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CUMBERTO/SPACE--Nato Vachnadze St.9 / 2nd floor--0105 Tbilisi--T +995 32 996892 Film nights, performances, workshops, round tables, exhibitions November 2, 3, 4, 2007 8 p.m. Film nights November 7, 2007 6 p.m. Opening Everyday Is Saturday (the exhibition) November 8, 2007 1 – 3 p.m.
French language learning games
All French language learning exercises are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are suitable for both school kids and adult language learners. French language acquisition games that French learners can study with, that teachers can incorporate into lesson plans, or that can be used used in homeschooling environments. An introduction to listening, reading, comprehension and communication in the French language.
100 French Food/Drink Words and Phrases
It's Bastille Day! If only your 10th grade French teacher had taught you what you really need to know — impressing that special someone at the restaurant where you’re maxing out your credit card. Don’t let that stop you though, because what they say is true: France is a haven for food and wine enthusiasts of all levels, and French cuisine is a palate-expanding experience everyone should have. Try out some of my extensive choice vocabulary for avoiding snails, raw beef and frogs’ legs (although why would you want to?)
French Conjunctions ~ Les Conjonctions
Conjunctions provide a link between similar words or groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, people, etc. There are two types of French conjunctions: 1. Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words with an equal value. J'aime les pommes et les oranges.
French Fashion and Clothing Vocabulary
All the words you'll ever need when you go clothes shopping in store or online! C'est tout ce qu'il vous faut quand vous faites les courses dans les magasins ou sur l'internet ! Whilst doing some online shopping for clothes (more like window shopping as I spend hours browsing without actually buying anything!) I started to learn a whole heap of new words so I thought I'd compile some I found and share :)
Free French Course – Learn to Speak French
Learn French online with our French Resources! Whether you just want to learn a few French words and phrases, or you want to go further, we’ve got the answers to all your French language questions! We're talking great tools, great tips, audio lessons, and the inside word on how to speak French confidently and understand French quickly and effectively... Right here you‘ll find tons of French language resources that will really help you learn French.
Factories of the imagination
As a testimony of the know-how and running process of those places, this work also deals with the issues of their urban, social, cultural and political inscription in order to emphasise how they can be useful to cultural action. This publication is available in French version only, in our office but also in most TEH centres. We apologize for not being able to offer an English version anymore but it has been entirely sold out.