New Age
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> Spirituality
Huna (New Age)
Huna is a Hawaiian word adopted by Max Freedom Long (1890–1971) in 1936 to describe his theory of metaphysics which he linked to ancient Hawaiian kahuna (experts).
It is part of the New Age movement. Long went to Hawaii in 1917 to work as an elementary school teacher, and became interested in the religious beliefs and practices of the kahunas, but none talked to him so he was unable to penetrate to the inner workings of this religion. He left Hawaii in 1931, convinced that he would never learn these secrets. In 1934, he woke with a revelation that the secrets were encoded into the Hawaiian language itself.
He called the religious system he developed from this revelation 'Huna' (the Hawaiian word for secret), and wrote his first book in 1936 to chronicle his discoveries. He believed he discovered an ancient Truth, not just about Hawaiian spirituality but linking back to mother India and ancient Egypt. King also cites West African shamanism as an influence.[10]
Kupua. Information Huna Kupuaby Serge Kahili King Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning "secret," but it also refers to the esoteric wisdom of Polynesia.
7 Huna Life Principles – 1. IKE — unwrap your mind. This is a series of 7 articles based around the 7 principles of life in the Huna tradition.
Have you ever heard of Huna? It’s a Hawaiian term for “secret”. Now don’t jump off here just because you don’t want to hear another “The Secret” type story again. Huna is a philosophy (and not a set of of superficial esoteric mumbo jumbo methods) while at the same time being very practical – maybe that’s what caught my attention in the first place and I found it well worth studying. It’s not a religion that you have to join and if you are religious you should stay with your current religion if you’re happy.
7 Huna Life Principles – 2. KALA — unwrap your mind. This is a series of 7 articles based around the 7 principles of life in the Hawaiian Huna tradition.
Huna is a Hawaiian term for “Secret”. But its practical application makes it a universal method for growth and achievement that is far from being psycho-babble. This series discusses the underlying 7 principles of Huna.
7 Huna Life Principles – 3. Makia — unwrap your mind. This is a series of 7 articles based around the 7 principles of life in the Hawaiian Huna tradition.
Huna is a Hawaiian term for “Secret”. But its practical application makes it a universal method for growth and achievement that is far from being psycho-babble.
7 Huna Life Principles – 4. Manawa – Now is the moment of power — unwrap your mind. The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 5. ALOHA — unwrap your mind. Huna is a Hawaiian term for “Secret”.
But its practical application makes it a universal method for growth and achievement that is far from being psycho-babble. This series discusses the underlying 7 principles of Huna.The 7 fundamental principles of Huna are: IKE – The world is what you think it is KALA – There are no limits, everything is possible MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes MANAWA – Now is the moment of power ALOHA – To love is to be happy with MANA – All power comes from within PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth This is the 5th article in this series following my last 2 articles about the Huna principles of IKE – “The world is what you think it is”, KALA – “There are no limits, everything is possible”, MAKIA – “Energy flows where attention goes” and MANAWA – “Now is the moment of power”.
Be sure to read this article since I might refer to it.
The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 6. MANA — unwrap your mind. The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 7. PONO — unwrap your mind. Huna is a Hawaiian term for “Secret”.
But its practical application makes it a universal method for growth and achievement that is far from being psycho-babble.
Max Freedom Long. Max Freedom Long (October 26, 1890 – September 23, 1971) was an American novelist and New Age author. [ 1 ] Early career [ edit ] In 1917, a year after graduating from Los Angeles State Normal School with an Associate of Arts (two year) degree in General Education, Long moved to the island of Hawaii to teach in elementary schools. [ 2 ] When he arrived, he claimed that some Native Hawaiians were practicing what he called magic .
Long wrote that at first he was skeptical of this magic, but later became convinced that it worked.
8 Steps To Communicate With Your Own Higher Intelligence — unwrap your mind. WARNING!
For some readers this article will be off the top. Some will find the concepts here to esoteric. It is not my intent to disturb you … or maybe it is my intent but in a healthy manner. What I describe in this post is a concept which each one of you can and should test for at least 30 days and make a judgment afterwards based on your own experiences. It is therefore in alignment with what I’ve said before … don’t take the teachings of someone else (including me) for the ultimate truth. The Answers Are Already Within You As I stated already in my earlier post, I truly believe that the answers you need to develop yourself are already within you.
