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French Slang

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Colloquial French for money: le fric, les thunes, le blé… Slang words and phrases used in dining and drinking. Reading time: 1 minuteDifficulty: Intermediate – Advanced It’s party time!

Slang words and phrases used in dining and drinking

Whether you’re out for a cozy dinner with your French friends or hitting the town for a night of drinking, merriment, and a little bit of mischief, how would you like to be the life of the party by knowing exactly the right words to say? Sounds awesome? You bet it is! So here you go with a list of words and phrases that you should arm yourself with. Please tell me in the comment section if there is some topics for vocab that you would like to review. 50 French Expressions and Slang to Sound Fluent. MORE French Expressions & Slang Need more French expressions and slang to sound more fluent?

50 French Expressions and Slang to Sound Fluent

These useful French expressions, words and slang are probably skipped in French class. We compiled a SECOND list of colloquial words you’ll hear in France. 61 French Text Slang and Instant Messaging Shortcuts. Text messaging and online chats are part of our daily lives and have introduced so many terms into the mainstream.

61 French Text Slang and Instant Messaging Shortcuts

You probably know about LOL, ROFL, IDK and their equivalent in your language. But what about if you would like to send a message in French? What text slang terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and shortcuts do French people use in instant messages and SMS? Here in this article, we'll take a look at common French text slang and their equivalent in English.

Get the PDF You can also get this list in PDF format. Learn French Online for Free: Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & Listening Resources - Free MP3s and Exercises. Buy French Language Tutorial as an e-book!

Learn French Online for Free: Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & Listening Resources - Free MP3s and Exercises

French Language Tutorial includes more than 200 pages of grammar and vocabulary topics, sample sentences, informal ways of speaking, cultural information about France, and an overview of French pronunciation. This e-book also comes with 200+ mp3s (more than FIVE HOURS) recorded by three native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Download the first 10 pages of French Language Tutorial (including the table of contents). NEW! The companion e-book, Informal and Spoken French, is also now available! 22 Embarrassingly Awkward English-French Translation and Pronunciation Mistakes. Have you ever had an embarrassing translation faux pas that is so cringe-worthy it made you want to duck to the nearest restroom and hide there forever?

22 Embarrassingly Awkward English-French Translation and Pronunciation Mistakes

Or probably pronounced a French word so inappropriately that it made everybody snicker? French words, with its subtle nuances and undertones, is quite easy to bungle. You might be saying something that you think is totally innocent, but the word you choose or a slight error in your pronunciation could all too easily make you sound like a horndog pervert…or even highly rude and offensive. Informal French Vocabulary: Common Expressions (New Video) - blog. The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them) Photo: Ben Raynal 1.

The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them)

The French don’t “piss you off”…they “shit you off” (Faire chier quelqu’un). 2. The French don’t call you “idiotic”…they call you “as dumb as a broom” (Être con comme un balai). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mini-guide to French slang. 10 Phrases You Won't Learn in French Class. By Emily C.

10 Phrases You Won't Learn in French Class

Sims The French are really very gifted at the insult. The fun part is that even though you’re saying something horrifically dirty, it still sounds elegant. Your French teacher definitely never taught you any of these. Use these phrases with caution! 1. ça me fait chier! Literal translation: That makes me shit. 2. Literal translation: Go yourself do fuck, asshole. 3. Literal translation: I fuck myself some. 4. Literal translation: Fuck your mother. 5. Literal translation: Break yourself Practical use: It essentially means ‘fuck off.’ 6.

Literal translation: This is some fucking around. 7. Expressions québécoises. Expressions québécoises. Note: En construisant cette page, mon objectif n'est pas d'opposer des "bons" mots à des "mauvais" mots.

Expressions québécoises

Je ne désire donc pas corriger les gens, loin de là! Je considère toutes les expressions québécoises populaires comme acceptables (à l'oral) et dignes de reconnaissance. Elles donnent au français d'ici toute sa saveur et sa particularité unique au monde. Chacune de ces expressions est un précieux héritage des ancêtres. Ainsi, quand un Québécois parle, il raconte par ses mots l'histoire de son peuple. Expressions diverses et très courantes: * Les trois repas ici sont: le déjeuner (matin), le dîner (midi) et le souper (soir). * Ajout de "-tu" après les questions: T'en veux-tu? * J'en ai en masse, j'en ai un char et puis une barge (beaucoup, en grande quantité) * Je suis tanné, c'est plate (j'en ai marre, c'est ennuyant / ennuyeux) * Je suis mal pris (en détresse, j'ai besoin d'aide) * Au Québec, on n'aime pas les gens qui s'énervent!

Mini-guide to French slang.