friends, or with more critical matters like doing their taxes or selecting health coverage for their family.
Software product development isn’t new.
¿Por qué construir un Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)?
Fuente: TinyTracker Jiaona Zhang, Director of Product Management @WeWork, profundiza en esta entrevista, cómo concentrarse en el problema correcto a resolver e introduce un concepto utilizado también por otras Tech como Amazon: Minimum Lovable Product (MLP).
“Ahora la competencia es más dura, y no se gana siendo el primero en lanzar algo.
Storyboarding for Product Design and Crafting User Journey Maps. Story is a profoundly important device to unite design teams around a shared product vision.
This powerful communication tool helps us retain information and empathize with others. As companies scale and teams sprint through product iterations, it’s easy to lose sight of how your product should fit into the lives of your customers. The best way to keep everyone pointed in the right direction is with a clear, compelling story—a story that will unite and guide teams towards success. I think what’s most important is you have to have a North Star or vision set. If people don’t have that, the mess builds up. Product roadmaps guide team milestones, but they only show us what to build and when. In Start with Why, author Simon Sinek proclaims, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
Qué priorizar para un proceso de diseño de producto exitoso y escalable.
DAFI Tropicdane – Just another WordPress site. Design Toolkit. Polygon. How microinteractions improve your UX design. Libros UX - Simplifica tu vida. Yoichi Kobayashi. Kern inc.
Design Toolkit. Unspun. 40% of UK consumers use AR and VR on phones to view products pre-purchase – opening up new marketing options, says DMA - Mobile - InternetRetailing. John Lewis is an early adopter of AR on mobile Two-fifths of Brits have used augmented (39%) or virtual (38%) reality to test or view a product they’re considering – but they are doing in on mobiles, as access to and ownership of VR headsets is declining year-on-year from 12% in 2018 to 9% last year.
According to the DMA’s latest insights – ‘Future Trends: A New World of Experience’ research, published today – adoption of VR technology is being driven by younger consumers, with 22% of 25-34-year olds claiming to own one of these devices. Meanwhile, smartphones are making it easier for consumers to access augmented reality (AR) experiences from Snapchat filters to Pokémon Go. And it is this gamification idea that holds the most promise for retailers and brands, finds the study. The number of UK consumers that have used an app to motivate themselves to ‘stick to a personal goal’ reached nearly half of people in 2018 (45%) – rising to 79% for Millennials and 74% for Centennials.
Beertown - design system and e-commerce on Behance.
Los principales KPI actitudinales en UX. Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
Recently, spurred by the introduction of dark mode in IOS 13, a reporter asked me to comment on the usability of dark mode and its popularity as a design trend.
It’s a question that I also got several times from attendees to our UX Conference. I must say upfront that NN/g has not done its own research on dark mode. However, these questions prompted me to do a review of the academic literature on whether dark mode has any benefits for users — with normal vision or not. I will share these findings with you.
Rido App Ui Kit — UI Kits on UI8. Shuttle Infographic. <div id="page-5aafd6b993bbc" class="page"><div id="" class="text-component">Interactions are a great way to get users clicking around your experiences.
Here we are using a simple "On Click - Show Booster Popup" to uncover additional information. Since we are showing the entire layer group, as you add more objects to that group the interaction will be updated automatically. </div><div id="" class="text-component">This beautiful shuttle infographic combines a bunch of layered, animated items to create a very unique look and feel.
We are ZIZO - Digital and Creative agency in Japan.
3D Artist & CG Supervisor - Bruno Ortolland. Don’t Make Me Think – Key Learning Points for UX Design for the Web. Don’t Make Me Think is the title of a book by the HCI and Usability engineer Steve Krug.
It teaches UX designers how to deliver great user experiences in a very simple and accessible way. Since its release in the year 2000 it has become one of the defining texts in the industry and an invaluable guide to UX professionals around the world.
User Interface Design Guidelines: 10 Rules of Thumb. Learn to design with your user’s needs and expectations in mind by applying Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich’s Ten User Interface Guidelines. These heuristics have been reflected in many of the products designed by some of the most successful companies in the world such as Apple, Google, and Adobe. Further evidence of how their design teams incorporate these rules into their design process is reflected in the user interface guidelines published and shared by these companies. This article will teach you how to follow the ten rules of thumb in your design work so you can further improve the usability, utility, and desirability of your designs.
Don’t Make Me Think – Key Learning Points for UX Design for the Web. A Collection of Design System Resources. Could collaborative CX and UX cultures create more beautiful customer experiences? : Voxpro - Global Customer Experience Outsourcer. Customers Experience (CX) and User Experience (UX) inhabit the same business objectives, but operate in separate spaces.
