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What is Placemaking?

What is Placemaking?
What if we built our communities around places? As both an overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighborhood, city, or region, Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, Placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, Placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution. With community-based participation at its center, an effective Placemaking process capitalizes on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, and it results in the creation of quality public spaces that contribute to people’s health, happiness, and well being. Placemaking begins at the smallest scale. Related:  People, Health and PlacebipbipPLACEMAKING

CIV | Community Indicators Victoria Les fermes urbaines, une solution d'avenir I Demain la Ville Architectes, urbanistes, entreprises, collectivités ou simples associations de riverains rivalisent ainsi d’inventivité pour répondre de concert à cette question fondamentale : “comment nourrira-t-on les mégapoles du futur ?” L’agriculture urbaine s’impose dès lors comme une tendance lourde, soutenue par le “local food” ou les jardins partagés. De quoi donner une certaine contenance à cette idée de ville autosuffisante, moins utopique qu’il n’y paraît. Mais est-ce vraiment une bonne chose ? B Cette ville au ventre plein, qui prend aujourd’hui son envol concret après des années de théorisation, est-elle totalement désirable ? La ville nourricière à l’épreuve de la densité Brooklyn Au premier plan de ces interrogations, se trouve l’adéquation de l’agriculture urbaine avec les préceptes de l’urbanisme durable dont elle se proclame l’héritière. La ville nourricière à l’épreuve de la santé Brooklyn Grange R

URBAN SCENARIO PLACETTE SALENGRO | ecosistema urbano . portfolio DUNKERQUE (FR) Client: Société Publique de l’agglomération Dunkerquoise Date: 2013 Status: Shortlisted competition Program: Urban scenario Scope: Urban revitalization and social activation of Salengro Square in the historical centre of Dunkerque. The idea of the BIG TABLE, developed for the competition Mise en place d’un Scenario Urbain, Placette Salengro, is an added value to the existing project for the urban requalification of Dunkerque’s city center through the activation of a living, mobile and playful urban “layer”. It is a targeted intervention in the city center, where the BIG TABLE can produce a recognizable and identifiable intensification of urban life. Our idea is not a monumental intervention, since it respects the graceful proportion of Placette Salengro, the natural paths in the urban context and the historical presence of Saint Eloi Church with its annexe belfry. The project has been conceived and developed with our french partners KOZ Architectes and Coloco.

FixCity : Home Home Au-delà du design-fiction : le « design-friction » ? Le design fiction est probablement l’un des meilleurs outils actuels pour (ré)inventer le futur. Formulée dès 2009 par Julian Bleecker (in A Short Essay on Design, Science, Fact and Fiction, à voir aussi en vidéo), cette méthode mêlant design, prospective et créativité connaît depuis un bel essor dans les milieux spécialisés, notamment grâce au concours de l’écrivain-essayiste Bruce Sterling. Celui-ci définit ainsi le design fiction comme « the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief about change. […] The important word there is diegetic. Le plus intéressant, dans le design fiction, repose sur son caractère réaliste. Ce qui confère au design fiction un ambitieuse vocation pédagogique, comme l’explique très justement Hubert Guillaud en synthétisant une conférence dudit Bruce Sterling : « Le design-fiction ne produit pas des canulars. Ce sont à ces futurs naïfs que le design fiction, tel que théorisé par Julian Bleecker et ses compères, tente de s’attaquer.

THIS IS NOT AN UMBRELLA | ecosistema urbano . portfolio Client: Intermediae Matadero Date: 2008 Status: Competition 2nd Prize Program: Temporary cover for the courtyard at Matadero Contemporary Art center Scope: Concept design This is not an umbrella is the confluence of both scientific and poetic reasonings: A lightweight, low cost and superficial solution which enables the climatic control of a large outdoor space. The proposal is thought as a citizen participation action, incorporating the temporary use of 1.500 everyday objects (umbrellas) that convey a complex and rich new image, and provide the patio with a pleasant shade. With no maintenance required, fast assembly and easy disassembly, nor waste generated, this simple solution can be configured in multiple ways throughout its useful life. Related links: Post on our blog:

Give a Minute! Chapter 6. Love, loss and ‘going Home’: the intimate lives of Victorian settlers In May 1885, Arbella Winter Cooke received a letter from her son Sam, who was on an extensive honeymoon in Europe. He and his wife, Alice, were having a wonderful time and liking Florence ‘very much’ but, Sam assured his mother, she need not fear that ‘it or any other place will charm us away from Victoria’. With a flourish, he added, ‘We are looking forward to our return Home.’ Samuel Winter Cooke (1847–1929) had been taught from early childhood that the great European cities on his tour were the centres of civilisation and culture. In the past year, I have been reading the diaries and correspondence of the Western District squatting families of Victoria, selecting documents for publication. In all the correspondence that flowed between the old world and the new, there was no sense of displacement across nations. Figure 6.1: Murndal Homestead. Photographer unknown. Of Anglo-Irish gentry stock, Arbella must have been a formidable woman. Edmund’s story ended more tragically. Feby 9th.