However instead of hoping that your subconscious will someday lead you to an answer, there is a much more direct approach.
The 3 Best Ways to Use Your Inner Experts — unwrap your mind. This article is a follow up to my article 8 Steps to Communicate With Your Own Higher Intelligence . If you haven’t read it already please go there so that you understand the concept of creating inner experts first.
In this article I spoke about inner experts. Since these are also subpersonalities of myself (I am not talking about Channeling or something) I most of the time refer to these inner persons as Personas. So here are the best ways I know to use your established inner Personas. 1. If I want to express the qualities of a Persona I can step into the Persona and become him or her.
Earth Based Spirituality. Earth-based spirituality is a spiritual and religious worldview that puts the Earth in the center of the spiritual practice.
Some of these paths view the Earth as divine and may refer to the Earth as their Mother Goddess . In this case the Earth may be the primary or only deity, or She may be part of a larger family of deities. Many Earth-based spiritualities are Pantheist or Panentheist , and some are Atheist in nature.
Starhawk's Earth-Based Spirituality. Gaia Theory Homepage. Gaia philosophy. Broadly inclusive term While there were a number of precursors to Gaia hypothesis, the first scientific form of this idea was proposed as the Gaia hypothesis by James Lovelock, a UK chemist, in 1970. The Gaia hypothesis deals with the concept of biological homeostasis, and claims the resident life forms of a host planet coupled with their environment have acted and act like a single, self-regulating system. This system includes the near-surface rocks, the soil, and the atmosphere.
Today many scientists consider such ideas to be unsupported by, or at odds with, the available evidence (see Gaia hypothesis criticism). These theories are however significant in green politics. Predecessors to the Gaia theory[edit] There are some mystical, scientific and religious predecessors to the Gaia philosophy, which had a Gaia-like conceptual basis.
Earth-Based Spirituality Meetups. Quantum mechanics. Wavefunctions of the electron in a hydrogen atom at different energy levels. Quantum mechanics cannot predict the exact location of a particle in space, only the probability of finding it at different locations.[1] The brighter areas represent a higher probability of finding the electron.
Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics, quantum theory, the wave mechanical model, or matrix mechanics), including quantum field theory, is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of atoms and subatomic particles.[2] Quantum mechanics gradually arose from theories to explain observations which could not be reconciled with classical physics, such as Max Planck's solution in 1900 to the black-body radiation problem, and from the correspondence between energy and frequency in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper which explained the photoelectric effect.
History[edit] In 1838, Michael Faraday discovered cathode rays.
Radical Faeries. Radical Faeries with banner at 2010 London Gay Pride. The Radical Faieries are a loosely-affiliated worldwide network and counter-cultural movement seeking to redefine queer consciousness through spirituality.
Radical Faerie Sanctuaries. Radical Faeries Sanctuary; Kawashaway, Ida, Zuni, Destiny, Amber Fox, OZ, RFD,,, EuroFaeries, Folleterre. A web site for radical faeries.
NYC Radical Faeries. New Age. The New Age is a term applied to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in Western nations during the 1970s. Precise scholarly definitions of the movement differ in their emphasis, largely as a result of its highly eclectic structure. Although analytically often considered to be religious, those involved in it typically prefer the designation of "spiritual" and rarely use the term "New Age" themselves.
Many scholars of the subject refer to it as the New Age movement, although others contest this term, believing that it gives a false sense of homogeneity to the phenomenon.
The Difference Between New-Age Spirituality and Authentic Spirituality in 3 Paragraphs. On Sep 15, 2011 The Difference Between New-Age Spirituality & Authentic Spirituality in 3 Paragraphs.
New-Age vs. Non-New Agey. Both, readers and writers alike, often inquire as to why elephant journal labels its spirituality section “non-new agey spirituality.” Well, obviously the answer is that we try not to endorse new-age spirituality, which begs the question, “What is the difference between new-age spirituality and non-new agey spirituality? Simply put, spirituality is not about changing yourself or creating a newer-better you.