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New Urbanism

New Urbanism
Related:  Transportation

Homepage Transforming Urban Transport Program Director: Diane Davis 2013-2016 Sponsors: Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) Harvard University's Graduate School of Design is hosting "Transforming Urban Transport—The Role of Political Leadership," a research project sponsored by Volvo's Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) and led by GSD Professor Diane Davis. This project seeks to advance our knowledge of how, when, and where political leadership has been critical to the successful implementation of path-breaking transportation policies. It will do so through case study research of 8-10 cities where political leadership has been central to the adoption and implementation of significant, transformative, and innovative transportation policies in their locales. For more information, please visit the Transforming Urban Transport website.

Home || Smart Growth Online How to Build a Village by Claude Lewenz Many of us have these secret dreams. Dreams that don’t fit into our current experience but we can’t get them out of our hearts. Dreams of a life without alienation. Where we live close to our relatives but not in their laps. For many years I’ve been praying for village life. We moved to Byron Bay to try to capture some sense of village. Enter stage left, Claude Lewenz. Born of 16 years researching, brainstorming with friends and colleagues, experimenting and finally living his dream, Claude Lewenz’s book, “How to Build a Village”, answers our prayers. Where did Claude Lewenz get all these wonderful ideas? I grew up in a supportive neighbourhood where not only did no one lock their doors, but after school I could walk into a neighbour’s home and visit… no knocking, just a welcome. Was there a moment you realised you must be part of changing the way we live together to save our world? For me, saving the world is not real, because it is a derivative experience. Economically viable.

Home | SAP HANA Accelerate the pace of innovation with SAP HANA – an in-memory platform that runs analytics applications smarter, business processes faster, and data infrastructures simpler…SAP HANA is the foundation for all your data needs, removing the burden of maintaining separated legacy systems and siloed data, so you can run simple in this new digital economy. ➤ Accelerate Database Processing Process transactions and analytics against a single copy of data in-memory for real-time insight ➤ Deliver More Intelligence Use advanced analytical processing for deeper insight into the past, present, and future ➤ Create Next-Generation Applications Design and deploy intuitive applications to deliver the right information at the right time to business users ➤ Integrate All Types of Data Access large volumes of data from a variety of sources to unlock insights never seen before ➤ Simplify Your IT Environment Reduce complexity with an unified, yet open, platform on premise or in the cloud

progressive reactionary : architectures, cities, politics Inter Cell City/Shimizu's Dream - Shimizu Corporation Creating a Sustainable, Environmentally Conscious City Inter Cell City refers to a concept city proposed by Shimizu for the International Competition for Sustainable Urban System Design. Entries for this competition were required to incorporate measures that address the following three areas related to energy efficiency and urban systems for 21st-century society. 1. Proposal for a sustainable urban system that can be self-sustained for more than 100 years 2. To tackle this colossal project, Shimizu organized a team consisting of employees with a wide range of expertise and invited Takao Kashiwagi, professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Naomichi Kurata, professor at Kogakuin University, to join as advisers on energy issues and urban planning issues, respectively. The Inter Cell City concept seeks to create a sustainable urban system composed of a distributed network of small-scale, self-sufficient units. Small-scale inter-cell circulation system

Ley de Movilidad impulsa la regularización del transporte | Revista Magazzine Con una población superior a los 20 millones de habitantes, que genera y atrae cerca de 31 millones de viajes al día y una posesión vehicular cercana a los 6 millones de automóviles, la presión para la prestación de servicios públicos, hacen de la movilidad su gran reto, en una ciudad que rebasó hace varias décadas su dimensión racional, aseveró Jesús Padilla Zenteno, Director General de CISA-Metrobús y presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Transporte y Movilidad (AMTM). Quien reconoció el esfuerzo de la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal y del Gobierno del Distrito Federal (GDF) por crear un nuevo marco legal regulatorio de la movilidad con un enfoque que reconoce el derecho a la movilidad, prioriza el espacio vial y establece criterios de planeación, que anteriormente privilegiaban al automóvil. Respecto al tema del transporte público, agregó, la Ley de Movilidad señala varios elementos de fortalecimiento institucional para regularlo.

GeoDesign Knowledge Portal The definition of GeoDesign is still evolving. A few often quoted ones include: Most recent: "Geodesign is a design and planning method which tightly couples the creation of a design proposal with impact simulations informed by geographic context and systems thinking normally supported by digital technology." "Geodesign is changing geography by design." "Geodesign is a design and planning method which tightly couples the creation of design proposals with impact simulations informed by geographic contexts." "Geodesign is a set of techniques and enabling technologies for planning built and natural environments in an integrated process, including project conceptualization, analysis, design specification, stakeholder participation and collaboration, design creation, simulation, and evaluation (among other stages)." From the SDS perspective, GeoDesign has a broader sense and a narrower sense. This sense is similar to Steinitz's definition above.

Arranca remodelación en Cetram Chapultepec | AGU - Síntesis Informativa Hace GDF adecuaciones viales y retira ambulantes. Contempla proyecto pasos a desnivel, parque elevado y ramblas. La remodelación del Centro de Transferencia Modal (Cetram) Chapultepec están en marcha. Se trata de una inversión privada que alcanzará los 3 mil 440 millones de pesos para una “cirugía” mayor en la zona. Los trabajos incluyen adecuaciones viales, pasos a desnivel, túneles vehiculares, retiro de comerciantes informales y rescate de espacios. El proyecto contempla la construcción de una plaza comercial, tiendas de autoservicio, así como un complejo de oficinas y una clínica, todo en una torre de 41 niveles. Hace menos de un mes, comenzó el traslado de unos 100 ambulantes que trabajaban en las banquetas en calles como José Vasconcelos y Veracruz, en la Colonia Condesa. La acción provocó quejas de vecinos, pues algunos de los comerciantes fueron reubicados en calles como Agustín Melgar, donde hay saturación de autos. “Todo bajo una perspectiva de acceso universal”, dijo. Manuel Durán
