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Appetizers and Side Dishes

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Цветная капуста, запеченная в духовке с сырным соусом. Я предлагаю вам попробовать очень интересный вариант гарнира: запеченную цветную капусту в густом сырном соусе.

Цветная капуста, запеченная в духовке с сырным соусом

Это блюдо — своеобразный компромисс между здоровыми овощными гарнирами и сытными, тяжелыми, но такими вкусными запеканками. Рецепт этого блюда похож, как бы это странно ни звучало, на рецепт традиционных макарон с сыром, только вместо макарон мы берем цветную капусту, чем существенно сокращаем количество углеводов в блюде. Однако предупреждаю, сыр и масло никуда не исчезают, особенно диетичным этот гарнир не назовешь. Вам потребуется: Капуста цветная — 1 кг Масло сливочное — 55 г Мука пшеничная — 30 г Порошок горчичный — 2 ч.л.

Соль — по вкусу Перец черный — по вкусу Орех мускатный — 2 щепотка (-и) (по желанию) Молоко — 500 мл Сыр полутвердый — 160 г Петрушка — 3 ст.л. Как готовить: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Кабачковые оладьи теперь готовлю только так! Мягкие блинчики, похожие на драники, придут по вкусу даже тем, кто равнодушно относится к овощным закускам.

Кабачковые оладьи теперь готовлю только так!

Они вполне сойдут за самостоятельное блюдо, только испеките побольше! Кабачковые оладьи по-турецки отличаются тем, что в тесто добавляют много зелени и сливочный сыр: подойдет фета, адыгейский или брынза. Кабачки используйте молодые, можно цукини — блюдо получит более аппетитный цвет. Ингредиенты Кабачок 800 гЛук 2 шт.Яйцо 2 шт.Разрыхлитель 1 ч. л.Пшеничная мука 0,5 стак.Брынза 200 гПетрушка 0,5 пуч.Укроп 0,5 пуч.Соль по вкусуОливковое масло 3 ст. л.Сметана 1 стак.Чеснок 3 зуб. Рецепт вкуснейших кавказских лепёшек! Если любишь лепешки так, как люблю их я, этот рецепт для тебя!

Рецепт вкуснейших кавказских лепёшек!

Хычины — неотъемлемая составляющая кухни Северного Кавказа. Вариантов начинок может быть много, но наиболее традиционная — из сыра с зеленью. Сочная сырная закуска на скорую руку. Простая и вкусная закуска, подходит к утреннему завтраку или для перекуса.

Сочная сырная закуска на скорую руку

Готовятся быстро, достаточно свернуть конвертики и обжарить на сковороде. По желанию можно добавить ветчину или кусочки отварного мяса. лаваш, 2 штукплавленый сыр, 200 граммукроп, 1 пуч.чеснок, 3 зубч.яйцо, 2 штуксоль, 1/3 ч. л. Кабачковые блинчики. Не слышали про такие?

Кабачковые блинчики

Приготовьте! Кабачковые блины точно заслужат вашу любовь! Ингредиенты: Закуска из лаваша: идеально для пикника или просто к ужину. Начинается сезон шашлыков, пикников и поездок на природу.

Закуска из лаваша: идеально для пикника или просто к ужину

Пирожки с зеленым луком и яйцом. Сегодня у нас абсолютно беспроигрышный рецепт потрясающих пирожков со свежим зеленым луком и яйцом.

Пирожки с зеленым луком и яйцом

Тесто для пончиков и пирожков за 15 минут! Caprese Stuffed Garlic Butter Portobellos - Cafe Delites. Remember those Grilled Avocado Caprese Crostini?

Caprese Stuffed Garlic Butter Portobellos - Cafe Delites

Well, I’ve been asked to do a lower carb version from a few of my followers on Instagram. And I think this pretty much covers it. Then, of course, topped with fresh shredded basil for the Caprese finishing touch. Best Cheesy Spinach-Artichoke Quesadillas Recipe - How to Make Cheesy Spinach-Artichoke Quesadillas. Garlic-Stuffed Challah Knots. INGREDIENTS (10 challah rolls) For the dough: 1 egg 1/3 cup olive oil 1 3/4 cups warm water.

Garlic-Stuffed Challah Knots

Zucchini Pizza Bites - Zucchini Pizza. As passionate pizza lovers, we're looking for inventive ways to combine sauce, cheese, and pepperoni as often as humanly possible.

Zucchini Pizza Bites - Zucchini Pizza

For us, that means a lotta pizza, so finding swaps for the carb-heavy dough is key. We've stuffed mushrooms with pizza ingredients—potatoes, too—and made pizz-ified baked eggs. Chelsea Lupkin Advertisement - Continue Reading Below But we couldn't forget about something that felt summer-ready.


Salads. Sides or Seperate. Roasted Veggetables. Potato Dishes. Sauces and Dips. Stuffed Eggplant. Stuffed Eggplant Cooking is how I show my love for my family and friends. Is it that way for you? Caprese Stuffed Portobellos. These stuffed portobellos are such a delicious way to take care of that caprese craving you have been having! They are filled with a creamy mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, and topped with basil! Just waiting to be demolished at any point in time! Just the way the cheese browns at the top is sooooo mouth watering! Don’t even get me started on butter sauce, and the glaze!

Yes please! Garlic butter: 2 Tbsp Butter 2 Cloves garlic, crushed 1 Tbsp Freshly chopped parsley Mushrooms: 3 large Portobello Mushrooms, stem removed, washed and dried 5 fresh mozzarella cheese balls, sliced thinly 1 CUP Cherry tomatoes, sliced thinly Fresh Basil, shredded to garnish. Mini Spinach-Artichoke Frittatas Recipe. Warm Spinach & Artichoke Cups Recipe. Mini Chicken Pot Pie Bites. Growing up I was no stranger to chicken pot pies.

