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Just for Fun! PUT TOO MUCH MILK ON MY CEREAL, NOW IT’S SOGGY. Close Enough Generator Caption Template. Homepage. Internet Husband. The Internet Husband meme is also known as Redditor’s Wife, or Anon ’s wife.

Internet Husband

Good Guy Greg. Good Guy Greg is a refreshingly nice meme, a rare sort in the meme world. He may seem irresponsible at first, but once you get to know him, he’s a hilariously helpful guy. The meme shows a photo of a man, smiling around a homemade cigarette. One can postulate that perhaps it is a joint. Okay, it is so totally a spliff. Success Kid. Sonny |CR| If [ Bad Luck Becca ] you come across the image of an adorable toddler, clenching a fistful of sand in his little toddler hand, you have probably come across Success Kid.

This cheeky-faced angelic babe showed up some time in early 2008 and spread like wildfire across several social media platforms. The early months of Success kid showed the picture of the baby with the tagline “Ima Fuck You Up”, making it both hilarious and NSFW. The determined expression on the child’s face struck a chord with viewers everywhere, and the image eventually morphed into the same photo with a different tagline, which also gained internet notoriety – “I Hate Sandcastles”. It was at that time that another little child appeared in the background of the photo. Nowadays, yet another transition has been made, and the photo has become an Advice Dog variation, where different episodes of successful events have been related through the use of the photo and accompanying text.

Annoying Facebook Girl. There is a certain gleeful relish to the variations of Annoying Facebook Girl meme. This meme banks on a universal hatred of irritating young female Facebook users, who use the social networking platform to do outrageous things that they think are super cute but that just make everyone else shake their heads in disgusted astonishment. Annoying Facebook Girls generally think that everything they do is totally adorable, funny, and cute. Everyone else usually has to grind their teeth in frustration and bear it. Socially Awkward Penguin. Socially Awkward Penguin is part of a plethora of penguin parodies that include Socially Terrifying Penguin and Socially Fed Up Penguin . Socially awkward Penguin has a little bit of difficulty determining how both people and penguins are supposed to behave in certain social situations.

This flightless waterfowl often comes across as clunky, confused, and just doesn’t quite get it. American Pride Eagle. Diagnostic House. Time Of The Month Tiger. Vengeance Dad. Stoner Dog. It is very difficult not to look at this meme and burst out laughing immediately.

Stoner Dog

Socially Average Penguin. High Expectations Asian Father. High Expectations Asian Father plays on the stereotype of demanding, perfection-seeking Asian parents, as they push their children past the limits of endurance in matters of education and overall performance. The meme was developed and became popular in 2010. While being a stereotype, the meme is still popular with all people who have ever had someone push them to do better, though much of the humor lies in the perception of Asian parents, particularly of the first generation, pressuring their children to work harder and do better or suffer their wrath in the form of grave disappointment. There exists also a site called, which similarly plays on the notion that an Asian dad is demanding top notch performance, and users can actually sign up to get text messages sent to them from their “Asian Dad”, in order to help them work harder. Notable examples of High Expectations Asian Father are: “8.9?

Why not 10.0?” Foul Bachelor Frog. Foul Bachelor Frog is one of the more easily understood and recognized memes, as his sayings commonly reflect the disgusting shortcuts and rather questionable personal habits of the male bachelor species. This meme is a variation of Advice Dog that originally surfaced late in June of 2009. It became so popular, that it became the number two copied image on (Socially awkward Penguin holds the title slot). Foul Bachelor Frog remains one of the small group of memes that continues to be popular on 4chan. There exist spinoffs of the Frog including Foul Bachelorette Frog , who was possibly invented when Foul Bachelor Frog got bored one day. Paranoid Parrot. The Paranoid Parrot is another Advice Dog spin-off, with a blue parrot head placed on a blue and orange color wheel.

Paranoid Parrot

This parrot has been placed on #11 on the Demigod List on MemeGenerator for its popularity, which it has achieved through over 16,000 recreations on MemeGenerator alone. This paranoid parrot has also got its own website, as well as a dedicated Tumblr site, Fuck Yeah Paranoid Parrot, which is daily updated with new statements from the paranoid parrot. Paranoid Parents. Philosoraptor. Obviously, the best place to acquire philosophical musings is from a velociraptor.


And the best velociraptor to go to in order to ponder the deeper meanings of life is Philosoraptor. Philosoraptor muses about all the questions in our lives that we should be asking. Sure, Plato had some interesting thoughts. Aristotle made some minor contributions. But it was only Philosoraptor who had the courage, the fortitude, and the insight to ask: “If a vegetarian eats vegetables, does a humanitarian eat humans?”

First world problems. Chemistry Cat. Age Of Empires. Cool Dog. The photo that the Cool Dog meme was derived from is one of those magical photo moments that are rarely captured but remain funny forever. These chance photos capture a moment that otherwise could not be repeated, no matter how hard someone tried. Cool Dog is definitely one of these, and subsequently had an entire meme spring up around it. Douchebag Roommate.