Could we see the disciplines collaborate or even converge to create more compelling and beautiful customer experiences? How do two distinct disciplines maintain their integrity within the same planning space? What this article explores are potential collaborations from building a more open and integrated territory between CX and UX, so outcomes strengthen metrics in both territories.
Albamar Grupo Inmobiliario. FLAT INMOBILIARIA. Venta de departamentos en Miraflores. FLAT INMOBILIARIA. Juan Mora on Behance.
LOOP新しいスタイルのイヤープロテクター. Learn Gamification with Yu-kai Chou: cheat codes to win the game of life. SVG Artista - Little tool that helps you create SVG animations. Typearture by Arthur Reinders Folmer, fonts that are more than fonts. The 10 UX Deliverables Top Designers Use. Listen to the audio version of this article The work of a UX designer happens in many different environments—from lean startups and Agile environments where teams work with little documentation, to consulting engagements for third-parties, or large enterprises and government entities with strict documentation requirements.
Regardless of the nature of the engagement or environment (and the one thing that ties it all together), is a need for UX professionals to effectively communicate their design ideas, research findings and the context of projects to a range of audiences. During the UX design process designers will produce a wide variety of “artifacts” and project deliverables as part of their UX design methodology. These may take many forms: deliverables help UX designers communicate with various stakeholders and teams, document work, and provide artifacts for meetings and ideation sessions. Here are the 10 UX deliverables a UX designer typically produces during an engagement. 1. 2. 3.
The Body Issue. Visual history of computing by Akita Systems. Art of Symbols. Why you need someone to review your UX portfolio. If the first time you ask for feedback about your UX portfolio is after a job interview, then you’re doing it wrong.
It’s a lot like creating a product. When creating a product, we know that the surest way to create something people do not want is to skip research. Failing to gather feedback until after you launch will likely result in a lot of false assumptions, unnecessary features, missing features, and many time consuming post-launch changes. However, product teams who invest in gathering user feedback during product development, are more likely to launch a product with a higher chance of success because they gathered feedback along the way and used research insights to shape the product as they were creating it. Before and while I was creating my program, The UX Portfolio Formula, I spent hundreds of hours doing research.
Lean UX Canvas V2. It has been nearly 3 years since the original Lean UX Canvas was published.
During that time I’ve used it extensively in my work as a coach, consultant and trainer. I’ve also received a lot of feedback and many questions about how it’s supposed to be used, what do certain sections mean and how to better differentiate the different boxes with stakeholders, clients and team members.
Canvas - Mapa de Empatía con el Cliente ¿Qué desea tu cliente?
Why you need someone to review your UX portfolio. Three Ways to Improve Your Design Research with Wordle - Boxes and Arrows. “Above all else show the data.”
–Edward Tufte Survey responses. Product reviews. Keyword searches. Forums. Enter Wordle.
Example UX docs and deliverables - UXM. Following on from my article about how to create great UX documents, I thought that it would be useful to collate some example UX documents and deliverables together. This should hopefully provide a bit of inspiration and assist when it comes to choosing the type of document(s) to produce. For each document / deliverable I’ve included examples, together with a quick outline and links to more information.
The following UX documents and deliverables are covered: Content models | Empathy maps | Experience maps | Mental models | Personas | Process diagrams | Prototypes | Scenario maps | Scenarios | Sitemaps | Sketches | Storyboards | Style guides | Style tiles | System maps | Task grids | Usability reports | User journeys | User story maps | Visuals | Wireframes | Word clouds Please note that the majority of these example documents are not my own. Content models Empathy maps Empathy maps typically (but not always) accompany personas.
Make My Persona. ¿Qué es un UX Writer y qué debe estudiar para convertirse en uno?
En los últimos años, el UX writing no solo ha crecido y formado como profesión, sino que ha pasado a ser una de las necesidades más importantes para las empresas que quieren crecer en experiencia con el usuario.
Por ello, es posible que hayas visto diversas ofertas de trabajo en las que se pide un UX Writer, es decir, un “Escritor para Experiencia de Usuario”. El UX writing es la práctica de diseñar las palabras que ven los usuarios cuando interactúan con páginas web, aplicaciones y otros productos y servicios digitales.
Free UX Design Courses - Butter Academy.
1. InVision - Principles of UX Design Ecourse If you’re not familiar with InVision, it’s an amazing Product Design tool that allows you to prototype websites/apps, create design systems and collaborate seamlessly. In addition to these awesome features, InVision offers some pretty great educational resources, including a free Ecourse on the Principles of UX Design.
