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Drawing Machine

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It's moving. Arduino Painting Machine. The drawing machine. Drawin Machine (SPIDER) How does a cricket become an artist?

Drawin Machine (SPIDER)

Try placing it in one of Harvey Moon's drawing machines where its movements will be tracked by a camera and turned into original works of art. Bugs Draw For Me, just one of Moons' impressive setups, are "happy collaborations" built in his Chicago studio where he creates the system, a set of rules, and allows a machine to do the rest.

The machines are created from motors and servos, while the drawings they create are defined by algorithms which determine the machine's movements and gestures. For Moon the art isn't necessarily the drawing that the machine produces, but rather the performance of the machine in the act of drawing. Part of that process is how, often, a machine can fail at what it was told to do. Moon in his studio With their mechanical movements that break down the act of drawing, it's what the machines can highlight about ourselves and our interaction with the world that interests Moon. Bugs Draw For Me Photos by Jordan Kinley. @stewart23rd. Hektor project. Jürg Lehni & Uli Franke 2002 ~ Hektor is a portable spray paint output device for computers.

Hektor project

It was created in collaboration with engineer Uli Franke for Jürg Lehniʼs diploma project at ECAL (École cantonale dʼart de Lausanne) in 2002. Hektor’s light and fragile mechanism consists only of two motors, toothed belts and a spray can holder. By the means of geometric triangulation and gravity, a custom software moves the spray can along predefined drawing paths and remotely activates the can’s nozzle. Due to mechanismʼs fragile nature, Hektor appears to be in constant negotiation with gravity, causing it to sometimes tremble and wobble.

The machine was created to explore the ambiguous and poetic qualities that stem from the contrast between these low-tech aspects and the precision of the vector graphics technology that is at work behind the scenes. Hektor is controlled by a bespoke software written in Scriptographer, running inside Adobe Illustrator. Suitcase. Dimensiones de una lata de aerosol. Web dirigida al sector metalgráfico Principal Quienes somos Contactar Medidas esenciales a tener en cuenta en un cono de aerosol, para su ensamblaje en el conjunto del envase.

Dimensiones de una lata de aerosol

Para asegurar la intercambiabilidad entre las diferentes partes, que componen un envase aerosol de hojalata del tipo 3 piezas, es necesario estandarizar y normalizar una serie de medidas en la cúpula de dicho envase y en el doble cierre entre la misma y su cuerpo cilíndrico entallado. En esta zona del envase se complementan tres elementos diferenciados: -1º.- El propio envase metálico. - 2º.- La válvula difusora - 3º.- El capuchón La válvula se monta sobre el orificio central de la cúpula, mientras que las uñas del capuchón fijan el mismo al doble cierre entre cúpula-cuerpo del envase. Figura nº 1: Fijación del capuchón al envase Por tanto, el diseño de estos elementos debe estar ligado entre sí para asegurar el montaje correcto de los mismos.

Figura nº 1: Parte superior de un envase entallado C.- Altura del cierre. Hektor Info. By Al MatthewsCNN Headline News Wednesday, August 13, 2003 Posted: 1319 GMT ( 9:19 PM HKT) (CNN) -- Meet Hektor: He paints graffiti, and he's a machine.

Hektor Info.

Compact and elegant, Hektor fits in a suitcase, but can paint a wall-sized design. He is driven by two motors mounted at the upper corners of his "canvas. " Between those motors hangs a can of spray paint, and a mechanism to press the cap. Hektor has a digital brain, and specializes in the gliding paths that reside in the guts of Adobe Illustrator, a popular design program. But if you happened upon Hektor scrawling away on some wall, you might ask: "Why does that spray can hanging from all those wires know where to put the paint? " Well, it's executing a digital drawing. There are other graffiti machines, with different capabilities. Streetwriter is a van that does the same thing with larger letters, large enough to be seen from the air. Hektor is a political animal as well and his medium is a message.

Drawing Machine HARVEY MOON.