I grew up surrounded by white people — then I moved to Tennant Creek. It sure is different out here in Tennant Creek.
Growing up as I did in Sydney, surrounded by white people, I was taken by surprise when I first moved here – in the middle of Australia there were so many people with black skin like me. For some African migrants, this simple fact makes Tennant Creek feel familiar, a bit like home. Marcel Nkongolo, a Congolese nurse at Tennant Creek Hospital, says the town is even "slightly similar to Africa". "The culture, the weather — it's a little hotter here," he tells RN's Earshot.
Jane Ndove, a health policy worker with Zimbabwean roots, spent five hard years living in China as a black woman. Upon moving to Tennant Creek, she took comfort in her initial discovery of a smattering of Kenyans, Ghanaians, and Zambians forging a life for themselves in the outback. "I wasn't expecting to find anyone from the African community," she says. The surprises continue when you consider how African migrants share this space with Indigenous Australians. "Oh good. Story Place - Culture Victoria. Coronavirus: urban design must adapt to COVID-19 fears, risks.
News, latest-news, The long-term impacts of coronavirus on our cities are difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: cities won't die.
Diseases have been hugely influential in shaping our cities, history shows. 'It took 8000 hours': A puzzle of Melbourne's heart is spreading lockdown city love. Ms Clarke met Mr Brownlie "by serendipity": "He was sitting on a milk crate in the city sketching buildings".
Since lockdown word-of-mouth ramped up about a jigsaw of The Melbourne Map, a 1000-piece labor of love , producer Melinda Clarke has sold a 40-foot container worth of puzzles. "He said, 'I could probably do that in about four to six months'. I just laughed, I knew it would take at least a year. " The map that became the puzzle is so detailed it took two Mr Brownlie two and a half years. Digital colourist Sean Rodwell made each building, tram or street feature, "right down to the buoys on the Yarra" its true-to-life shade. Place & Space: Table of Contents.
PLACENESS, PLACE, PLACELESSNESS. The cover of my tattered, well-used 1974 edition of Yi-fu Tuan’s Topophilia.
The Various Inventions of TopophiliaThe word topophilia, which literally means love of place, was popularized by Yi-fu Tuan, a human geographer in his book Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes and Values, published in 1974. He apparently thought he had coined the word because he refers to it as a neologism that includes all of “the human being’s affective ties with the material environment” (p.93). WOW Travel Tracker. Healthy Cities And Liveability Specialist. Healthy Active by Design Sense of Place Checklist. Healthy Active by Design. The term “sense of place” describes how a person feels about a place and their relationship with that place.
These feelings are related to the physical characteristics of the environment and are developed over time. The physical setting, activities undertaken within that setting, and attachment come together to create a sense of place. [1] Specifically, people are drawn to and want to be part of places to which they have positive feelings. This-is-marrickville-not-mirvac-ville-sydney-councils-take-back-planning-powers-20180728-p4zu5c. Burden of disease Overview. Crime Statistics Agency Victoria. The information outlined in this section represents all offences recorded in the Victoria Police Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP), where Victoria Police have recorded a crime prohibited by criminal law.
These include crimes that have been reported to police as well as those identified by police. 2.1 Key movements in the number and rate of offences Victorian offence rate per 100,000 population, 10 year trend 24 month trend testing The CSA uses a 24 month trend test on each offence subdivision and Local Government Area to highlight changes that are statistically significant. Over the last 24 months, the major offence categories that showed significant upward trends were: Sexual offences (up 17.9% from 12,351 to 14,564)Dangerous and negligent acts endangering people (up 7.8% from 5,539 to 5,972) The major offence categories that showed significant downward trends were: All other major offence categories showed a stable trend over the last 24 months. 2.3 Regional profile.
Index of /wp-content/uploads. Resilience. Deakin University Library. 3.2.1 Models of Health. Turrell health inequalities. Healthy2BWorkplace2BKit. MMS: Error. Crash location data - TAC - Transport Accident Commission. On Track Survey 2019. When compared with results from previous years, the latest On Track survey results tell a consistent story about the difficulties and frustrations Victorian rail commuters face; but they also demonstrate the success of line extensions and station rebuilds born from government initiatives.