Example UX docs and deliverables - UXM. 10 Usability heuristics explained - Eranga Liyanage - Medium. The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Using a Customer Journey Map. The customer journey is the process that your customers take when interacting with your company. It starts at the beginning, when they first learn about your company, and goes through to the end, when they complete your ultimate goal, like making a purchase or becoming a repeat customer.
It may also end when they provide feedback or even make a complaint. You have to understand the customer experience your brand is delivering. Mapping the customer journey is the best way to visualize it. Source: Mark Visser on Medium. Buttsss. UX REACTIONS — When the PO tries to describe your team’s design process.
UX REACTIONS. Seriously, you need to start documenting your UX work. “I can’t remember what I did for that project, it was 8 months ago!” “I can’t find all the artifacts and deliverables from the project.” “I can’t get this case study written.” If you can relate to any of these frustrations, then you’re not alone.
Nielsen Norman Group: UX Research, Training, and Consulting. Shape. 7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design - Refactoring UI - Medium.
When there are multiple actions a user can take on a page, it’s easy to fall into the trap of designing those actions based purely on semantics. Frameworks like Bootstrap sort of encourage this by giving you a menu of semantic styles to choose from whenever you’re adding a new button: “Is this a positive action?
5 Rules for Choosing the Right Words on Button Labels. Office in Trouble - Educational Visual Novel. Is UX design killing creativity?
Customer onboarding platform. Lean UX: qué es y cómo ayuda a los usuarios. La experiencia de usuario se ha convertido, desde hace algún tiempo, en una de las disciplinas mejor valoradas en la creación de productos digitales, puesta en práctica en la conceptualización y el diseño de páginas web, aplicaciones, mensajería instantánea y en sectores tan dispares como el comercio electrónico, los medios de comunicación, la banca o el gran negocio de las redes sociales.
Lean UX es la materialización de una forma concreta de entender la metodología y el proceso de trabajo por el que se da valor diferencial a los productos de los clientes: enfocar la experiencia de usuario en aportar valor al usuario y menos en los entregables.
DESIGN DISRUPTORS. ¿Cuál es el valor de transformar el diseño en las organizaciones?
Más allá del aporte estético, el diseño en las organizaciones se ha transformado hasta convertirse en un factor determinante para ofrecer una mejor experiencia de usuario a las personas; y también para lograr mejores beneficios para las empresas. Por ejemplo, de acuerdo a un estudio mundial realizado por la consultora Mc Kinsey entre el 2012 y 2017, en más de 300 organizaciones, aquellas con capacidades y áreas más desarrolladas en este campo superaron en 32% el crecimiento de sus ingresos en relación a sus competidores.
El papel del diseño en la innovación y transformación digital. Top 15 UI Test Automation Best Practices You Should Follow. In the past several years, I have heard many engineers from various projects complain about the stability and the reliability of UI automation tests. But are they really so unstable and unreliable? Believe me, they are not!
Sephora to shut down stores for inclusivity workshops. The new manifesto was created internally; Sephora tapped illustrators including Craig + Karl for the colorful designs that accompany the statement.
The Design Project. Sephora to shut down stores for inclusivity workshops. Top 15 UI Test Automation Best Practices You Should Follow.
UI/UX case study: a step-by-step guide to the process of designing a pet diet app. Call-to-Action buttons – the ultimate guide for high-converting CTAs. Los superpoderes de un UX Designer. Call-to-Action buttons – the ultimate guide for high-converting CTAs. Friends Exercise. Web.dev
UI/UX case study: a step-by-step guide to the process of designing a pet diet app. 10 heurísticas o principios básicos de usabilidad. UX writing: a comprehensive guide for designing text in mobile apps. The 4 rules of remote design collaboration.
Design System
How to create a UX portfolio from scratch. 10 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don't Make Me Think. The Practical Guide to Usability. 20 People in UX that You Have to Follow on Twitter. Checklist Design - best UI elements for the best UX practice. Get ahead in UI/UX Design - Video Courses - learnux.io.
“Team” Customer Journey Map: No solo para proyectos. Weekly Design Inspiration #196. 20 People in UX that You Have to Follow on Twitter. Cómo capacitar un equipo UX — AyerViernes. User Personas Template Sketch freebie. Atomic Design / Diseño Atómico. Ultimate Start guide for beginner UX/UI designers in 2019. Design better data tables. The History of UX Design – A Definitive Timeline. Gamification in the User Experience.