Granted, the ones my mom and I loved to eat were those packaged Marie Callender’s frozen meals that you stick in the oven, but they were delicious nonetheless and would bake up to flaky perfection. I remember carefully picking out all the peas (which I considered little squishy balls of doom at the time) and ration out the perfect crust-to-filling ratio for every bite. Mhmm… I can almost taste them now. Savory and Sweet Food. Chicken nachos- a super fun appetizer, or a perfect first course for any party or like how we have it – the main course. Im sure most of you have tried this before, but if you haven’t, i swear this is going to be your new favorite. Actually there are just three serious ingredients to consider when creating the perfect plate of nachos and those are chips, cheese, and the toppings. Chips, of course tortilla chips (you can use either flavored or plain), cheese – you will need both cheddar and mozzarella and toppings is the fun part, you can use whatever you wish to use.

There is a wide choice for toppings, like salsa, beans, capsicum, store bought chicken, corn, tomatoes, olives etc etc and list can go on. Mexican Cheesy Chicken Bake. In a blink of an eye, another school year has come and gone. Both of our boys finished school today, 1st and 7th grade, and I couldn’t be prouder of them. It seems like just yesterday, they were little babies and I can’t believe how quickly the years have passed. Do you ever feel nostalgic like that this time of year or is it just me? I am so happy for all they accomplished and how much they grew this year, but for whatever reason, I get a little sad thinking about it. To me, it means another day closer to them “growing up”. Creamy Pesto Tomato Bites. I’ve got another fun snack idea for you today, with just three ingredients! These little creamy pesto tomato bites are so simple to make, and even more fun to eat. These make great before dinner bites, after school snacks, and even great appetizers for parties.

Apples and Sparkle: Caprese-Style Stuffed Tomatoes with Balsamic Reduction. I have reached that point in the summer now where I am kicking myself for not having planted a couple of tomato plants in the back yard this year and a big pot of basil to go along with it. Eight years ago I grew the most amazing garden which included 4 types of heirloom tomatoes and it was the best food summer I think I've ever experienced. I always find myself comparing what I am eating each summer to all the amazing food I enjoyed that year. And really it was all centered around those amazing tomatoes, there is just really nothing in the world that compares to a tomato from your own garden. I swear I am going to have that experience again, it just didn't happen THIS summer. And you know, that's okay. Baked Parmesan Tomatoes -EW. Pesto Yogurt Chicken Kebabs - Garnish with Lemon. These Pesto Yogurt Chicken Kebabs stay tender on the grill thanks to a leisurely marinade in protein-rich Greek yogurt and basil pesto.

I shivered just a bit when I turned the page on the calendar this month. Not because I was cold, mind you, but because I realized that my kids only have a handful of days of school remaining. Am I ready for them to be home? Yes. Cheeseburger Mini Muffins Recipe. Baked Zucchini Chips Recipe. Potato Stuffed Hot Dogs. Zucchini Cheddar Drop Biscuits. Hiiiiiii, you cute people, you! You’re looking mighty fine on this sunny Monday morning. Have I told you that lately? Well you dooo….I have some biscuits for you. Wait… Chorizo Chile Poppers - Garnish with Lemon. Smoky heat and cool lime crema make these Chorizo Chile Poppers irresistible little bites. Did you catch any of our Miami fun on Instagram last week? We were in town for the BlogHer Food conference and delighted in dipping our toes in the sands of South Beach, eating our way through the flavors of the city and meeting and catching up with friends, both old and new.

I had never visited Miami before, but you can be sure I’ll be back. One of the highlights of our trip was a sumptuous dinner on Miami Beach with McCormick Spices. I’m sure you all probably have a bottle or two (or many more) of McCormick spices in your pantry right now. Now let’s level set here for a minute. P.S. Cheesy Garlic Cauliflower Bread Sticks.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust with Roasted Vegetables and Goat Cheese - Domesticate ME! Like most normal humans, I love pizza. As a small child, my pizza fetish (coupled with my grilled cheese addiction) led to such high cholesterol levels that my pediatrician actually forced my parents to limit my consumption. In order to avoid a very tiny grave, I was only allowed to eat pizza every other week for an entire year. Needless to say, 1993 sucked. Prosciutto Pizza with Cauliflower Crust Recipe. Low-carb cauliflower pizza. Grilled Margherita Pizza. Honey Lime Cauliflower Hot Wings. Cauliflower and Feta Fritters. Peas and Crayons: Bell Pepper Pizzas. Baked Zucchini Sticks. RECIPE OVERVIEW. Grilled Portobello Bruschetta Recipe Recipe. Pizza Stuffed Mushrooms.

Portobello Sliders. Steak and Cheese Stuffed Pretzel Bites. Deviled Eggs with a Twist Recipe. Strudel Pasties - Savoury. Rattlesnake Bite Hot Dog Appetizers Recipe. Sriracha Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings. Cinnamon Brown Sugar Bacon. Life-Changing Loaf. Challah (Baked in a Barbecue) Braided Spaghetti Bread. Cheese Straws. Pizza Cake. Spinach and egg pizzette. Cheesy Spinach & Bacon Quesadillas. Spinach-Cheese Bake. Perogie Recipes - How to Make Authentic Homemade Pierogies - Pittsburgh Pierogies. Crispy Fried Tofu & Sesame Dipping Sauce. Homemade Asian Pork Potstickers with Handmade Wrappers. Jiaozi (Chinese Dumplings) Shortcut Chicken Potstickers Recipe. Vegrecipesofindia. Char Siu Bao (Pork Buns) Chinese Vegetarian Potsticker Recipe with Tofu.

Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili. Cabbage and Red Pepper Stuffed Crescents Recipe.