What needs to happen Victoria needs a transport system that allows commuters to choose how they will travel to and from their station, in a safe and accessible manner. Trains, trams and buses must connect and work together to help get people from point A to point B efficiently and reliably. State and local governments must pay greater consideration to the access needs of pedestrians and bike riders, and need to look at ways to accommodate emerging mobility devices such as e-scooters. What needs to happen Victoria needs a transport system that allows commuters to choose how they will travel to and from their station, in a safe and accessible manner. Research on Place and Space. Healthy Placemaking: Wellbeing Through Urban Design: Fred London: 9781859468838: Amazon.com: Books. New Urbanist Books. Health Districts. Tools. Section 3: Place and Identity - The People, Place, and Space Reader. Likewise, geographer Kay J.
Anderson describes how race and class privilege infused the social production of space in late 19th-century Vancouver, Canada. Anderson’s work examines the variety of material and social practices through which both racialized space and constructed notions of racialized difference were produced and naturalized. Her research looks at how “Chinatowns” were fabricated in many cities by white Europeans and Anglo- Americans in the 19th century. She focuses her careful examination on Vancouver to detail how those in power delineated difference and limited people marked as other—in this case the Chinese population—through the spatializations of cultural norms and values. This included labeling their cultural activities such as lodging, eating, gambling, and opium use as unsanitary or immoral, while refusing to extend sanitation services or employment to these communities. About Places Journal.
Sense of place2. Cross headwatersXII. Sense of Place – The Nature of Cities. Different people perceive the same city or neighborhood in different ways.
Melbourne_PS_Ordinance. Healthy Spaces & Places. 'Cover' in Health of People, Places and Planet by Colin D. Butler, Jane Dixon and Anthony G. Capon (eds) Making healthy places : designing and building for health, well-being, and ...: Deakin University Library Search. What is Sense of Place? - Thejas Jagannath - Medium. A sense of place is when people feel a longing of belonging towards a place or a city they are familiar with.
When people visit a place for the first time, there is a feeling of anxiety and excitement where they tend to explore their surroundings for the first time. If they enjoy the place and it has led to a positive emotion, then they will re-visit or return to the place. What is Placemaking? What if we built our communities around places? As both an overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighborhood, city, or region, Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, Placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, Placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.
With community-based participation at its center, an effective Placemaking process capitalizes on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, and it results in the creation of quality public spaces that contribute to people’s health, happiness, and well being. The Soundscapes of Australia by Fiona Richards.
Community Indicators Victoria. Home. - Health of People, Places and Planet - ANU. Foreword Stephen V. Boyden This remarkable collection of papers bears witness to the breadth, depth and originality of Tony McMichael’s outstanding contribution to the health sciences over the past four decades. Appropriately, contributions range from discussions of the results of epidemiological studies on specific health issues, many of which McMichael worked on himself, to the importance of a systems approach to epidemiology, and even to some philosophical issues such as how important the future really is.
Many papers refer to or focus on an area that was of special interest to McMichael over recent decades – the impacts of climate change on human health. Chapter 6. Love, loss and ‘going Home’: the intimate lives of Victorian settlers. In May 1885, Arbella Winter Cooke received a letter from her son Sam, who was on an extensive honeymoon in Europe. He and his wife, Alice, were having a wonderful time and liking Florence ‘very much’ but, Sam assured his mother, she need not fear that ‘it or any other place will charm us away from Victoria’. With a flourish, he added, ‘We are looking forward to our return Home.’
Samuel Winter Cooke (1847–1929) had been taught from early childhood that the great European cities on his tour were the centres of civilisation and culture. From the cosmopolitan city of Florence, however, he wrote to reassure his mother that all he longed for was held in the word ‘home’. Perils of place: identifying hotspots of health inequality. Perils of place: identifying hotspots of health inequality by Stephen Duckett Listen to a podcast of the authors discussing the report Hospitalisation rates for diabetes, tooth decay and other conditions that should be treatable or manageable out of hospital show how Australia’s health system is consistently failing some communities. The Art of Geography. What is the sense of place?
