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Introducing DIY We started building DIY a few... We started building DIY a few months ago and now we’re sharing the first thing we’ve made.

Introducing DIY We started building DIY a few...

This is a company that we hope to spend decades crafting, but it’s important for us to do it out in the open, bit by bit, to encourage our community of kids and parents to share feedback with us continuously. From Zach’s experience making Vimeo, we understand that this sort of culture fosters collaboration and admiration between a company and its community, and ultimately leads to something that is loved. Our ambition is for DIY to be the first app and online community in every kid’s life. It’s what we wish we had when we were young, and what we’ll give to our kids.

Today we’re releasing a tool to let kids collect everything they make as they grow up. We’ve all seen how kids can be like little MacGyvers. Songs for Librarians and Library Lovers. EducationOnAir. Dougjohnson - home. It Takes Heart to Transform a School. I work as a Transformational Leadership Coach in the Oakland Public Schools.

It Takes Heart to Transform a School

I coach individuals, schools, and the educational system towards transformation. But what is transformation? Is it possible to coach to something I can't define? I know that what we have now is not working for the majority of children. Beyond all the statistics about graduation rates and literacy levels, I know that most kids don't love school and wake up every morning aching to get to that place where their minds, bodies, hearts, and souls are nurtured. I'm emerging from a week of break and contemplation on transformation, fueled in part by participation in Passover traditions. In 1993, just after I graduated from college, I moved to Havana, Cuba, to work as a journalist. Both Minds and Hearts I'm very much in favor of nationalized health care, and of a more equal distribution of wealth. For the eight days of Passover, I didn't eat any chametz -- leavened grains.

NEW_Mini-Moo-QRCards - Neutraface. Movers & Shakers 2012. April 10, 2014 Library Journal Library News, Reviews, and Views You are here: Home / People / Movers & Shakers 2012 / Movers & Shakers 2012 Movers & Shakers 2012 By LJ on March 13, 2012 This article was published in Library Journal.

Movers & Shakers 2012

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Why Creativity and Passion Matter. We recently finished independent research projects in one of the fourth grade classrooms.

Why Creativity and Passion Matter

You can read about that in this post. The teacher and I wanted to hear what the children thought of the process and the opportunity to explore a topic of their own choosing. As the teachers, we know what we thought about the process but we wanted to hear form them.

QR Codes

My Latest, Favourite Learning Technology.  Something happened recently at our school that thrilled me to no end.

My Latest, Favourite Learning Technology

We introduced some new technology into the classroom that supercharged the energy in the room, got the kids up out of their seats, and had them excited about the lesson - which happened to be economics. I don't know about you, but when I was in high school, an economics lesson wasn't exactly where I'd go for excitement. I would put it right up along licking the paint off a house in terms of the wow factor. So what exactly was the new technology? And what does a picture of a toddler drawing on the wall have to do with this post? Read on, dear reader to find out. Do your kids draw on the walls? Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to correct them. The 'technology' that created all the excitement, was in fact a whiteboard... a great... big... whiteboard.

Digital Learning Day 2012- My First BYOT Experience - 21nnovate. Computational Thinking: A Digital Age Skill for Everyone. Holstee Manifesto Poster. Lower-school-learning.wikispaces. Everyone Needs A Classroom Champion. Recently I became part of one of the most awesome projects anywhere around.

Everyone Needs A Classroom Champion

Imagine you are 9 years old. You and your classmates are watching and learning about the Olympics, talking about the importance of fitness, graphing the stats of athletes in the various competitions, and discussing goals you have for now and the future. Then picture when an Olympic athlete that you have been watching appears in your classroom from Bejing or Alberta or South Africa via telepresence to check in on you and your class and see how your theme of the month (respect) is coming along. The whole time you embark on the journey, your athlete is with you and your class every step of the way. You are making videos, writing letters, integrating technology and learning, all with the support of an Olympian... The Incidental Techie. Pink Sherbet Photography One of the fourth grade teachers and I decided a couple of months ago to let her students have some independent research time so they could follow their passion and learn about whatever they wanted.

The Incidental Techie

The students were really excited about the idea of being able to choose whatever interested them and have time to seek out the information. The teacher was also excited but a little hesitant about what we would actually get from the kids-would they really use their time to learn information, are they just playing? We started by introducing the idea to the kids who immediately began percolating with possible topics.