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DN2 DN16 Ethics and Professionalism

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NHS Safeguarding. YOU HAVE ACCESSED THE E-LEARNING TRAINING ON PREVENT. You have accessed a new training package.


While we have been rigorous in our testing, if you do experience any technical difficulties - for example audio or video playback disruption, or problems progressing through the product - please inform the technical team via email to help them resolve these issues as quickly as possible: Please note: This package is currently designed for those across the education and local authority sectors. The following case studies therefore focus on either vulnerable individuals attended by social workers in home environments; or at risk students who are supported by a teacher raising a concern. While the learnings in both instances are applicable across all public sectors, more sector-specific versions of this eLearning are in development, including those aimed at both mental and clinical health staff. Was Not Brought implementation guide AW. Rethinking ‘Did Not Attend’

General Dental Council. Standards for the Dental Team. Standards for the Dental Team sets out the standards of conduct, performance and ethics that govern you as a dental professional.

Standards for the Dental Team

The documents on this page are all effective from 30 September 2013. ​ We cannot issue additional hard copies of Standards for the Dental Teambut you can download printer-friendly versions from this web page. One of the requirements in Standards for the Dental Team (6.6.11) requires those who manage a team to display the following information in an area where it can be seen easily by patients:​ The fact that they are regulated by the GDC.The nine principles contained within Standards for the Dental Team.

General Dental Council - Focus On Standards. Scope of practice. ​The Scope of Practice sets out the skills and abilities each registrant group should have.

Scope of practice

It is not an exhaustive list of all tasks that someone can do. Your scope of practice is likely to change over the course of your career, whether because of changes in the technology of dentistry, or your further training and development. ​​ The Scope of Practice also describes additional skills that you might develop after registration to increase your scope of practice. You may expand your scope by developing additional skills, or you may deepen your knowledge of a particular area by choosing more specialised practice. CPD. Care Quality Commission. Decontamination in primary care dental practices (HTM 01-05) Guidance for students. Here you can find a range of guidance materials for students and training providers, as well as patients receiving care from students.

Guidance for students

For examples of professionalism and how they relate to our standards during training take a look at our student case studies. To look at case studies relating to what may happen once you register, there's more information on the Focus on Standards area of the website. Information for dental patients - receiving care and treatment from students ​For more information on what patients expect when receiving care from student dental professionals, download our patient leaflet here. Student professionalism and fitness to practise - an introduction for students If you are considering training to be a dental professional, or are just starting your course, you can find out the key things you need to know about what is expected of student dental professionals here. Student professionalism and fitness to practise an introduction for students. Young Citizens - Promoting British values in schools. Schools must promote British values, says UK Government As of November 2014, schools must promote British values.

Young Citizens - Promoting British values in schools

Advice from the DfE is to do so through SMSC, though Ofsted will assess it through the curriculum too. In its press release on 27 November 2014, the Department for Education told all schools to promote 'British values' and produced advice for doing so through SMSC. Ofsted wants to see a school ethos and climate that promotes 'British values' at every level. Inspectors will assess 'British values' through SMSC, the curriculum and school leadership. And Ofsted now pays a lot of attention to SMSC when deciding whether your school is 'outstanding', 'inadequate' or somewhere in between. (Although this website is concerned mainly with primary and secondary education, the British values and Prevent agendas affect early years provision too.

According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are: How must we teach it? What must be taught? How will it be assessed? Prevent duty guidance. Court of Appeal judgment The Court of Appeal ruled on 8 March 2019 that one paragraph contained within the Prevent duty guidance for higher education institutions in England and Wales (paragraph 11) was unlawful.

Prevent duty guidance

The same, or a very similar, paragraph is also contained in the Prevent duty guidance for further education institutions in England and Wales (paragraph 8), the Prevent duty guidance for higher education institutions in Scotland (paragraph 11), and the Prevent duty guidance for further education institutions in Scotland (paragraph 8). This judgment only affects that one paragraph in each of those documents and the rest of those documents, and the other Prevent duty guidance documents, should continue to be read as before.

Higher and further education institutions affected by the Prevent duty should refer to the court’s judgment, in particular paragraphs 158 to 177. The government is considering the ruling and will announce its next steps in due course. Modern Slavery - YouTube. Modern Slavery Awareness. Slavery is closer than you think – watch the new Modern Slavery campaign TV advert to find out more. GLAA Modern Slavery.