It is a combination of characteristics that makes a place special and unique. Sense of place involves the human experience in a landscape, the local knowledge and folklore. Sense of place also grows from identifying oneself in relation to a particular piece of land on the surface of planet Earth. Another way of looking at sense of place is contrast: places like strip malls have little sense of place because they more or less all look very similar, often have no name and no one who wants to spend any time there or write anything about them.
Whereas places that exhibit a strong sense of place have an identity and character recognized immediately by a visitor and valued deeply by residents. Writers and geographers have been thinking about the subject for some time. Sense of place. This post is part of the “Urban EE Essays” series (April 18–June 20, 2016). Losing childhood places in an age of regulatory rollback - Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA. Community and Quality of Life: Data Needs for Informed Decision Making. Downs, A. 2001. Place attachment. Welcome to the OPENspace Research Centre Website, Edinburgh Art College. Parks and open spaces. Design findings and recommendations. I'DGO. Getting from sense of place to place-based management: An interpretive investigation of place meanings and perceptions of landscape change — Experts@Minnesota.
The human measure of space: review of “Space and Place: Humanistic Perspective”, by Yi-Fu Tuan – The Cobble And The Frame. OECD Better Life Index. How’s Life? 'Ordinary' Australia probably isn't where you think it is. The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our Susceptibility to Burnout and Disease. I had lived thirty good years before enduring my first food poisoning — odds quite fortunate in the grand scheme of things, but miserably unfortunate in the immediate experience of it.
I found myself completely incapacitated to erect the pillars of my daily life — too cognitively foggy to read and write, too physically weak to work out or even meditate. Virtual Sense of Place: Terrain.org and the Online Nexus of Literature and Environment - Ecological Media Position by Simmons B. Buntin. AP Human Geo: Chapter 4 Vocabulary Flashcards. Improving Wellbeing through Urban Nature (IWUN) The Human–Nature Relationship and Its Impact on Health: A Critical Review. Does writing books still matter in an era of environmental catastrophe?
A few years ago, I found myself in Gunaikurnai country, in a place more recently given the lusty name Paradise Beach. I was driven there by my own strong settler/coloniser impulse, after googling a list of “cheapest beachside addresses in Australia”. My notion was that, given the unlikeliness of my owning an everyday home, I could skip straight to “beach house”. I was looking to cut off a slice of so called Australia, put a fence around it, and indulge in endless summer. Apo nid277911 1413056. Theconversation. Psychoterratica – Glenn A Albrecht. Healthearth ... healthearthealthearthealthearth: Solastalgia: A new psychoterratic condition. The Relevance of Place and Sense of Place to Sustainability. Living Streets. Let’s make Britain wild again and find ourselves in nature. Semken10 pbe4contest. Home - Healthy Spaces & Places. New South Wales Public Health Bulletin. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global.
Changing your life and going off the grid. Active & Healthy nature. Be Active. Australia’s first glow-in-the-dark footpath installed at Wyoming. Climate change threats to family farmers' sense of place and mental wellbeing: A case study from the Western Australian Wheatbelt. Mineral Policy Institute A Sense of place, a sense of loss: Australia’s Mining Legacies. Australian Broadcasting Corporation - /stories/mosaic. Pauline Hanson 'not offended' by Footscray mural depicting bulldog cocking leg on her face. Places you love. Natural disasters, climate change and mental health considerations for rural Australia - Morrissey - 2007 - Australian Journal of Rural Health. Surviving the Black Saturday Bushfires - POSTBEAM.
Research on Space & Place: Globalization, Glocalization and Place/Space. The end of global travel as we know it: an opportunity for sustainable tourism. Will coronavirus reverse globalisation? Place: Globalization & Glocalization. Globalisation and cultural identity - Big Ideas. A Sense of Place in Globalization. The Globalisation of Place and Space.
Who's Jackson? Construction of sense of place in the era of globalisation : a case study. 512. P&d disscussion paper 4. Globalization and the Politics of Place: Place and Identity in an Inner London Neighbourhood on JSTOR. Massey. Economic Globalisation. The impact of globalisation. Globalisation has made the world a better place.